
In the days when I worked beside the secretary of the county party committee, the first book, the second chapter, the 9 mass appeals, the first section of the duty memory

author:Temple of Literature Mountain Residence

Chapter 2 9 The Demands of the Masses

(Brief introduction: No matter when or in any place, there are always any demands from the masses that are reflected in the above.) Because there was no separation of the party and the government at that time, and the government had not yet been set up separately, the masses came to the county party committee to find leaders. In those years, it was mainly the farmers who patched up their scars in old clothes, and they also had a special way of reporting problems. )


Chapter 2 9 (1): Watchman Memories 257.................. 261

Chapter II, Section 9(2): to reflect the situation262.................. 266


Chapter 2 9 Demands of the Masses Section (1): Memory of the Watchman

(Abstract: Because he was on duty during the day and night on Sundays, Xiao Zou dealt with the county public security bureau and asked the car to go out to solve the case.) There is also the matter of the county hospital asking the county party committee to send patients to Chengdu by car. Farmers once came to borrow rubber shoes from him, and even almost fought someone who looked like a madman. In fact, these are all reflections of the will of the masses, but in a special way. )

Xiao Zou is particularly easy to be assigned to be on duty, especially on Saturday nights, and during the day on Sundays. The main reason for this is that there are many cadres whose families are in the rural areas, so they naturally have more farm work and housework. Xiao Zou heard some of them say, if their family is also in the city? Then Sunday can be all contributed. Xiao Zou doesn't talk much and is often on duty, but sometimes he is not a person inside and out.

In the days when I worked beside the secretary of the county party committee, the first book, the second chapter, the 9 mass appeals, the first section of the duty memory

One of the mountain gates of Erwangmiao in Dujiangyan City

In the middle of the night one night, the county public security bureau called and said that a murder case had occurred near the "March 21" cadre school in Yutang, and the county had asked the county to send them to the scene to investigate and crack the case and arrest people. At that time, the public security bureau did not have any cars, only a few motorcycles and some public bicycles. During the day, he works on motorcycles and bicycles, and at night when there is a big case, he asks the county party committee for a car. As mentioned in the previous chapter, the county party committee's car was first an American jeep; Then in 1972, there was a Tianjin Jeep, a blue Warsaw car sent by the archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; In 1973, there was a Beijing Jeep, and in the same year, the American Jeep was scrapped. Master Gong drove a Meijeep and then a Beijing Jeep. Tianjin Jeep and Warsaw cars are all driven by other people.

When I received a call from the Public Security Bureau asking for a car, it was already more than 1 o'clock in the middle of the night. Xiao Zou came directly to the door of Master Gong's bedroom under the big osmanthus tree, called him up and asked what to do? Gong thought that he had to run anyway, so he didn't have to wake up the leader in the middle of the night, so Master Gong drove by himself. Later, some people accused Xiao Zou of being the master! But Deputy Director Qin Shihai didn't say anything.

Another time, the county hospital called in the middle of the night to transfer back its ambulance and send a critically ill patient to the provincial capital for rescue. At that time, there was an ambulance in the county hospital, which was requested by the county leaders from the Liujiang area. There are many people in the county to go to the provincial capital or region for meetings, and many things have to be borrowed when transporting things. In March 1971, the leaders of the office group of the county revolutionary committee sent Xiao Zou to the Liujiang area printing house to transport back the study materials for the whole party building in Mao County. Xiao Zou and an ambulance driver surnamed Luo set off from Chengguan together. When they left Chengguan, they carried more than 10 hitchhikers in their car, and the car was packed. The ambulance was like a station wagon, detouring to Hexi, Maoxian County, to put the people in the car; Delivered one by one and then went to Chongzhou, and it was already evening when it was transferred to Liujiang. The two stayed in the regional guest house for one night, and the next morning Master Luo said that he still had something to do, and asked Xiao Zou to go to the regional printing house to contact him first. It was close to noon before the materials were loaded into the truck, and it was already afternoon when they were transported back to Mao County.

And today, in the middle of the night, where is the ambulance from the county hospital? He, the watchman, couldn't have known. Xiao Zou said on the phone that he didn't know, and the other party said on the phone that he must find the car and come back to give it away! If you can't find it, ask the Beijing jeep of the county party committee to help you take a trip to the patient. Xiao Zou went to wake up Master Gong again, and after Gong got dressed and opened the door, he squatted next to the big osmanthus tree. He said that he had never dragged patients from the hospital to the provincial capital, and he said that he would send Secretary Cai to a regional meeting early tomorrow morning. There was no way, Xiao Zou returned to the duty room and said to the other end of the phone: "Now it's midnight three watches, where can I find you an ambulance?" "The next day, it may be that the hospital reflected that the county party committee organized Minister Zhou to talk to Xiao Zou and criticized him for not saying that!

In this way, because he is often on duty, he still has many unforgettable memories in his mind.

On a Sunday in the early spring of 1971, Xiao Zou was on duty in the office. It was raining and cloudy, and the empty compound of the county party committee seemed to be the only one. Suddenly, a tall man about 40 years old in a coarse cloth robe walked straight into the office. After stepping on a few wet footprints on the floor, he sat down on a rattan chair and said that he was looking for County Magistrate Gao. Xiao Zou asked him what was the matter? The person who came came went around in a circle in a cold and shivering voice, saying that when he was first liberated, he and the county magistrate Gao had been armed together, and they had also fought a vicious battle with the rebels at the Erjiang Bridge in Daxingchang.

"You young people don't know!" Someone said, "The most violent battle in Mao County to quell the 'Second Five' rebellion was the Erjiang Bridge." The old Red Army Yang Guizi is the captain of the martial arts industry in our fourth district, and the old man Cheng, who is now guarding the door of the Agriculture and Water Bureau, is the deputy captain. There are more than 20 members of our armed engineering team, cooperating with a platoon of the People's Liberation Army. There were only more than 60 people in total, withstanding the attack of more than 1,000 rebels. After fighting for a long time, it was not until the city that the People's Liberation Army arrived and beat the rebels away.

"When the rebels came, they started shooting as far as they came, and it was like gunfire spreading out on the floor. Captain Yang immediately summoned us, and the People's Liberation Army swore together: Fight for New China! Fight for the people! Fight to defend Hexi! As soon as we entered the position, we dug a trench on both sides of the Erjiang Bridge River, and the rebels moved closer. The 20 people in front of them were death squads, and the cold winter Layue took off their shirts naked. The men, with guns in their hands, rolled up and rolled up and rushed towards us. There are still people behind them, lifting 20 large cross coffins, and they want to fight with us with peace of mind!

"Captain Yang said he couldn't shoot! He didn't shoot until his gun went off. Just when the bare-carcass rebel was still standing up from us. Captain Yang's guns rang out, and dozens of our guns rang out, and 12 of the 20 rebels fell with just one row of bullets. The others did not dare to come up and shoot again in the field of lettuce, rolling up and rolling back, just how far and how far they could shoot. ”

Xiao Zou listened attentively, and he asked, "Have you suffered anything?" ”

"We've suffered a few on our side, too." Said the man in the cheongsam.

"And then?"

In the days when I worked beside the secretary of the county party committee, the first book, the second chapter, the 9 mass appeals, the first section of the duty memory

Dujiangyan West Street is one of the ancient streets

"Later, coffins were installed, and those on our side, on the rebels' side, and those who died, were buried in those coffins. Later, the county martyrs' tomb was established, and our armed engineering team and the People's Liberation Army all entered the Hongtashan martyrs' tomb. Next time you sweep the grave, you go to see it! Anything that says 'Daxing Township Bandits Died in Battle' was fought at Erjiang Bridge. ”

"Where's your weapon?"

"The weapons are okay, in addition to long guns and short guns, the PLA has 1 heavy machine gun and 1 mortar, and our military engineering team has two light machine guns."

"Did County Magistrate Gao also participate in that battle?" Xiao Zou asked.

"Participated, he is the secretary of the district party committee, of course he participated."

"So what are you doing with him today?" Xiao Zou asked again.

"I'm looking for him?" Dahan said a little embarrassed, "I asked him to borrow a pair of rubber shoes, and I took the doll to the county hospital to see a doctor. He showed his feet.

At this time, Xiao Zou saw that on the feet of the people in the long shirt, the cloth shoes made by hand made of hemp rope were soaked. On the legs and feet under his coarse cloth robe, there were only two layers of old and slightly torn single cloth trousers, and the big man trembled slightly in the cold spring.

The conversation just now had touched Xiao Zou, and he told Dahan that County Magistrate Gao was not there this week. Xiao Zou has his own pair of rubber shoes, and if the big man can wear them, he will lend them to him. Saying that, he went to the bedroom and brought the pair of 41-size-old semi-new, liberation rubber shoes to the big man just enough to wear. He was grateful for wearing Xiao Zou's rubber shoes, wrapping his wet cloth shoes in old newspapers in the office, and saying that he would return the shoes another day before leaving. It's just that Xiao Zou never saw this person again in the county party committee, and he had to squeeze more than 4 yuan out that month; Buying another pair of liberation rubber shoes also affected the tense days of two months after the next month.


On a weekend night in the winter of 1972, Xiao Zou was also on duty, and he slept soundly in the dead of night. Suddenly, someone came up from the stairs, and the sound of heavy footsteps woke Xiao Zou up. He opened his eyes and saw out the window, the street lamp in the middle of the courtyard was still on. The clock on the wall pointed to just after 4 o'clock, and footsteps sounded in the hallway on the second floor. The visitor slapped the doors of several offices once, twice, and three times...... Who's out there? Surely they are not comrades in the organs, because they don't know how to walk like this and knock on doors like this. Xiao Zou was nervous, he didn't turn on the light after getting dressed, and he also used the steel fire hook of the office stove in his hand, and stayed behind the door to listen carefully. People outside went downstairs and walked to the lights in the courtyard, and Xiao Zou looked from the window as a man dressed as a farmer, about 30 years old. The man was dressed in old clothes with patches and scars, and a pair of galoshes on the cuffs of his trousers. In the empty courtyard, he suddenly began to sing. "Beloved ......, the ...... in our hearts" turned out to be a madman.

Xiao Zou opened the window and said to him, "You can't get out?" If you don't go out for 5 minutes, I'll call the Public Security Bureau and call them to arrest you! ”

The man below was a little frightened, and he said, "You come down and open the gate and I'll go out." ”

"You're pretending to be crazy! Why did you just come in? Why don't you get out, I'm going to call! ”

The person who came must have come in through the iron fence gate, and Xiao Zou knew that there was no one else in the current agency compound. There is only one doorkeeper at the door who is not very careful, and if he doesn't get it down now, it will turn into a duel between him and the madman. If you really call the public security bureau on duty, others will say that he made a fuss and alarmed the public security for a madman. The strictest night duty in the entire county is only at the county party committee office and the county public security bureau.

Like a madman, the peasant dressed as a man, sang the song he had just sung and climbed the iron fence gate. But he did not go down, but climbed the wall of the public security bureau along the door, singing, and pushed the branches of the apple tree forward. Xiao Zou had to go downstairs with a fire hook in his hand and come to the gate to see what he was going to do?

The madman climbed a section of the wall and slid down himself, and went straight out to climb the street, where the chairman in the middle of the dam was like a second-story staircase. He stood at the foot of the statue and sang "Beloved ......" aloud. There were already early pedestrians on the street, and soon there were some onlookers under the stairs to watch the excitement. Since the establishment of the county revolutionary committee in 1968, this step and statue have been erected. On the second floor of the stairs, there are occasional workers who clean and plastic surgery for the chairman, and no one else has ever gone up. After thinking about it, Xiao Zou was afraid that some leaders would say that the madman insulted the chairman like a man on duty! So he put down the fire hook and opened the door with the key, and came to the front steps of the street under the statue of the chairman. Because he came out of the county revolutionary committee, all eyes immediately turned to him.

A young man pointed to the madman on the second floor and said, "You can't get down?!" "But the madman above is even more aggressive. Suddenly he fell to his knees at the feet of the statue and sang, wept, and kowtowed......; The onlookers all said, "It's so unbelievable!" The madman ignored him and continued to be his.

In the days when I worked beside the secretary of the county party committee, the first book, the second chapter, the 9 mass appeals, the first section of the duty memory

One of the courtyards of ancient streets in Dujiangyan City

Xiao Zou greeted the young man who had just stood up and accused the madman and said, "Let's go up and arrest him." ”

"Will he push us down?"

"The two of us went up together from both sides, and he only got one if he wanted to push; Without waiting for him to push down, we both went up. ”

"Yes, wow!" The youth said firmly.

Xiao Zou and the young man each climbed one step from one side to the other. As they were climbing up the second staircase, the madman stood up and threatened: "Come up! ”

"Up!" The young man and Xiao Zou shouted in unison. Just a few seconds, in the cheers of the crowd below! The two of them stood on either side of the madman, one after the other. At this time, Xiao Zou found that the edge of the first floor was not wide, and the huge chairman statue on the second floor was standing, and the remaining area was very narrow and impossible to fight. Now, as soon as he and the young man make a move, the madman will either die or be injured if he falls from a height of 3.21 meters, and vice versa. The steps of the chairman's statue are 3.21 meters high, symbolizing that on March 21, 1958, the chairman's son inspected Maojiangyan. At this moment, the madman was no longer crazy, this was a young peasant with old clothes and patches. Now he suddenly clasped his arms in his hands, sat at the feet of the statue with his head bowed, and said, "Whatever you want to do with me!" ”

Xiao Zou's hanging heart was put down, and he motioned to the young man who was with him not to do it. Then he said to the madman, "Go down by yourself, and forget the matter of today; If we arrest you, we'll have to lock you up! The peasant let go of his arms and held on to the edge of the steps, and shuttled down two steps in a row; Passing through the crowd of onlookers, he quickly ran towards the east entrance. Behind him was the laughter and scolding of many onlookers: "Pretending to be crazy!" ……”。

Xiao Zou thanked the young man who helped him and drove the madman away, and the other party also said that it was nothing! Back at the office and back to the duty room, Xiao Zou saw the clock on the wall and the watch in his hand past 5 o'clock. After sleeping for a while, after 7 o'clock in the morning, Xiao Zou went to the kitchen to make porridge and steamed buns. He saw Master Gong, who had just driven and returned from an American Jeep. Holding a feather duster upside down in one hand and a pair of torn rubber shoes in the other, he walked angrily towards the street. Xiao Zou asked him what was the matter?

Master Gong said that last night, the madman left the rotten rubber shoes. After washing his pair, he cooled under the osmanthus tree at the door, and the new rubber shoes were worn away. When he returned to the office just now, he saw the madman, who was still sitting on the eaves in front of the tea shop on the other side of the street, and now he went to drop his shoes and came back. Xiao Zou was a little worried and asked him if he could go alone? Master Gong said it doesn't matter, who on the streets of this city doesn't know me? When Xiao Zou returned to the duty room from the kitchen and breakfast, he met Master Gong again in the courtyard. He really came back with a feather duster in one hand and his rubber shoes in the other.

In the days when I worked beside the secretary of the county party committee, the first book, the second chapter, the 9 mass appeals, the first section of the duty memory

Galoshes are too ordinary nowadays

There were really a lot of people who came to the county party committee stupidly in those years, and some of them came to work. Xiao Zou sometimes has to run into him on duty, and he usually leaves after saying a few words. There are also a few words and phrases written in the crumpled primary school students' workbooks that they can't see clearly; I came to ask the county revolutionary committee to help submit articles to the top, and also sang duets with the big writers, big literature, and poems at the top level. These people have added a lot of tidbits to Xiao Zou's memory, and he sees that there is an upward trend in society. (Confucian Temple Mountain Residence)


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