
One word of the day - to

author:Oriental Qimen


The original character for 入 [wǎng] is "㞷", and the glyph of the oracle bone inscription is "止" at the top and "王" at the bottom, which means where the king is going. However, due to the fact that the meaning of the word "㞷" is not accurate, the glyph of the Jin text is added with the meaning of the symbol, although the "king" is changed to "earth", but it is still read as the sound of "king", which is the meaning and shape of the phonetic word. The original meaning of "to" is to go.

One word of the day - to

Speak the text of the word

"Saying Wen Jiezi 彳部" to: Zhi also. From 彳㞷聲。 迬, the ancient text from the sign.

Xu Shen explained that "to" is "zhiye", and "zhi" also has the meaning of to.

Speak the text of the word

The Book of Poetry, Xiaoya, Caiwei

In the past, I went back and forth, and Yang Liu was still there. Now I think about it, rain and snow.

Lao Tzu "Tao Te Ching, Chapter 35"

Elephants, the world goes. To be harmless, Anping is big (too / Tai).

Zhuangzi: The World

The next life cannot be waited, and the past life cannot be traced.

"Zhuangzi Mountain Wood" was sent and ushered in; Don't forbid those who come, don't stop those who go.

"Zhuang Zi Zeyang" is the foundation of my view, and its past is endless; At the end of my quest, there is no end to it.

"Zhou Yi Tai Hexagram Biography" Tai, small to big. The gentleman is long, and the villain is also humane. The Thai hexagram, below is Qian, symbolizing the sky and the yang. Above is kun, symbolizing the earth and yin. Because the sky is big and the earth is small, it is said that "small goes and big comes". At this time, it has reached the beginning of spring, the yang energy gradually rises, and the yin energy gradually fades, so it is said that "the gentleman is long, and the villain is eliminated". The Thai hexagram is about yin and yang, and all things are endless.

Idiom allusions

Pay somebody back in the same coin

Etiquette is etiquette, and it is still emphasized. In etiquette, there should be a come and go. Treat others with courtesy, and you should reciprocate with courtesy.

""The Book of Rites: Qu Lishang": Etiquette is still exchanged, but it does not come, it is not polite, it is not polite, it is not polite."

forgive somebody's past misdeeds

There is no need to blame for what has already been done, whether it is right or wrong.

"The Analects of the Eight Hundreds": Don't say what you do, don't admonish what you do, and don't blame the past."

Watching the past and knowing the future

If you carefully study the past, you will be able to predict the future.

""Liezi Shuo Fu": Seeing out to know in, looking at the past to know the future, so it is the principle of the prophet."


Human nature is to yearn for freedom. And socialization is to limit people's freedom. Only those who are mavericks are free from the shackles of the group and are free to travel between heaven and earth without hindrance.

"Zhuangzi Zaiyou": In and out of Liuhe, traveling in Kyushu, going alone, is unique."

The shape and sound of the character "㞷" is used as the side

Today, I see some characters with "king" as the phonetic note, but in fact, most of them use "㞷" as the phonetic note. As:

The surname Wang (

One word of the day - to

",Vigorous "Wang(

One word of the day - to

"The unjustly "vain (

One word of the day - to

", the arrogant "mad (

One word of the day - to

", Kuang Fu Justice's "Kuang (匩)".