
The glory of the third place in the World Championships is no more! Zhao Junpeng lost to Wu Jialang 0:2 and stopped in the quarterfinals of the Thailand competition!

author:The pony doesn't eat fish

In this way, Zhao Junpeng, once a dazzling star in the World Championships, lost to Wu Jialong in Thailand today, ruining his dream of the quarterfinals. This situation really makes people want to complain about God's will and make people!

Do you remember Zhao Junpeng's magnificent appearance at the World Championships that year? At that time, his jumping serve was so handsome that he had no friends, and at that time, who didn't say "the promising champion seed in the future"? But who would have thought that in a blink of an eye, the scenery was no longer there, and this time in the arena in Thailand, he would lose to Wu Jialang so dryly.

The glory of the third place in the World Championships is no more! Zhao Junpeng lost to Wu Jialang 0:2 and stopped in the quarterfinals of the Thailand competition!

The tournament started on the 16th at a nice restaurant in Thailand. Zhao Junpeng's appearance this time can be described as attracting much attention. After all, they are veritable third-place finishers in the former World Championships. Wu Jialang on the other side, although he is not as famous as him, don't forget, this guy just had an upset not long ago and knocked down the top seeds.

The glory of the third place in the World Championships is no more! Zhao Junpeng lost to Wu Jialang 0:2 and stopped in the quarterfinals of the Thailand competition!

In the first game, the two of them went back and forth, so it was not lively. Zhao Junpeng showed his old spiciness, and several beautiful backcourt attacks made Wu Jialang stumble. Unfortunately, the good times didn't last long, and Ng Ka Long quickly adjusted his strategy and began to respond with sharp small balls in front of the net and variable speed attacks. As a result, 21-19 in the first game, Wu Jialong won a small game.

The glory of the third place in the World Championships is no more! Zhao Junpeng lost to Wu Jialang 0:2 and stopped in the quarterfinals of the Thailand competition!

In the second game, the two players obviously had some physical decline, after all, who is still young. Zhao Junpeng's pace is obviously not so flexible, while Wu Jialang is like taking a stimulant, and the offensive is more fierce. Look at his smashes, it's very sharp! In the end, 21-15, Wu Jialong went to the next city.

Summing up the score, 0:2, Zhao Junpeng said goodbye to the quarterfinals of the Thailand tournament with a sad face. Such a result undoubtedly hurts the hearts of many Zhao fans. After all, who wouldn't want to see their heroes soar all the way?

This game is not only a win or loss of scores, but also a kind of torture about Zhao Junpeng's future. As we all know, Zhao Junpeng used to be such a dazzling star, but this competition exposed his handling of key points and physical problems in the later stage. Does that mean he needs to re-evaluate his training and tactics?

And for Ng Ka Long, this victory is undoubtedly a bold statement of his strength. In his post-match interview, he modestly said: "Every race is a new challenge and I just do my best. "With this steady attitude, coupled with today's performance, Ng Ka Long's future arena is definitely worth looking forward to.

Such a competition is not only a competition of skills, but also a competition of psychology and physical strength. Win, of course, is as brilliant as the flowers; If you lose, you have to be as tough as grass. The showdown between Zhao Junpeng and Wu Jialong, no matter what the result is, has brought us a lot of inspiration and thinking.

For Zhao Junpeng's fans, this defeat may be a wake-up call, telling us that heroes also have times when they are down-to-earth. For Zhao Junpeng himself, this is undoubtedly an opportunity for reflection and adjustment. He will need to pay more attention to his physical reserves and key points in his future training so that he can show his brilliance again in the fierce international arena.

As for Ng Ka Long, this victory should bring him a considerable confidence boost. In the future, I hope he can continue to maintain this spirit of daring to challenge and win, and bring us more exciting games.

In short, although this game has come to an end, the thoughts and expectations it leaves us are far from over. Whether it is the joy of the winner or the loneliness of the loser, it is an indispensable part of competitive sports. We hope that Zhao Junpeng can regain his best form, and we also hope that Ng Ka Long can go further in the future arena. And for us ordinary viewers, it is more about enjoying the joy and passion brought by this sports feast.

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