
The role model around him |Zhao Junjie Let the police badge shine on the front line

author:Micro-policing of the Fourth Division
The role model around him |Zhao Junjie Let the police badge shine on the front line
The role model around him |Zhao Junjie Let the police badge shine on the front line

Don't forget the original intention and keep the mission

A party member is a banner, and a branch is a fortress. There is such a group of people around us, who have tempered their original intentions with dedication, and they have taken on the mission with hard work, vividly interpreting the political character and vanguard image of the communists in the new era. In order to thoroughly study and implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and give full play to the leading role of advanced models, the Public Security Bureau of Yining Reclamation District has launched a series of activities to display the deeds of party members under the "Party Emblem Shining and Role Models Around You". Listen to their stories and appreciate the power of role models.

Today, let's talk about the story of party member Zhao Junjie.

Comrade Zhao Junjie, male, Han nationality, born in August 1987, enlisted in the army in December 2005, member of the Communist Party of China, is currently the secretary of the Party branch, instructor and first-class sergeant of the Yiqun Police Station of the Yiningken District Public Security Bureau. In 2015 and 2017, Comrade Zhao Junjie was selected as "Excellent District Police" by the Public Security Bureau of the Fourth Division, and in 2017, he was rated as "Advanced Individual in Fire Prevention" by the Fire Safety Committee of Kekedala City of the Fourth Division, and in the same year, he was rated as the "Top 20" Community Police by the Public Security Bureau of the Corps, and was awarded by the Public Security Bureau of the Fourth Division three times.

The role model around him |Zhao Junjie Let the police badge shine on the front line

Caring for the masses, willing to contribute, and being a "caring person" who is satisfied with the masses

After retiring from the army, Comrade Zhao Junjie passed the recruitment examination and was admitted to the training class of the Corps' Political and Legal Cadres and Police Orientation Committee, and after two years of professional study, he successfully entered the public security team of the Fourth Division of the Corps. In 2012, Comrade Zhao Junjie was assigned to the Shorebulak Police Station of the Yiningken District Public Security Bureau for an internship. It was also this internship that the simple enthusiasm of the staff and residents of the regiment and the spirit of dedication of the grassroots police to the people strengthened his determination to take root in the grassroots and dedicate himself to the grassroots.

The role model around him |Zhao Junjie Let the police badge shine on the front line

He often said, "I have lived in the family of Tuanchang workers since I was a child, and I know that it is not easy for the people, and no matter what work we do, we must think more about the people." That's what he thinks, and that's what he does. During the internship and even in the subsequent more than ten years of police career, the people in the jurisdiction came to the police station to do things, and he always received them with a smile, and he did not send the people out of the police station hall until the people finished the matter. In this way, he has won the praise of the residents of the jurisdiction with his practical actions again and again.

The role model around him |Zhao Junjie Let the police badge shine on the front line

General Secretary Xi Jinping once said that all ethnic groups should hug each other tightly like pomegranate seeds. Comrade Zhao Junjie is well aware of the importance of ethnic unity in Xinjiang, where ethnic minorities live in large numbers. In 2017, he actively responded to the call to establish a marriage partner. For 6 years, he has always cared for his marriage partners as if he were his own family. Even after he was transferred to the Yiqun Police Station, he did not forget his concern for his "relatives". Every important holiday, he will buy rice, noodles, oil and other daily necessities in advance to go to condolences.

Stick to the original intention, be loyal and dedicated, and be a firm "vanguard"

Since he was transferred to the Yiqun Police Station of the Yining Ken District Public Security Bureau as the secretary of the Party branch and instructor in January 2023, Comrade Zhao Junjie has always worked hard to practice the scientific outlook on development and the purpose of "serving the people wholeheartedly" in his own post with a high degree of professionalism and responsibility, and has conscientiously and solidly performed the work duties of the community police.

The role model around him |Zhao Junjie Let the police badge shine on the front line

As a legal officer of the police station, he personally participated in the follow-up disposal of each police situation, mediated more than 100 mass disputes, inspected more than 300 key enterprises and institutions in the jurisdiction together with the district police and relevant departments of the regiment, investigated more than 160 road traffic, fire protection and public security hazards, put forward more than 80 feasible rectification suggestions, served the masses more than 60 times, and donated more than 300 pieces of shoes, clothing and books for the people in need in the jurisdiction. It has established a good image of the people's police for the people, enhanced the credibility of the public security organs' law enforcement, and laid a solid foundation for deepening the situation between the police and the people and for the better development of various police work.

During the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China in 2019, he led the people's auxiliary police to fight in the jurisdiction for more than 90 days, taking the institute as his home, and fully maintaining the social and political stability of the jurisdiction during the 70th anniversary celebration, and presenting the best gift for the birthday of the motherland.

The role model around him |Zhao Junjie Let the police badge shine on the front line

In 2020, the pneumonia epidemic caused by the new coronavirus spread in many places across the country, and he led the auxiliary police of the whole institute to be stationed in the jurisdiction for more than 40 days. Due to the lack of police force to carry out epidemic prevention and control measures, he served as both a "commander" and a "combatant" in his work, and he went wherever he needed people, and all the people's auxiliary police under his leadership conscientiously implemented various epidemic prevention and control measures in strict accordance with the requirements of their superiors, ensuring the life, health and safety of employees and residents in the jurisdiction. Since his work from 2021 to 2024, Comrade Zhao Junjie has arrested a total of 14 fugitives online (including 9 clues and 5 fugitives for brother units).

"Give up a small family, take care of everyone" shows greatness in the ordinary

At work, he is an instructor at a grassroots police station, and in life he is a husband and a father of two daughters. Since serving as an instructor at the police station, Comrade Zhao Junjie has been leading shifts in the police station all the year round to preside over the work, and he has been separated from his wife and daughter in two places and has only returned home a handful of times in the past year. Since he can't see each other, he can only talk to his family through video calls after work, and when he faces his wife and daughter, he always says, "I've been busy with work lately, and I'll go home when I'm busy."

The role model around him |Zhao Junjie Let the police badge shine on the front line

Comrade Zhao Junjie kept in mind the purpose of serving the people, insisted on taking the realization of the fundamental interests of the people as the starting point and end point of all work, and conscientiously completed all work tasks. He is a man of integrity, a firm stance, and a man who takes the big picture into account. On the one hand, we should sincerely care for and care for the people's auxiliary police, strengthen the concept of the overall situation and the idea of a game of chess, stress principles in major matters, style in small matters, learn people's strengths, tolerate people's shortcomings, and understand people's difficulties.

The role model around him |Zhao Junjie Let the police badge shine on the front line

On the road of life, everyone is writing their own history with their own footprints, Comrade Zhao Junjie with selfless work attitude and selfless professionalism in the ordinary work in the obscurity, silent dedication, although there is no earth-shattering performance, there is no world-known honor, but Comrade Zhao Junjie has paid full of enthusiasm for the public security cause he is engaged in, and has brought out all sincerity, shaping an extraordinary professionalism.

The role model around him |Zhao Junjie Let the police badge shine on the front line

Correspondents: Zhao Junjie, Shi Chenyang

Editor: Yang Daliang

Editor in charge: Yuan Hongtao

Review: Li Jianxin

Source: Yiningken District Public Security Bureau

Posted in [email protected]

The role model around him |Zhao Junjie Let the police badge shine on the front line

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