
Analysis of Zhao Lusi's torchbearer style: is it the flame of youth or the flame of fashion?

author:Frontline melon master


Zhao Lusi's torchbearer shape

As the torchbearer of the Paris Olympics, Zhao Lusi's appearance attracted widespread attention on the Internet as soon as it was exposed. Dressed in a sportswear representing Chinese red, she wore a torchbearer's hat and held a torch as she walked the streets of Paris with a determined step.

Analysis of Zhao Lusi's torchbearer style: is it the flame of youth or the flame of fashion?

At this moment, she not only represents herself, but also represents the image of a new generation of young Chinese actors. Netizens left messages on social media, and some said: "Zhao Lusi's style is simply a walking youth!" Others joked: "Is it possible to apply for a patent for this torchbearer shape?" ”

A touching moment from the torch relay


In the process of the torch relay, Zhao Lusi's performance was even more impressive. When she took the torch and started her own relay, the fans at the scene were emotional and cheered her on.

Analysis of Zhao Lusi's torchbearer style: is it the flame of youth or the flame of fashion?

Zhao Lusi's eyes flashed with tears, but she still kept smiling and walked forward firmly. The scene was captured by fans at the scene and quickly spread on the Internet.

Analysis of Zhao Lusi's torchbearer style: is it the flame of youth or the flame of fashion?

Netizens commented: "Seeing Zhao Lusi about to cry, I couldn't help but cry." Some netizens joked: "Zhao Lusi is going to Paris, and even her tears are international!" ”

Zhao Lusi's Olympic torchbearer record


Zhao Lusi's entire process as a torchbearer was recorded, from the moment she took the torch to the time she completed the relay task, the whole process took about four and a half minutes.

Analysis of Zhao Lusi's torchbearer style: is it the flame of youth or the flame of fashion?

In this short period of time, Zhao Lusi showed the demeanor and Olympic spirit of Chinese youth. In the video, her every movement looks so professional and powerful, people can't help but praise it.

Analysis of Zhao Lusi's torchbearer style: is it the flame of youth or the flame of fashion?

Netizens had a heated discussion in the comment area, and some said: "Zhao Lusi, the torchbearer, deserves to be more professional than filming!" Some netizens ridiculed: "I have watched this torchbearer video no less than ten times, and every time I feel like I am at the scene!" ”

Zhao Lusi's torchbearer appearance sparked a discussion


Zhao Lusi's torchbearer shape not only visually impacts, but also conveys a positive message on a spiritual level. This image of her has undoubtedly deepened the public's understanding of her, and also made more people pay attention to the Olympics and sportsmanship.

Analysis of Zhao Lusi's torchbearer style: is it the flame of youth or the flame of fashion?

However, the incident has also sparked some controversy. Some netizens questioned whether such an event was too commercial and whether it truly embodied the Olympic spirit. Some netizens also asked whether Zhao Lusi, as an actor, should pay more attention to her own work. These discussions continue to ferment on social media, triggering a wide range of thinking and discussions.


In such a dynamic era, Zhao Lusi's torchbearer appearance has undoubtedly become a hot topic. Her image and behavior not only represent her personal demeanor, but also reflect the spiritual outlook of contemporary youth.

Analysis of Zhao Lusi's torchbearer style: is it the flame of youth or the flame of fashion?

Whether for support or skepticism, these discussions reflect the public's concern about sportsmanship and the role of public figures. In the days to come, such discussions will continue, and Zhao Lusi, as the center of the topic, will continue to shine in the public eye.

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