
"One person does not enter the temple, two people do not look at the well, three people do not hug the tree, and four people do not look back", what is the meaning?

author:Huinong Circle - Sister Azhen

In the folk, there are many interesting sayings, these words at first heard that they are not interesting, and even thought they were superstitions, but if you think about it carefully, these words have another deep meaning.

For example, the saying we are going to say today: "One person does not enter the temple, two people do not look at the well, three people do not hold the tree, and four people do not look back", do you know why?

"One person does not enter the temple, two people do not look at the well, three people do not hug the tree, and four people do not look back", what is the meaning?

No one enters the temple

In ancient times, when people encountered things, they liked to pray to the gods and worship the Buddha the most, but at that time, people often went to the temple together, but never went alone, this kind of behavior seems to be a bit incredible now?

In fact, there is a reason why people do not enter the temple alone.

The first reason: security reasons

In ancient times, most of the temples were built in the deep mountains and old forests, at that time the social security was not very good, in addition to the wild beasts in the deep mountains and old forests, there were many bad people who fell into the grass for the bad guys, if a person entered the temple, it was easy to encounter danger on the road.

In ancient times, temples were used as religious sites to carry people's beliefs and hopes, and people would offer money to temples, so temples often became the target of thieves.

Considering that the transportation was inconvenient at that time, and the people who went to the temple to worship the Buddha were women, they would often stay in the temple for one night and go back at dawn the next day, if they lived alone in the temple, they were easy to be hurt by thieves.

Therefore, it is easy to be in danger when entering the temple alone, and out of consideration for one's own safety, one person should not go to the temple.

If you have to go on your own, you can go to the temple in the downtown area, where there are many people and the safety is higher.

"One person does not enter the temple, two people do not look at the well, three people do not hug the tree, and four people do not look back", what is the meaning?

The second reason: psychological reasons

In addition to the sculptures of the Buddha, there are also sculptures of Arhats, sculptures of the Four Heavenly Kings, and their shapes are very terrifying, especially the eyes, which look fierce and vicious.

When ordinary people see these sculptures, they will be afraid, even if they have not done anything bad, they will be afraid, and some people will even hallucinate, so don't enter the temple alone.

When entering the temple, if you can have a companion, you can strengthen your courage, eliminate the fear in your heart, and better seek Buddha.

The third reason: to prove for yourself

In ancient times, the living conditions of most people were relatively difficult, and the gap between the rich and the poor was huge.

As a religious site, temples often gather a large amount of incense money, which comes from donations from believers, who hope to pray for the blessings and blessings of the gods in this way.

In this case, if a person enters the temple and happens to throw something at the temple, he will become a suspect.

In ancient times, if the officials who handled the case could not find the real thief, it was easy to punish you to appease the anger of the monks in the temple.

In order to avoid such unnecessary misunderstandings and prison sentences, ancient people tended to be extra cautious when entering temples, and they may choose to enter when there are many people, or go in groups.

"One person does not enter the temple, two people do not look at the well, three people do not hug the tree, and four people do not look back", what is the meaning?

The two did not look at the well

According to legend, there was a pair of good friends in the Yuan Dynasty, namely Li Si and Wang Wu, who played from childhood to adulthood and had a very good relationship.

One year, Wang Wu lost money because of business, and his family had no money to buy food, so he borrowed some money from his friend Li Si.

Li Si took out twenty taels and gave them to Wang Wu to help him get through the difficulties.

Many years have passed, and Wang Wu is no longer the poor boy of the past, but a rich man from ten miles and eight towns.

Look at Li Si again, because he has a good relationship with Wang Wu, he has never been embarrassed to collect debts from him.

One year, Li Si's father suddenly became seriously ill and needed to ask a respected Lang Zhong to see a doctor, because the outpatient fee was too expensive, Li Si couldn't come up with so much money for a while, so he had to ask Wang Wu for the twenty taels of silver that he had lent him at the beginning.

Wang Wu saw Li Si, who was asking for debts, although he verbally promised to give him money, but he didn't want to pay back the money in his heart, so he thought of a way.

Wang Wu told Li Si that he had money, and because he was worried that the money would be remembered by thieves at home, he hid the money in the dry well behind, and waited until noon tomorrow, let's go and take it out, and I can pay you back.

On the second day, Li Si followed Wang Wu to the dry well, and Wang Wu said, the money is under the well, I will send you down, and after you get the money, I will pull you up again.

Li Si agreed, he lay on the edge of the well to look at the situation, who would have thought, suddenly someone pushed him behind him, Li Si fell in, and he could only "lie down", and there was no sound in the well.

"One person does not enter the temple, two people do not look at the well, three people do not hug the tree, and four people do not look back", what is the meaning?

It turned out that the reason why Wang Wu invited Li Si to go to the dry well was to push him into the well and not pay him back.

At noon, everyone in the village was resting at home, and there was no one at the well, which was convenient for Wang Wuxing.

However, the sky net was restored and not leaked, and Wang Wuwan never expected that behind the big tree not far away, there was a villager who was resting there, and he had already listened to their every move.

Later, when the villagers saw Li Si being pushed into the well, they were afraid to report to the official, and then Wang Wu was brought to justice.

This incident also made all the villagers afraid, and they no longer dared to go to the well with others, for fear that the same thing would happen.

The story of the two not looking at the well also tells people that it is indispensable to guard against people, and if you go out with your companions, you must have more eyes, otherwise there will be endless disasters.

First, he was worried that the other party would harm him, just like the king of the black chicken country in "Journey to the West", wasn't he pushed down the well by the national teacher? If it weren't for Sun Wukong's rescue, I'm afraid he would have died.

Second, I am worried that the other party will have an accident and I will not be able to leave the relationship.

You know, the well is relatively slippery, in ancient times there were a lot of people who fell into the well, if two people walked together at the well, one of them accidentally fell, don't you have a life lawsuit?

In ancient times, there was no monitoring to prove your innocence, so don't go to the well with two people.

"One person does not enter the temple, two people do not look at the well, three people do not hug the tree, and four people do not look back", what is the meaning?

The three of them don't hug the tree

The "hug" here is not the action of hugging, but the action of "lifting", which literally means that three people should not carry a tree together.

Many people may be curious, the big tree is so heavy, wouldn't it be more labor-saving for three people to lift it together? Why can't we do it yet?

At this time, I have to think about the story of "three monks have no water to drink".

The reason why the three monks had no water to drink was that everyone counted on the other two to fetch water, and in the end everyone had no water to drink.

Therefore, three people carry a tree together, and this situation will also occur.

If one of them wants to be lazy, it means that the other two need to exert more force, but if all three have this mind, the tree can only be smashed on three people, resulting in three injuries.

"One person does not enter the temple, two people do not look at the well, three people do not hug the tree, and four people do not look back", what is the meaning?

In interpersonal communication, everyone has their own position and point of view, and when three or more people face an issue together, it is inevitable that differences of opinion will arise.

At this time, if there is a lack of effective communication and coordination, it is easy to cause contradictions and conflicts.

At the same time, this sentence also reminds us that when interacting with many people, we should pay attention to protecting our own rights and interests.

Teamwork, to have a clear division of labor, so that you can avoid injury.

In addition, this sentence is also a reminder to businessmen to be careful when working with others.

For example, if three people work together to start a company, each with a 33% stake, once the other two people join forces, they can easily be kicked out.

Although the saying "three people don't hug a tree" is simple, it contains a profound way of interpersonal communication.

"One person does not enter the temple, two people do not look at the well, three people do not hug the tree, and four people do not look back", what is the meaning?

The four did not look back

It is said that before Zhuge Liang died, he ordered people to put his military books into his coffin and let them accompany him to be buried in the ground.

Zhuge Liang was worried that he would be buried in the ground after his death and that the tomb would be robbed by others, so he gave an order, "four people carry the coffin without looking back, and bury it on the spot after the rope is broken".

Although Liu Chan was incompetent, he respected Zhuge Liang very much and foreshadowed the burial of Zhuge Liang according to his will.

Liu Chan selected four strong soldiers and asked them to carry Zhuge Liang's coffin and go south from Dingjun Mountain, and it was strictly forbidden to look back on the way until the rope was naturally worn and broken, and Zhuge Liang could be buried there.

Afterwards, the four men went to be buried according to the order, and the coffin was made of fine wood, which was very heavy, and there were many military books in it, which was even heavier.

These four people carried it for three days and three nights, and the rope did not break, so they thought of a way, cut the rope, buried Zhuge Liang, and went back to restore their lives.

Liu Chan saw that the break of the rope was very smooth, and knew that they were lazy, so he was very angry, so he cut them down.

After the death of these four people, Liu Chan remembered and forgot to ask where he was buried.

Since then, no one knows where Zhuge Liang's grave is.

Everyone doesn't know that this is Zhuge Liang's plan, he offended too many people during his lifetime, so in order not to be disturbed after his death, he came up with this method.

"One person does not enter the temple, two people do not look at the well, three people do not hug the tree, and four people do not look back", what is the meaning?

"Four people don't look back", just five words, but it contains the wisdom of dealing with people.

Literally, it seems to describe the matter of four people carrying the coffin to bury Zhuge Liang, but in fact, it is also telling everyone that since they have decided on one thing, they can't turn back, no matter how difficult they are, they can't give up, otherwise something unfortunate will happen.

Some people also believe that this common saying is to tell people that if everyone decides on something together, they must not be the one who raises objections, which not only hinders everyone's progress, but also easily gives up by the team and puts themselves in an embarrassing situation.

Write at the end

Judging from the above content, "one person does not enter the temple" is to make people have a sense of safety, "two people do not look at the well" is to make people have a sense of crisis, and "three people do not hold a tree and four people do not look back" is to make people have a sense of teamwork.

This old proverb has endured for thousands of years, and it is still alive and well today.

It is telling us to be cautious and a little more vigilant in dealing with others, so as not to encounter accidents or get into unnecessary trouble.

In modern society, this proverb still serves as a warning to us, and people should be both honest and cautious in their interactions.

Just like the ancestors said, we can't have the heart to hurt others, we can't have the heart to defend people, we can't hurt others, but we can't let others hurt us.

Do you think there is truth to the sayings of the ancients? Looking forward to your review! Thanks for reading!