
Intestinal polyps, but the qi and blood have gone crookedly, just correct it, no need for surgery!

author:Traditional Chinese medicine Cui Wei

After nearly 30 years of treating intestinal polyps, I want to be honest with you:

Intestinal polyps are not "meat", they are just that the qi and blood have gone the wrong way, and it would be good to correct them, and the more you think about eliminating them, the more you can't cure them!

The most popular question that intestinal polyp patients ask me is: Doctor, can taking Chinese medicine get rid of my polyps? At this time, I ask the patient directly, if the polyp can be cured, then why do those who cut the polyp grow back?

The patient doesn't know how to answer, because intestinal polyps are not as simple as an extra piece of meat in the large intestine, so you can't get rid of the root at all by "eliminating" the method.

So what exactly is a polyp? What can be done to cure it?

Intestinal polyps, summed up in one sentence, are a self-help response of our body to try to improve local qi and blood circulation.

What do you mean? If we often eat those greasy, spicy, sweet or nourishing foods, it will affect the function of the spleen and stomach to transport water and dampness, resulting in the accumulation of phlegm, dampness, heat and poison in the body, blocking the road where our large intestine is excreted waste, and the qi, blood and fluid will automatically find a new way to bypass to ensure the normal function of the body.

And these newly opened routes, which form polyps after a long walk, are an adaptive means for the body to cope with long-term congestion.

Therefore, if we want to cure the polyp, we must not simply cut it off, but only remove the obstacles that block the flow of qi and blood, so that the qi and blood can go on the right path and not continue to go down the wrong path. Then use a soft and firm medicine to slowly dissolve the polyp.

Intestinal polyps, but the qi and blood have gone crookedly, just correct it, no need for surgery!

Intestinal polyps treated with this method in the outpatient clinic are slower, but they are thorough. Take, for example, one of the intestinal polyps I saw last year.

The patient, Mr. Liu, 43 years old, had 3 polyps in his colon 7 years ago and had them removed by electroresection. But the crux of the matter is that polyps always come and go. By the time he found me, he had already had seven electroresections for colon polyps.

Complains of pain around the navel in the early morning, and does not sleep well despite eating and drinking. In other aspects, such as normal bowel and bowel movements, observing his tongue, it was found that the tongue was red and fat, the tongue coating was yellow and thick, and the pulse was relatively fast. In the end, I identified that it was the interweaving of cold and heat in the body, and the accumulation of dampness and heat, resulting in the misalignment of qi and blood.

Intestinal polyps, but the qi and blood have gone crookedly, just correct it, no need for surgery!

After that, I prescribed a prescription for Mr. Wang: Banxia, Coptis chinensis, Skullcap, Ginger, Atractylodes, Poria Cocos, Coix Seed, Yama Mushroom, Black Plum, Dandelion, Lily, Black Medicine, Wuling Fat, Licorice

The medicines in this recipe are all formulated for cold, heat, dampness and other problems in the body. The main thing is to make our body more balanced, get rid of excess dampness and heat, and also help dissipate small lumps and bruises in the body, so that the problem of intestinal polyps is not so easy to appear.

Second diagnosis: The patient said that he felt that he had no obvious symptoms, that is, the stool was still a little loose, but it was very regular every day. Eating, sleeping, and urinating are all fine. The tongue is still red, the tongue coating is yellow, and the pulse is still tight. It seems that it is still a problem of uneven heat and cold, spleen and stomach deficiency, and phlegm knots in the body. The direction of treatment is to balance heat and cold, strengthen the spleen and stomach, and dissolve phlegm.

Third diagnosis: The patient said that there was basically no discomfort. I went to the hospital for a colonoscopy and found that the polyps had become significantly smaller and no new polyps were found. The patient said that he would no longer come to the hospital, and he had already used video online consultation.

Final diagnosis: The patient's polyp tongue coating returned to normal, the colonoscopy found that the polyp had almost disappeared, and the treatment was completely over, I told the patient to pay attention to his diet and not feel that he could do whatever he wanted.

Intestinal polyps, but the qi and blood have gone crookedly, just correct it, no need for surgery!

As long as you follow the right treatment ideas and methods, curing intestinal polyps is as simple as that. Whether it is an intestinal polyp or a gallbladder polyp, this is the case.

I am Cui Wei of TCM Internal Medicine, I am good at treating gallbladder polyps, gallstones, gastric polyps, intestinal polyps and other difficult and miscellaneous diseases in internal medicine.
