
The carpenter sheltered from the rain late at night, helped the woman repair the roof, saw the corner of the wall, and pulled out the carpenter's knife

author:Chuangyi is important

The carpenter hides from the rain late at night and encounters a strange woman

The night was like ink, dark clouds were overhead, and the wind was beating frantically on the ground with raindrops. As the storm was approaching, a figure hurried away, and it was a carpenter named Li Mu. He slung a toolbox on his shoulder, dressed in a shabby robe, and hurried home.

Li Mu is a skilled carpenter, who is kind and helpful on weekdays, so he is quite famous in this ten miles and eight towns. On this day, he had just finished helping people from a neighboring village, but he didn't expect to encounter this heavy rain on the way. He looked around to find a place to hide from the rain, but found a lonely house not far ahead, brightly lit and seemingly inhabited.

Li Mu was overjoyed in his heart, and quickened his pace to the front of the house. He knocked on the door and asked if he could spend the night to avoid the rain. The door was opened by a young woman with a delicate face, but there was an indescribable coldness in her eyes. She looked Li Mu up and down, and said lightly: "Come in, it's just that my house is a little weird, if you are afraid, you should leave as soon as possible." ”

Although Li Mu had some doubts in his heart, he thought that he was just spending the night for one night, so he didn't think much about it, and followed the woman into the house. The interior of the house is elegantly furnished, but it always has an eerie feel. Li Mu sat down in the living room, and the woman poured him a cup of hot tea, then turned around and went to the kitchen.

Li Mu looked around while drinking tea, and suddenly heard the sound of "ticking and ticking" from the roof. When he looked up, he saw that the roof was broken, and the rain was seeping in through the cracks. He thought to himself, this house is in disrepair, no wonder it is so gloomy.

At this time, the woman came out of the kitchen and saw Li Mu looking at the roof, so she said, "This house is some years old, and the roof should have been repaired a long time ago." It's just that I live here alone and don't have a helper. ”

The carpenter sheltered from the rain late at night, helped the woman repair the roof, saw the corner of the wall, and pulled out the carpenter's knife

When Li Mu heard this, his heart moved, and he said: "I am a carpenter, and repairing the roof is my job. If you don't dislike it, I'll help you fix it. ”

The woman seemed a little surprised, but then nodded and said, "Then you have to work." ”

Li Mu put down the teacup, took out the toolbox, and began to get busy. He climbed onto the roof, carefully inspected the damage, then removed the wood and tools and began to repair them. The woman stood at the bottom of the house, silently watching him.

Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, the rain gradually became lighter. Li Mu finally finished repairing the roof, and when he came down from the ladder, he saw the woman standing in the corner of the wall, looking a little strange. Curious, he walked over and looked at it, and was stunned.

In the corner of the wall was a black coffin, the lid of which was half-open and half-closed, as if something was going to crawl out of it at any moment. Li Mu suddenly felt a chill rush from the soles of his feet to his heart, and he subconsciously pulled out the carpentry knife he carried with him and held it tightly in his hand.

The woman seemed to have anticipated his reaction, and said lightly: "Don't be afraid, this is just the coffin of my ancestors." It's a bit weird, but as long as you keep to yourself, you'll be fine. ”

Although Li Mu still had doubts in his heart, he thought that he was just a passer-by and would leave early tomorrow morning, so he also suppressed the fear in his heart and said, "Thank you girl for reminding me, I will pay attention." ”

The carpenter sheltered from the rain late at night, helped the woman repair the roof, saw the corner of the wall, and pulled out the carpenter's knife

The woman nodded, turned and went into the house. Li Mu stood in place, looking at the black coffin, and couldn't help but feel an inexplicable fear in his heart. He knew that he was destined to not be able to sleep well tonight, but he had nowhere else to go, so he had to sit down on the sofa in the living room and close his eyes.

In the dead of night, the wind and rain have stopped. Li Mu was lying on the sofa, but he couldn't sleep. He kept thinking about the black coffin in his mind, and a strong uneasiness welled up in his heart. He tried to get up and leave several times, but was pulled by an inexplicable force and couldn't move.

At that moment, he suddenly heard a slight noise, which seemed to be coming from the other side of the coffin. He was startled, and quickly opened his eyes, only to see the woman standing next to the coffin, holding a candle in her hand, as if she was worshipping something.

Li Mu was curious, but he didn't dare to speak rashly, so he had to hold his breath and carefully observe the woman's actions. I saw that the woman's expression was solemn, and there were words in her mouth, as if she was telling something. After the worship, she turned to walk towards Li Mu, and a strange smile appeared on her face.

Li Mu's heart tightened, not knowing what the woman would do next. He clutched his carpentry knife tightly, ready to respond at any moment. The woman walked up to him and said slowly, "It's not too early, you should rest early." Tomorrow morning, I'll see you off. ”

Li Mu nodded, but he still had doubts in his heart. He lay on the bed, but he couldn't sleep, and his mind kept wondering about the strangeness of the house. He knew he had to be vigilant to get through the night safely.

It was late at night, and there was silence in the house. Li Mu was lying on the bed, but his eyes were wide open. Suddenly, he heard a faint noise, which seemed to be coming from the other side of the coffin. He was shocked, and quickly sat up, only to see the woman standing next to the coffin, her face pale and frightened.

The carpenter sheltered from the rain late at night, helped the woman repair the roof, saw the corner of the wall, and pulled out the carpenter's knife

Li Mu's heart tightened, and he didn't know what was going on. He grabbed the carpentry knife tightly, got out of bed cautiously, and walked towards the woman. When the woman saw him, as if she had seen a savior, she said in a trembling voice, "Quick...... Help me see, in the coffin...... Coffin in the coffin...... Something seems to be moving! ”

When Li Mu heard this, he was also shocked in his heart. He settled down and walked to the coffin, only to see the lid of the coffin trembling slightly, as if something was trying to crawl out of it. He took a deep breath, plucked up his courage, and jerked the lid open.

A strong rancid smell came to his nose, and Li Muqiang endured the discomfort and looked into the coffin. I saw a decomposed corpse lying in the coffin, but strangely, the corpse's fingers were moving slightly.

Li Mu was shocked and at a loss. At this moment, the woman suddenly screamed and collapsed to the ground. Li Mu came back to his senses, hurriedly helped the woman up, and asked, "What's going on?" How could this corpse move? ”

The woman said in a trembling voice, "I don't know either...... Lying in this coffin is my grandfather, who has been dead for a long time. But...... But lately, I often hear movement in the coffin, thinking that it was the wind blowing, but I didn't expect it...... I didn't expect him to be moving! ”

A chill hit Li Mu's heart, and he knew that he had encountered something strange. He thought for a moment and said, "Don't worry, I'll see if I can find out the reason." ”

The carpenter sheltered from the rain late at night, helped the woman repair the roof, saw the corner of the wall, and pulled out the carpenter's knife

He looked closely at the coffin and the corpse, and suddenly noticed that the corpse had a thin black silk thread wrapped around its finger. His heart moved, and he reached out to pull the silk thread, only to find that the silk thread was connected to the bottom of the coffin.

He traced the thread all the way, and finally found a small black puppet in the corner. The limbs of the puppet are tied with black silk thread, and the other end of the silk thread is attached to the body in the coffin.

Li Mu suddenly understood, it turned out that someone was playing ghosts! He cut the silk thread with a carpentry knife and picked up the puppet to examine it carefully. I saw a line of small words engraved on the back of the puppet: "Raising the corpse with blood can ensure longevity." ”

Li Mu felt a burst of anger in his heart, he knew that this was someone using evil magic to harm people. He turned to the woman and said, "Girl, this is someone using evil magic to control your grandfather's corpse. I had to find out who was behind it in order to solve the problem once and for all. ”

When the woman heard this, a trace of gratitude flashed in her eyes, and she said, "Thank you for saving me." I will definitely cooperate with you to find out who is behind it. ”

Li Mu nodded and began to look around the house for clues. After some searching, he finally found a secret room in his study. The chamber is filled with all sorts of strange artifacts and books, apparently a sorcerer's hideout.

Li Mu was overjoyed in his heart, knowing that he had found the mastermind behind the scenes. He took out the carpentry knife and cautiously walked into the chamber. At this moment, a black shadow suddenly burst out of the darkness and rushed towards him.

The carpenter sheltered from the rain late at night, helped the woman repair the roof, saw the corner of the wall, and pulled out the carpenter's knife

Li Mu had already prepared, he quickly dodged the black shadow's attack, and slashed with his backhand. Hearing a scream, the black shadow fell to the ground, revealing its true face - it turned out to be a middle-aged man with a hideous face.

When the man saw that he had been discovered, he no longer concealed it, and said viciously: "How dare you destroy my good deeds!" I'm going to make it hard for you to die! ”

Li Mu sneered and said, "If evil does not prevail over good, your conspiracy is doomed to fail." Today I will do the right thing for heaven and get rid of you scourge! ”

As he spoke, he swung his knife at the man. After a fierce battle, Li Mu finally subdued the man and lifted the control of the evil magic on the corpse.

The woman was grateful and thanked Li Mu for her kindness. Li Mu waved his hand and said, "I just did what I was supposed to do." Girl, this house is no longer safe, you better move out as soon as possible. ”

The woman nodded in agreement, saying that the matter would be dealt with as soon as possible. Li Mu packed up his tools and prepared to leave this strange mansion.

The next morning, the sun was shining on the land. Li Mu carried the toolbox on his back and set out on the way home. He looked back at the mansion and couldn't help but feel emotional. He knew that what he encountered this time was not only a strange experience, but also a profound test of human nature.

Li Mu carried the toolbox on his back and walked on the way home. The sun shone on his body, warm, as if it was dispelling the chill of last night for him. However, his heart could not be calm for a long time, the strange house, the moving corpse, and the hideous-faced sorcerer all made him feel a shock that he had never felt before.

He thought back to his fierce battle with the sorcerer, and he couldn't help but feel a surge of pride in his heart. He knew that although he was just an ordinary carpenter, he did not flinch in the face of evil, but stood up bravely. He used his wisdom and courage to not only save the woman, but also expose the sorcerer's conspiracy.

Li Mu took a deep breath and exhaled the turbid qi in his chest. He knew he couldn't afford to be complacent about a small victory. In this world, there are still many people who need his help, and there are many problems that need to be solved. He must continue to work hard and constantly improve his craft and wisdom in order to better serve others.

Back home, Li Mu told his wife about last night's experience. When the wife heard this, she was also thrilled, but at the same time, she was proud of her husband's bravery and wisdom. She gently stroked Li Mu's face and said, "You have worked hard, you must be careful in the future." ”

Li Mu nodded, his heart full of warmth. He knew that it was his greatest happiness to have a virtuous and virtuous wife. He decided that he must cherish this happiness more in the future and work and live harder.

As the days passed, Li Mu's life returned to peace. He still goes out early and returns late every day, busy with all kinds of carpentry work. But he has not forgotten that strange experience, and in his free time, he often thinks about how to better protect himself and others from evil forces.

The carpenter sheltered from the rain late at night, helped the woman repair the roof, saw the corner of the wall, and pulled out the carpenter's knife

One day, Li Mu met a strange Taoist priest in the town. The Taoist priest saw that he had a kind face, so he took the initiative to talk to him. During the conversation, the Taoist priest learned of the strange incident that Li Mu had encountered, so he said to him: "Although you are only a carpenter, you have a brave and kind heart. I am willing to teach you some self-defense techniques, so that you can deal with evil more calmly. ”

Li Mu was overjoyed when he heard this, and hurriedly learned from the Taoist priest. The Taoist priest was not stingy and passed on his years of experience and skills to Li Mu. Li Mu studied modestly and practiced diligently, and soon mastered some basic self-defense techniques.

With these self-defense techniques, Li Mu became more calm and unhurried in the face of evil forces. He used his wisdom and courage to defuse crises again and again and protect the safety of himself and others.

Time passed, and Li Mu became a respected carpenter and Taoist priest. His deeds are a good story in ten miles and eight towns, and people say that he is a good man who can not only carpenter work, but also self-defense. And Li Mu has always maintained his humble and kind nature, using his own craftsmanship and wisdom to bring more happiness and tranquility to people.