
The carpenter hit the longevity timber and accidentally discovered the ugly thing in the owner, and he quietly pulled out the nail

author:Chuangyi is important

The carpenter was beating longevity timber, and accidentally discovered the scandal of the owner, so he quietly pulled out a nail

It is said that in a small mountain village far away from the hustle and bustle of the world, there is a skilled carpenter named Ah Zhong. He is a loyal and honest person, and his craftsmanship is superb, whether it is a table, chair, bench, door, window, bed, or bed, through his hands, he can become exquisite. However, Ah Zhong has a quirk, that is, when making longevity materials, he will always secretly pull out a nail and not let people know.

One day, Ah Zhong received a business, it was Li Yuanwai, an old rich man in the east of the village, who asked him to make a pair of longevity materials. Li Yuanwai's family is rich, and he is one of the richest families in the village, but he is very stingy and mean, and the people in the village respect him. Although Ah Zhong was reluctant in his heart, he was forced to accept it because of his livelihood.

Ah Zhong came to Li Yuanwai's house, only to see that the yard was full of fine wood, obviously Li Yuanwai had made a lot of money for this pair of longevity. Ah Zhong secretly sighed in his heart, this Li Yuanwai is really willing to spend money, but he is reluctant to be kind to the people in the village. He shook his head and began to make shoucai.

After a few days, Ah Zhong rushed to work day and night, and the longevity was almost finished. That night, Ah Zhong continued to work alone in the yard when he suddenly heard a strange sound coming from Li Yuanwai's study. Curiously, he walked over and saw that the door of the study was open, and the voices of a man and a woman could be heard inside.

Ah Zhong's heart moved, and he quietly approached the crack in the door to look inside. I saw Li Yuanwai and a young woman sitting at the table, the two behaved intimately, and the conversation was even more ambiguous. Ah Zhong was shocked, this woman was none other than Li Yuanwai's daughter-in-law, the young lady of the Li family.

Ah Zhong suddenly felt disgusted, this Li Yuanwai is really inferior to a beast, and he doesn't even let go of his daughter-in-law. He was angry in his heart, but he didn't dare to speak out, after all, this was the ugly family of the Li family, and once it spread, he might not be able to escape the involvement.

The carpenter hit the longevity timber and accidentally discovered the ugly thing in the owner, and he quietly pulled out the nail

Ah Zhong thought in his heart, but the movements in his hands did not stop. He quietly pulled out a nail and hid it in his sleeve. He thought, this Li Yuanwai is so shameless, and he will not be worthy of using complete longevity materials when he dies in the future.

The next day, Ah Zhong continued to make longevity materials, but he kept thinking about what he saw last night. He thought that he couldn't ignore the affairs of the Li family, but he couldn't come out clearly. So, he decided to investigate secretly to see what other secrets the Li family had that no one knew.

In the following days, Ah Zhong secretly observed the movements of the Li family while making longevity materials. He found that the private affair between Li Yuanwai and the young lady became more and more blatant, and even dared to flirt openly during the day. And the rest of the Li family seemed to know about it, but they just pretended not to know.

Ah Zhong was even more angry in his heart, and he decided to expose the scandal of the Li family. However, he was worried that his strength was limited, what if he was retaliated against by the Li family? So, he thought of a way, and that was to use the power of ghosts and gods.

Ah Zhong began to prepare secretly, he bought some incense candles, paper money, and quietly carved some charms on the longevity. He thought that after the longevity was ready, he would do things at night and ask the ghosts and gods to punish the Li family.

In this way, Ah Zhong was making longevity materials while secretly preparing. And the scandal of the Li family also slowly spread in the village, but everyone knew it, and no one dared to say it openly.

Finally, on a stormy night, Ah Zhong's longevity was laid. He took advantage of the night, put incense, candles, paper money in the courtyard, and began to do things. He had words in his mouth and a peachwood sword dancing in his hand, as if he was summoning something.

The carpenter hit the longevity timber and accidentally discovered the ugly thing in the owner, and he quietly pulled out the nail

At this moment, a gloomy wind blew, and the yard suddenly became gloomy. Ah Zhong's heart tightened, he knew that the ghosts and gods had come. He continued to chant the incantation, only to see golden light shoot out from the peachwood sword, heading straight for the Li family's study.

After a while, there was a terrible scream from the study. Ah Zhong was overjoyed, he knew that his Dharma had succeeded. He put away his peachwood sword, went back to the house, and fell asleep.

The next day, an astonishing news came out of the village: Li Yuanwai and his daughter-in-law both died violently last night, and the death was extremely horrific. The people in the village said that this was a punishment from the spirits because they had done too many bad things.

And Ah Zhong also became famous because of this ceremony. He became a hero in the village, and people said that he punished the Li family with the power of ghosts and gods. And Ah Zhong has lived a stable life since then, and he no longer has to worry about his livelihood.

However, Ah Zhong always has a secret in his heart, and that is the nail he pulled out. He knew that this nail, although small, played a key role in this big event. He hid it in a place known only to himself as a testimony to the experience.

This is the story of carpenter Ah Zhong beating longevity, accidentally discovering the ugly things of the owner, and he quietly pulled out the nail. This story tells us that good and evil are rewarded, not that they are not rewarded, and the time has not yet come. And those who do bad things will eventually be punished as they deserve.

However, the story doesn't end here. Although Ah Zhong punished the Li family, he also knew that his actions were not right. He began to reflect on his actions, and felt that the power of ghosts and gods was not a long-term solution, and what could really change people's hearts was justice and kindness in the world.

The carpenter hit the longevity timber and accidentally discovered the ugly thing in the owner, and he quietly pulled out the nail

As a result, Ah Zhong decided to give up the practice of using the power of ghosts and gods, and instead used his skills and kindness to influence the villagers. He began to take the initiative to help those who were in need, not only making furniture for them for free, but also teaching them some carpentry skills so that they could support themselves.

Ah Zhong's good deeds soon spread in the village, and people's attitudes towards him changed drastically. He is no longer the carpenter who can only make longevity timber, but has become a role model and role model for the village.

One day, Ah Zhong met a wandering old man at the entrance of the village. The old man was in rags, covered with weather, and looked very pitiful. Ah Zhong felt pity for him, so he invited the old man home, not only prepared a hot meal for him, but also made a comfortable bed for him.

The old man was very grateful for Ah Zhong's kindness, and he told Ah Zhong that he was actually a Taoist priest who had been retired for many years, and that he had fallen here because of an accident. Seeing that Ah Zhong was kind, he decided to teach him some true Taoism, so that he could use the power of the righteous path to help more people.

Ah Zhong was ecstatic, he humbly learned the Tao from the old man, and practiced hard day and night. It wasn't long before he mastered some magical spells that could not only ward off evil spirits, but also cure diseases and save people.

With these spells, Ah Zhong strengthened his determination to use the power of righteousness to help the villagers. He began to run around, solving various incurable diseases for the villagers and helping them through the difficulties.

The carpenter hit the longevity timber and accidentally discovered the ugly thing in the owner, and he quietly pulled out the nail

With Ah Chung's help, the atmosphere in the village gradually improved, and people became united and friendly and helped each other. And those who have done bad things have also reformed themselves and become new people under the influence of Ah Zhong.

In this way, Ah Zhong used his craftsmanship and kindness to change the fate of the entire village. He became a hero and a god in people's hearts, and his story has been passed down from generation to generation.

And the nail that he pulled out was also buried deep in his heart. He understood that true power did not come from ghosts and gods, but from the human heart. Only by touching people's hearts with kindness and justice can we truly change the world.

This is the story of the carpenter Ah Chung, a story full of legends. It tells us that no matter what situation we find ourselves in, we should maintain a kind heart and use our power to change the world. Because only in this way can we truly live the value and meaning of life. Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, Ah Zhong has become an elder in the village. His face was carved with the traces of time, but those bright eyes still shone with wisdom and kindness. He is still busy with carpentry work every day, but more often he teaches the craft in the village and educates the villagers.

One day, a stranger came to the village, claiming to be a feng shui master, claiming to be able to see through people's past and present lives, and predict the good fortune and misfortune of the future. This feng shui master swaggered around the village, attracting many people to be deceived. When Ah Zhong heard this, he was displeased and decided to expose the feng shui master's deception.

The feng shui master set up an altar in the village, claiming that as long as people offered incense money, he would be able to pray for good fortune and ward off disasters. The villagers came one after another, hoping for peace and good luck. Ah Zhong quietly came to the altar and carefully observed the Feng Shui master's every move.

I saw the feng shui master pretending to chant a mantra and waving a small flag in his hand. However, Ah Zhong saw the glint of greed in his eyes, and knew that it was nothing more than a scam. So, he stepped forward and loudly exposed the deception of the feng shui master.

The carpenter hit the longevity timber and accidentally discovered the ugly thing in the owner, and he quietly pulled out the nail

When the feng shui master saw that Ah Zhong had exposed his tricks, he became angry and argued with Ah Zhong. Seeing this, the villagers gathered around to see what was going on. When the feng shui master saw that the situation was not good, he cast a magic spell to scare everyone away. However, his demonic skills seemed so vulnerable in front of Ah Zhong. Ah Zhong used the Taoism he learned to easily crack the feng shui master's magic and drive him out of the village.

The villagers were amazed when they saw that Ah Zhong was so powerful. They admired Ah Zhong even more and believed in his teachings even more. Since then, no one in the village has trusted the swindlers, and everyone has lived a peaceful and peaceful life.

Ah Zhong is getting older, but he still insists on making some woodworking products every day and giving them to the villagers in need. His craftsmanship became more and more exquisite, and each piece seemed to be infused with his soul and wisdom. With his own hands and kindness, he brought endless warmth and hope to the villagers.

The nail that he pulled out was always cherished by his side. It has witnessed his growth and change, and it also reminds him to always maintain a kind and upright heart. He understands that true power does not come from ghosts or spells from the outside world, but from the goodness and justice of the heart.

Ah Chung's story has been passed down through generations in the village, and his kindness and wisdom have become a role model and faith for the villagers. He proved with his actions that as long as we have good and righteous hearts, we can overcome all difficulties and evils and create a better world.

Eventually, Chung passed away peacefully on a quiet night. With a satisfied and serene smile on his face, he seems to have seen the bright future he has brought to the village. The villagers came to see him off one after another to send him their last respects and blessings. His story and spirit will remain in people's hearts forever, inspiring them to move forward and pursue a better future.