
Worst in the game? In the 18-minute sports battle, the women's basketball team was in a slump, and Zheng Wei's trust was difficult to reap

author:Passionate squirrel

In the quiet European arena in the early morning of June 29, the Chinese women's basketball team launched a thrilling fierce battle with the Belgian women's basketball team in the warm-up game of training. The final score was fixed at 63-78, and the Chinese women's basketball team lost with regret.

In this matchup, the high-profile Wu Tongtong came off the bench. The coaching staff is looking forward to her excellent physical fitness to form a strong competition with the Belgian women's basketball team on the court.

Worst in the game? In the 18-minute sports battle, the women's basketball team was in a slump, and Zheng Wei's trust was difficult to reap

But the reality was not as expected, and Wu Tongtong's performance on the offensive end was really unsatisfactory. In the athletic battle, she shot three times, but none of them hit. Even that precious free throw opportunity, she couldn't grasp it steadily, and both free throws were missed, and she struggled to score 2 points with just free throws.

On the defensive end, Wu Tongtong's situation is also not optimistic. Her footsteps slowed down, and her form and body consciousness had declined significantly.

There were many defensive leaks, giving the opponent an opportunity to take advantage of. Especially when the opponent's three-point line is hot, her defensive holes are like an open door, giving the opponent plenty of room to score.

Worst in the game? In the 18-minute sports battle, the women's basketball team was in a slump, and Zheng Wei's trust was difficult to reap

In those 18 minutes of playing time, Wu Tongtong handed over only 2 points, 2 rebounds and 2 assists, and her plus/minus was as low as -17, which was the lowest in the game.

But we must know that Wu Tongtong has not always been in such a low state. Once on the stage of the Women's Basketball World Cup, she was an indispensable and important rotation player in the team's backcourt. In the final against the strong American women's basketball team, she had a magical performance that was applauded. Unfortunately, a relentless injury quietly struck, like a haze, which caused her competitive form to decline significantly.

Worst in the game? In the 18-minute sports battle, the women's basketball team was in a slump, and Zheng Wei's trust was difficult to reap

For coach Zheng Wei, the recent warm-up match is undoubtedly a key time to scout the team and select the final 12-man squad. And the state that Wu Tongtong showed in this game is really difficult to meet the expectations of the coaching staff.

Judging from the current situation, if she can't adjust her form in time and effectively and regain her former peak style, it will be difficult to make the final 12-man squad.

Netizens also expressed their opinions on this. Someone said: "Wu Tongtong may still need time to recover, I hope she can get back to form as soon as possible." ”

Worst in the game? In the 18-minute sports battle, the women's basketball team was in a slump, and Zheng Wei's trust was difficult to reap

Another person said: "This poor performance does not mean forever, I believe she can overcome difficulties." Some people even sighed: "The impact of injuries on athletes is too great, I hope Wu Tongtong can overcome injuries and return to the top." ”

In fact, every athlete will encounter various challenges and setbacks in their career. Wu Tongtong's sluggish performance this time is just a small bump in her path.

For the Chinese women's basketball team, this game is a valuable accumulation of experience, from which we need to summarize the gains and losses, and constantly improve tactics and teamwork. For Wu Tongtong personally, this is an opportunity for self-reflection and adjustment. She needs to re-examine her training methods and strengthen her targeted training to improve her competition.

Worst in the game? In the 18-minute sports battle, the women's basketball team was in a slump, and Zheng Wei's trust was difficult to reap

There is still a long way to go, and opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared. As long as Wu Tongtong maintains firm belief and unremitting efforts, it is possible to achieve a counterattack. Everyone might as well look forward to it together, hoping that she can overcome the predicament and shine again on the court. I don't know readers and friends, do you believe that Wu Tongtong still has a chance to enter the 12-person list? We look forward to hearing from you.

In short, this game is a test for the Chinese women's basketball team and Wu Tongtong. The Chinese women's basketball team should learn lessons from failure and continue to forge ahead. Wu Tongtong should adjust his state as soon as possible, prove his strength, and strive to contribute more to the team in the follow-up games.

I hope that in the future, we can see them all return with a better attitude. Let's talk about it and share your thoughts!

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