
Integrity and innovation promote the connotative development of ideological and political courses

author:China Youth Network

"Integrity" is the fine tradition of ideological and political education of the Communist Party of China for more than 100 years, and it is the rich experience of the establishment and development of ideological and political education disciplines in the past 40 years. Only by firmly establishing the awareness of reform and innovation, adhering to innovation-driven, innovation-led, and innovation-empowered, can we achieve adaptation to events, advance with the times, and innovate with the situation.


General Secretary Xi Jinping recently made important instructions on the construction of ideological and political courses in schools, emphasizing the need to "uphold integrity and innovation, promote the connotative development of ideological and political courses, and continuously improve the pertinence and attractiveness of ideological and political courses". Integrity and innovation are important ideological methods of the Communist Party of China in governing the country in the new era, and they are also the fundamental requirements for the construction of ideological and political courses. Taking a firm stand in the midst of "uprightness" and seeking systematic change in the course of "innovation" is the proper meaning of constantly opening up a new situation in ideological and political education in the new era.

Maintain concentration: build a solid foundation for the connotative development of ideological and political courses with "integrity".

"Integrity" is the premise and foundation for the connotative development of ideological and political courses. "Only by keeping integrity can we not lose our way and not make subversive mistakes." "Integrity" is the fine tradition of ideological and political education of the Communist Party of China for more than 100 years, and it is the rich experience of the establishment and development of ideological and political education disciplines in the past 40 years. The construction of ideological and political courses is a basic development process, a pioneering and exploration on the basis of a solid resource base, institutional foundation, practical foundation and theoretical foundation, and the unity of inheritance and transformation.

To build a solid foundation for the connotative development of ideological and political courses with "integrity", we must first adhere to the political direction. This is the intrinsic requirement for the connotative development of ideological and political course construction. Adhere to the party's overall leadership over the construction of ideological and political courses, and fully implement the party's education policy, strategic deployment and decision-making outline. Teachers of ideological and political courses should maintain a high degree of consistency with the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core in terms of political position, direction and principles, always be loyal to the education cause of the Party and the people, consciously be firm believers and faithful practitioners of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and unremittingly disseminate Marxist scientific theories. Adhere to the guiding position of Marxist theory, unremittingly use Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era to cast the soul and educate people, build a teaching material system, teaching mode, and education mechanism with Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as the core content, and tell the story of China, the Communist Party of China, and the new era.

To "keep upright" to build a solid foundation for the connotative development of ideological and political courses, but also to abide by the value orientation. Ideological and political courses are the key courses to implement the fundamental task of cultivating morality and cultivating people, and have an irreplaceable position in the socialist education system with Chinese characteristics. The construction and development of ideological and political courses should adhere to the implementation of the fundamental task of cultivating morality, not only cultivating students' knowledge, skills, ability and literacy, but also shaping students' moral character, values, ideals and beliefs.

To build a solid foundation for the connotative development of ideological and political courses with "integrity", it is even more necessary to abide by the laws of education. Comprehensively grasp the basic principles and methods of teaching and educating people, profoundly understand the laws of ideological and political work, and systematically grasp the growth of students, the laws of cognition, thinking habits, and learning characteristics. This is the basic requirement for improving the quality of education and better guiding the healthy growth of students.

Enhance motivation: Expand the space for connotative development of ideological and political courses with "innovation".

The construction of ideological and political courses can only be strengthened, not weakened, and innovation is the first driving force for the construction of ideological and political courses. Standing at a new historical starting point, the task of building ideological and political courses is even more arduous. In the face of complex and diverse social trends, fierce collision of multiple cultures, complex and changeable network environment, increasingly personalized student demands and diversified value orientations; In the face of the shortcomings of ideological and political courses, such as teaching effect, textbook content, teaching mode, and work system, etc. Only by firmly establishing the awareness of reform and innovation, adhering to innovation-driven, innovation-led, and innovation-empowered, can we achieve adaptation to events, advance with the times, and innovate with the situation.

To expand the space for the connotative development of ideological and political courses with "innovation", we must first create a new engine. Fully release the technical effectiveness of "artificial intelligence +", and realize the modernization of ideological and political course construction and the efficiency of ideological and political teaching. Make full use of VR (virtual reality), AR (augmented reality), ER (extended reality), and MR (mixed reality) technologies to create a digital teaching matrix. Make good use of digital education tools to accurately outline student portraits, so that personalized learning, precise teaching, intelligent push and focused teaching can be realized. Comprehensively explore the value of data resources and form a data-driven education management evaluation system. With the help of data mining and data analysis technology, the course effect is monitored, evaluated, feedbacked and tracked in real time.

To expand the space for the connotative development of ideological and political courses with "innovation", it is also necessary to cultivate new kinetic energy. The connotative development of ideological and political course construction emphasizes the transition from "quantitative evolution" to "qualitative leap", which requires solving the problem of power conversion, accelerating the overall optimization of the "productivity system" of the curriculum construction composed of subject, object, ring and mediator, and realizing the innovative configuration of "production factors" composed of concepts, systems, systems, contents and methods. Promote the innovation of curriculum content and form, the upgrading of means and methods, the transformation of structural paradigms, and the optimization of institutional mechanisms.

To expand the space for the connotative development of ideological and political courses with "innovation", it is necessary to construct a new mechanism. The connotative development of the construction of ideological and political courses should carry out cutting-edge exploration and forward-looking layout in the right direction, realize system management through mechanism optimization, and adapt to new challenges. Improve the implementation mechanism for cultivating morality, the teaching process management mechanism, the teaching effect evaluation mechanism, and the curriculum construction guarantee mechanism, and reshape the educational form, teaching mode, and teacher-student relationship of ideological and political education.

Stimulate vitality: open up a new realm of connotative development of ideological and political course construction with "integrity and innovation".

Connotative development is often used to describe a kind of growth that focuses more on quality than mere quantity, and is a multi-level and multi-dimensional concept that emphasizes deep-seated systemic change. "The fundamental cause of the development of things lies not in the outside of things but in the inside of things, in the contradictions within things." The contradictions within things are the driving force for their development. Integrity and innovation are two sides of the same coin, dialectical and mutually promoting, through interaction and mutual transformation, to achieve a state of balance and coordination, so that things can exist and develop in new forms. This is the internal logic of the development of the connotation of ideological and political course construction. In other words, it is precisely for the sake of better innovation that innovation can better guard the "origin and source" of ideological and political courses. Only by adhering to integrity and innovation can we win the initiative, win the advantage and win the future.

To open up a new realm of connotative development of ideological and political course construction with "integrity and innovation", we must first build a multi-dimensional educational environment of "traditional small classroom + new online classroom + social classroom". Give full play to the advantages of systematic theory teaching in classroom teaching. Guided by application traction, scenario-driven, and data empowerment, we create "embedded", "immersive", and "multi-modal" online teaching scenarios. In the course of practical teaching, we should "understand" the great achievements of Chinese-style modernization, break the "sitting and discussing", and further enhance the "four self-confidences" of the majority of young students.

To open up a new realm of connotative development in the construction of ideological and political courses with "integrity and innovation", it is also necessary to build the overall education ecology of "big ideological and political courses". Construct the content of "disseminating Marxist knowledge and publicizing the world-renowned achievements of socialism with Chinese characteristics", and cultivate a great gentleman with "superb professional skills and noble teacher ethics". Promote the systematic and collaborative development of ideological and political courses in primary and secondary schools, and realize the mutual promotion and systematic coupling of "teaching-learning-research".

To open up a new realm of connotative development in the construction of ideological and political courses with "integrity and innovation", it is necessary to form a pattern of educating people with concerted efforts. The construction of ideological and political courses is the common task of the whole party and the whole society. Improving the quality and efficiency of ideological and political courses requires close cooperation and multi-faceted concerted efforts. Establish a joint action framework of "government-enterprise-society-public" under the unified leadership of the party committee, effectively use world-class educational resources and innovative elements, and gather a strong joint force to educate people for the party and the country.

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that in the new era and new journey, the construction of ideological and political courses is facing new situations and new tasks, and there must be new atmosphere and new achievements. Through connotative development to open a new situation, education of new people need to break through the need to stand at the same time, adhere to the integrity and innovation to maintain strategic focus, and based on the needs of reality, development, and students, take the initiative to seek innovation and change, stimulate the huge driving force of change, and better undertake the mission of establishing morality and cultivating people.

[The author is an associate professor and master's supervisor of the School of Marxism, Northeast Forestry University.] This paper is the interim result of the general project of the National Social Science Foundation of China, "Research on the Mechanism of International Discourse Generation of Chinese Modernization" (23BKS076).

Zhang Cong Source: China Youth Daily

Source: China Youth Daily