
The post-00s woman has a monthly income of 20,000 or 30,000 yuan, and she wants to marry an honest man: no bride price! But the marriage inspection is not to be discussed!

author:Xiao Chen's story



In this ever-changing era, young people's criteria for choosing a mate are becoming more and more diverse and individualized. There is a post-00s woman's mate selection criteria that have sparked heated discussions on social media. She not only bluntly said that she wanted to find an honest man to marry, but also said that she did not need a bride price, but refused the marriage inspection. Is this kind of mate selection criterion a challenge to traditional concepts, or a new interpretation of modern concepts of marriage and love?

The post-00s woman has a monthly income of 20,000 or 30,000 yuan, and she wants to marry an honest man: no bride price! But the marriage inspection is not to be discussed!


In the video, this post-00s woman has attracted the attention of many netizens with her unique charm. Her delicate makeup, jet-black hair, and well-matched outfits all reveal her love of life and confidence in herself. But when it comes to the criteria for choosing a mate, her answer is even more surprising: what she wants is pure love, without any material conditions, and even without a bride price. Such a view is undoubtedly a subversion of the traditional concept of marriage.

The post-00s woman has a monthly income of 20,000 or 30,000 yuan, and she wants to marry an honest man: no bride price! But the marriage inspection is not to be discussed!

But her other point of view has caused even more controversy: she refuses to have a marriage test. In her view, the past is in the past, and only the future needs to be considered in the present. Marriage inspection, in her eyes, is a distrust of each other. What she wants is the trust of her partner with all her heart, so the marriage test is unacceptable to her.

The post-00s woman has a monthly income of 20,000 or 30,000 yuan, and she wants to marry an honest man: no bride price! But the marriage inspection is not to be discussed!

This woman's criteria for choosing a mate are unacceptable in the eyes of many people, because marriage is only once, and the person you choose also has to meet your own needs, and the bride price and marriage inspection are necessary conditions in marriage. In her own way, she expressed her views on love: love does not need the blessing of material conditions, nor does it need to be verified by marriage inspection. All she wants is a pure relationship, a love where both parties trust each other.

The post-00s woman has a monthly income of 20,000 or 30,000 yuan, and she wants to marry an honest man: no bride price! But the marriage inspection is not to be discussed!

The woman's attitude sparked a heated discussion among netizens. Netizens said: "Don't bully honest people" and "Don't think you don't know what to think in your heart." I'm an honest man, but not a big fool! "In the end, it was really the honest man who resisted everything"

The post-00s woman has a monthly income of 20,000 or 30,000 yuan, and she wants to marry an honest man: no bride price! But the marriage inspection is not to be discussed!

"What kind of work does a post-00s girl have to do to earn 23,000 a month?"

The post-00s woman has a monthly income of 20,000 or 30,000 yuan, and she wants to marry an honest man: no bride price! But the marriage inspection is not to be discussed!


To be honest, for girls, reputation is really important. Think about it, if you mess up your reputation because of impulsiveness or mistakes, then when it's really time to talk about marriage in the future, which boy would be willing to marry such a girl? People will definitely worry about whether this kind of girl will do something in the future.

The post-00s woman has a monthly income of 20,000 or 30,000 yuan, and she wants to marry an honest man: no bride price! But the marriage inspection is not to be discussed!

Of course, having more experiences is not necessarily a good thing, it depends on what kind of experience it is. Some experiences do make people grow and become more mature, but some experiences are really useless and only make people fall deeper and deeper. So, we still have to be down-to-earth, marriage is a major event in life, we must be responsible for each other, and marriage inspection is inevitable, which not only allows both parties to understand each other better, but also for the sake of the next generation.

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