
The ugly CBA Finals, the Basketball Association is the culprit! Pit the CBA

The ugly CBA Finals, the Basketball Association is the culprit! Pit the CBA

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The ugly CBA Finals, the Basketball Association is the culprit! Pit CBA? What's going on here? In recent years, the CBA league has been in the spotlight, but this year's finals have sparked numerous controversies.

The ugly CBA Finals, the Basketball Association is the culprit! Pit the CBA

The referee's decision, the fairness of the game, and even the performance of the players have become hot topics.

What is it that makes what should be an exciting match so chaotic? Some say it was the basketball association's inaction and mismanagement that pushed the CBA into the abyss.

Is this true? What are the unknown insiders behind it? Let's find out what role the basketball association played behind this ugly finals.

The ugly CBA Finals, the Basketball Association is the culprit! Pit the CBA

CBA Finals, that's really unbearable! This terrible performance, the Chinese Basketball Association definitely has to bear the cauldron! Let's talk about this today.

If you look at the game between the Liaoning men's basketball team and the Xinjiang team, the result is really speechless.

The quality of the game is so bad that you can't watch it, it's like a child playing at home, and there is nothing to watch.

We fans spend money and time, but we don't come to see this kind of farce!

If you want to talk about this basketball association, there are many places for dereliction of duty.

The ugly CBA Finals, the Basketball Association is the culprit! Pit the CBA

The development of youth basketball has no direction, and the Basketball Association does not give some effective guidance and support.

There are few high-level international referees, can this competition environment be good? There are also those fake whistles, black whistles, and all kinds of interest disputes, which have simply brought the atmosphere to ruin.

What can young players do in such an environment?

Let's talk about Han Dejun, people have the advantage of age and experience, but what about those young players, they make mistakes again and again, and they don't know how to deal with any situations.

The ugly CBA Finals, the Basketball Association is the culprit! Pit the CBA

and Abdul Salamu, as an MVP player, his performance in the World Series is also questionable.

Shouldn't this make the basketball association reflect on the development of players and the environment of the game?

Looking at the current situation of the overall decline of Chinese basketball, it is really distressing.

All kinds of vices and unspoken rules are rampant in the game.

Some players don't rely on skills, but on relationships and backgrounds, and the fate of those with and without the backstage is simply different.

On the world stage, it has also failed one after another, and compared with the past, the strength of the Chinese team has plummeted.

The ugly CBA Finals, the Basketball Association is the culprit! Pit the CBA

The performance of the specific game was even worse, and even those opponents in Asia couldn't beat it.

Let's talk about the foreign referee.

Why did the foreign referee suddenly change in the last round? Is it really okay to introduce foreign referees for fairness? Fans and industry insiders are all talking about it.

Look at our domestic referees, there is no shadow on the international stage, and the Basketball Association does not cultivate and trust them, can this work?

Let's take this finals as an example, it is simply a trampling on the enthusiasm of fans.

The ugly CBA Finals, the Basketball Association is the culprit! Pit the CBA

Everyone is looking forward to the screen or rushing to the scene, wanting to see the exciting and passionate basketball matchup, but the result? What I saw was such a farce, how could this not make people disappointed and angry?

The players who are supposed to be playing well on the field also seem to have lost themselves in this environment.

They may have their own frustrations and grievances, but that doesn't excuse this poor performance.

They were supposed to be heroes on the field, but they became bleak in such an atmosphere.

If you look at the operation of the league as a whole, the role played by the basketball association in it is really too important.

The ugly CBA Finals, the Basketball Association is the culprit! Pit the CBA

But they didn't do their job well and didn't create an environment for the players to really grow and play.

The development of youth basketball is related to the future of Chinese basketball, but now it is confused and does not know where to go.

What a sad thing to do!

There are also problems such as black whistles and false whistles, which seriously affect the fairness and purity of the game.

A game that should have been fair play has become unrecognizable because of these bad factors.

This not only hurts the hard work and dedication of the players, but also hurts the feelings of the fans.

The ugly CBA Finals, the Basketball Association is the culprit! Pit the CBA

Chinese basketball used to have glorious times, but now it has fallen to such a point.

We can't let this continue any longer, we have to get the basketball association to do something and make a difference.

They can no longer sit idly by, and they can no longer let Chinese basketball continue to sink.

What we hope to see is a healthy, fair and vibrant CBA league, and a Chinese basketball that can cultivate excellent players and shine on the world stage.

The Basketball Association must shoulder this responsibility and solve the problem fundamentally, rather than doing it perfunctorily.

The ugly CBA Finals, the Basketball Association is the culprit! Pit the CBA

Dear fans and friends, let us take action together and call on the Basketball Association to carry out reforms.

Let our voices be heard, let our forces come together, and promote Chinese basketball to a better future.

Do you think I'm right? Let's discuss! Let's work together for the rise of Chinese basketball!

Think about it, we love basketball, we pay attention to the CBA, do we want to see such a chaotic situation? Of course not!

The ugly CBA Finals, the Basketball Association is the culprit! Pit the CBA

What we want to see is a great game, a fighting spirit of the players who give it their all, and a fair and just competitive environment.

The current situation is a great disappointment. As a manager, the basketball team has an unshirkable responsibility.

They should deeply reflect on what they have done, think about why the league has become so bad, and why it has put Chinese basketball in such a predicament.

The ugly CBA Finals, the Basketball Association is the culprit! Pit the CBA

Those players who do not perform well in the game, maybe they also have their own grievances and helplessness, but this cannot be a reason for them not to work hard and not improve.

They have a high salary, they enjoy the love and support of the fans, and they should repay everyone with better performances.

Instead of doing nothing in such a grand final, and even making some low-level mistakes.

There are also off-field factors, such as conflicts of interest, which should not be factors that affect the game.

Basketball should be pure, full of passion and dreams.

The ugly CBA Finals, the Basketball Association is the culprit! Pit the CBA

But now, these off-court distractions have turned basketball on the sour.

We can't be silent anymore, we have to let the Basketball Association know our dissatisfaction and know our expectations for Chinese basketball.

We need to make them aware of the magnitude of the problem and take action to change the situation.

We want to see more young players with potential get the opportunity to grow and not be buried by some irrational factors.

We want to see the referees enforce the law impartially and that the outcome of the game is truly determined by the quality and performance of the players.

The ugly CBA Finals, the Basketball Association is the culprit! Pit the CBA

The future of Chinese basketball is in the hands of the Basketball Association, and if they continue to do so, then the future of Chinese basketball will be bleak.

We can't let that happen, we have to work for the future of Chinese basketball.

All of this shows that the Basketball Association has a huge and destructive impact on the CBA and Chinese basketball! We fans don't agree! The Basketball Association must have deep introspection and hurry up to reform!

The ugly CBA Finals, the Basketball Association is the culprit! Pit the CBA

Do you think this is the reason? Let's share your thoughts in the comment section! Let's speak up for the future of Chinese basketball together!