
The judge who shouted "You didn't hit it, why do you want to help" back then, 17 years later, how is it doing?

author:A gopher brother who loves a circle
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Editor丨The gopher brother who loves the circle

In 2006, the "Helping the Elderly Case" occurred in Nanjing, Peng Yu was sued for helping Mrs. Xu who fell, and the presiding judge Wang Hao's remarks "You didn't hit it, why did you need to help" caused an uproar.

Public opinion condemned him for undermining the fashion of helping others, and he was transferred from his post.

Seventeen years later, Wang Hao served silently in the local judiciary, and Peng Yu paid less compensation.

The judge who shouted "You didn't hit it, why do you want to help" back then, 17 years later, how is it doing?

This case is a microcosm of the dilemma of doing good, we should reflect on how good deeds can end like this when the concept of goodness is popularized and selfish desires disappear, it warns us to be cautious in our words and deeds in the pursuit of fairness and justice, to resolve conflicts with an understanding and inclusive mentality, and only by being kind can everyone make the society full of sunshine.

Nanjing's "case of helping the elderly" triggered social deep thought

In the bustling city streets, a seemingly ordinary act of kindness unexpectedly set off an uproar, Nanjing's "case of helping the elderly" not only touched the nerves of the law, but also stirred up a thousand waves in the hearts of the public.

This case, like a mirror, reflects the complexity and multifaceted nature of human nature, and at the same time makes us have to re-examine the delicate relationship between goodness and selfish desire.

Looking back on the beginning and end of the incident, Peng Yu picked up Mrs. Xu who fell on the street, which was a commendable act of kindness.

The judge who shouted "You didn't hit it, why do you want to help" back then, 17 years later, how is it doing?

The legal disputes and public opinion turmoil after the incident pushed this simple act of kindness to the forefront.

The misunderstandings and accusations of Mrs. Xu and her family put Peng Yu in an unprecedented predicament.

Judge Wang Hao's remarks during the trial have caused widespread controversy and questioning.

Wang Hao's verdict and remarks not only caused Peng Yu to bear huge psychological pressure and economic losses, but also caused the public to have deep doubts about judicial fairness.

As public opinion continued to ferment, Wang Hao was finally transferred from his original post, and Peng Yu also paid relatively small compensation.

The impact of this case on Mrs. Xu and her family, Peng Yu herself, and society as a whole is far beyond these superficial phenomena.

The judge who shouted "You didn't hit it, why do you want to help" back then, 17 years later, how is it doing?

From the perspective of Mrs. Xu and her family, their behavior may stem from a misunderstanding of the truth and the protection of their own rights and interests.

This kind of misunderstanding and rights protection method has invisibly hurt Peng Yu's kindness and sense of justice, and also damaged the morality of society.

For Peng Yu, his good deeds were misunderstood and framed, which was undoubtedly a great blow to his personal character.

This blow not only caused him to suffer economic losses, but also caused him deep disappointment and confusion in society.

Perhaps the most worthy of our pondering in this case is the social phenomenon and human nature it reflects.

In the fast-paced, high-pressure modern society, people tend to pay more attention to their own interests and safety, while often choose to turn a blind eye or avoid the plight and needs of others.

The judge who shouted "You didn't hit it, why do you want to help" back then, 17 years later, how is it doing?

This kind of indifference and selfishness not only leads to a crisis of trust between people, but also seriously erodes the morality of society.

Between good and selfish, we are often faced with a difficult choice.

On the one hand, we aspire to be a kind and caring person who contributes to society; On the other hand, we have to face all kinds of temptations and difficulties in real life to protect our own interests and safety.

This kind of contradiction and conflict makes us have to be more cautious and firm on the road of pursuing goodness and justice.

Although many years have passed since the Nanjing "Helping the Elderly Case", the social reflection and reflection it has triggered are still of far-reaching significance.

The judge who shouted "You didn't hit it, why do you want to help" back then, 17 years later, how is it doing?

This case reminds us that kindness and justice are important cornerstones of social progress and development, and they are also the bottom line that each of us should adhere to.

It also reminds us that in the process of pursuing kindness and justice, we need to be more cautious and firm, not to be disturbed and tempted by the outside world, and always maintain a kind and righteous heart.

Of course, this case also shows us the strength and warmth of society.

Under the supervision and promotion of public opinion, judicial fairness has been safeguarded, and Peng Yu's good deeds have also been duly recognized and respected.

This kind of social strength and warmth not only allows us to see the justice and conscience of the society, but also allows us to see the hope and future of the society.

The judge who shouted "You didn't hit it, why do you want to help" back then, 17 years later, how is it doing?

While continuing to discuss the far-reaching impact of Nanjing's "case of helping the elderly," we cannot but mention the warning role of this incident in the construction of social morality.

It serves as a wake-up call that we should not neglect to care for and respect others in our pursuit of personal interests.

First of all, this case prompts us to reflect on how good deeds can be better protected at the legal level.

The justice of the law lies not only in the punishment of illegal acts, but also in the protection and encouragement of good behavior.

We need to further improve the legal system to ensure that those who act in good faith are not harmed by misunderstandings or false accusations.

Secondly, this case also makes us realize the importance of strengthening the construction of social morality and improving the moral quality of citizens.

The judge who shouted "You didn't hit it, why do you want to help" back then, 17 years later, how is it doing?

Today, when material civilization is highly developed, we should pay more attention to the building of spiritual civilization and advocate the social customs of honesty, friendliness, and mutual assistance.

Through education, publicity and other means, more people can understand the value of kindness and justice, so that they can consciously practice these virtues.

Nanjing's "case of helping the elderly" also reminds us that we should maintain rational thinking and objective judgment in the face of complex social phenomena.

In the information age, all kinds of information emerge one after another, and we are easily misled by some one-sided and extreme remarks.

We need to learn to think independently, not blindly follow trends, and not jump to conclusions easily, so as not to cause unnecessary misunderstandings and harm.

The judge who shouted "You didn't hit it, why do you want to help" back then, 17 years later, how is it doing?

This case also shows us the positive energy and warmth of society.

In the turmoil of public opinion, many people stood up for Peng Yu and supported his good deeds.

This kind of positive energy and warmth not only gives Peng Yu strength, but also allows us to see the hope and future of society.

In the days to come, we should continue to pass on this positive energy and warmth, so that more people can feel the care and warmth of the society.

Although Nanjing's "case of helping the elderly" was an unfortunate incident, the social reflection and reflection it triggered were of far-reaching significance.

The judge who shouted "You didn't hit it, why do you want to help" back then, 17 years later, how is it doing?

It makes us more deeply aware of the importance of kindness and justice, and also allows us to see the strength and warmth of society.

In the days to come, we should take this case as a lesson, pursue kindness and justice more firmly, and jointly create a harmonious and beautiful society.

(Disclaimer) The process and pictures described in the article are from the Internet, and this article aims to advocate positive social energy and no vulgar and other bad guidance. If it involves copyright or character infringement issues, please contact us in time, and we will delete the content as soon as possible! If there is any doubt about the incident, it will be deleted or changed immediately after contact.