
Under the guidance of the overall national security concept, the "ballast stone" of food security should be consolidated

author:China Youth Network

Based on the world and national conditions and grain conditions, we will practice the new food security concept of "basic self-sufficiency in grains and absolute safety of rations", and further promote the development of agriculture by industry, quality and green.


On April 15, 2014, General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward the "overall national security concept" for the first time at the first meeting of the Central National Security Commission. On July 1, 2015, the National Security Law of the People's Republic of China, passed by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, designated April 15 as National Security Education Day. The year 2024 marks the 10th anniversary of General Secretary Xi Jinping's creative proposal of the overall national security concept, and the theme of this year's National Security Education Day publicity and education activities is "The 10th Anniversary of the Overall National Security Concept, Innovation and Leadership". Over the past 10 years, we have unswervingly implemented the overall concept of national security and permeated the entire process of safeguarding national security in all aspects of the work of the Party and the state. Under the guidance of the overall concept of national security, the mainland has firmly grasped the initiative in development and security.

The overall national security concept emphasizes the concept of big security, covering many fields such as politics, military, territory, economy, finance, culture, society, science and technology, network, food, ecology, and artificial intelligence. Ensuring national food security is an important foundation for achieving economic development, social stability, and national security. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has made many important instructions on ensuring national food security. The Food Security Law of the People's Republic of China will come into force on June 1, 2024. This fully shows that General Secretary Xi Jinping stands at the height of the overall cause of the Party and the country, coordinates high-quality development and high-level security, puts forward clear requirements for consolidating the "ballast stone" of food security in the new era and new journey, and points out the direction for efforts to improve the security and security of food, energy and resources.

Grasp the primary task and have the "great man of the country" in mind. Food is the head of government, and grain is the life of the people. Food security is the "great power of the country," and it is necessary to regard ensuring the supply of grain and important agricultural products as the primary task, improve the comprehensive agricultural production capacity, maintain a stable area and output, and stabilize the rice bowl of the Chinese. It is necessary to resolutely adhere to the red line of cultivated land protection, adopt hard measures to "grow teeth", resolutely crack down on the problem of arable land taking advantage of the superior and making up for the inferior, curb the "non-agricultural" and "non-grain" of cultivated land, ensure the area of cultivated land, and ensure that the 1.8 billion mu of cultivated land deserves its name, but also strengthen the protection and construction of cultivated land, improve the "three-in-one" protection system of cultivated land quantity, quality, and ecology, adhere to the use of good land for grain, and give priority to the construction of high-standard farmland in permanent basic farmland protection areas, grain production functional areas, and important agricultural product production protection areas. To improve farmland infrastructure, it is also necessary to adhere to the self-reliance and self-improvement of agricultural science and technology, and accelerate the construction of a modern agricultural technology system that meets the requirements of high-yield, high-efficiency, high-quality, safe, and green ecological development.

Focusing on the central task, we should protect the interests of farmers. Hong Fan Bazheng, food is the head of politics. General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that it is necessary to "insist on increasing farmers' income as the central task of the 'three rural' work, and do everything possible to broaden the channels for farmers to increase their income and get rich, so that farmers' pockets will become more and more bulging, and their lives will become better and better, so as to draw a new picture of livable, workable and beautiful villages." It is necessary not only to solidly promote the revitalization of industries, develop characteristic industries in various localities, take multiple measures to promote the stable employment of migrant workers, and tap the potential of increasing business income and migrant income. Improve and improve the rural social security system, increase support for rural revitalization areas, stimulate the endogenous driving force of rural development, improve the support policy system, and form a new pattern of regional development that promotes each other, complements each other's advantages, and develops together.

Based on an important location, build a harmonious village. Rural construction should be placed in an important position in the modernization drive, and the modernization level of rural production and life should be continuously improved. It is necessary not only to promote the modernization of rural infrastructure, aiming at the goal of "rural areas basically have modern living conditions", to promote the planning and construction of urban and rural infrastructure as a whole, and to improve the level of rural public services, but also to unremittingly improve the rural living environment, to excavate the pattern and style of villages in various places and introduce modern elements to achieve a good situation of each with its own beauty and beauty together, and also to promote the quality and efficiency of basic public services in rural areas, improve the comfort of the rural living environment, and let farmers live a modern and civilized life on the spot.

Give full play to the role of magic weapons and stimulate the vitality of development. We should take the deepening of rural reform as an important magic weapon, promote the implementation of reforms in key areas and key links, and let hundreds of millions of farmers have a greater sense of gain in reform. It is necessary not only to consolidate the basic chassis of the "three rural", on this basis, to build an upgrading mechanism, an agricultural management system, and an agricultural science and technology innovation and promotion system, but also to emancipate the mind, and strive to enhance the systematic, holistic and collaborative nature of the reform.

Strengthen the fundamental guarantee and form a joint work force. Food security is the responsibility of the party and the government. Strengthening the party's overall leadership over the "three rural" work is a strong political guarantee for comprehensively promoting rural revitalization and accelerating the construction of an agricultural power. General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that "it is necessary to strengthen the party's overall leadership over the 'three rural' work, consolidate the responsibility of the fifth-level secretaries for rural revitalization, implement the requirements of priority development of agriculture and rural areas, and strengthen policy support and factor guarantees." We should improve our work methods and methods, strengthen the construction of work style, vigorously carry out investigation and research, conform to the laws of nature, economy, and social development, and grasp the timeliness and effectiveness of work. Widely gather the forces of all parties to grasp the implementation of the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee's "three rural" work in the spirit of nailing. "It is necessary to strengthen the party's leadership as a fundamental guarantee, adhere to the road of food security with Chinese characteristics, deeply understand and grasp the extreme importance of national food security, and constantly lead and promote the theoretical innovation, institutional innovation and practical innovation of food security, and truly form a joint force of emphasizing the "three rural" and promoting revitalization, but also to consolidate the responsibility of comprehensively promoting rural revitalization, have a deep insight into the situation and tasks facing the mainland's food security, and always adhere to the unwavering grasp of party building to promote rural revitalization, implement the implementation measures of the rural revitalization responsibility system, and improve the counties (cities) , township (town) party and government leadership groups and leading cadres to promote the rural revitalization strategy performance appraisal system, but also based on the internal law of food security, strengthen the construction of party committee rural work institutions. The rural work leading groups of party committees at all levels should give full play to the role of taking the lead in the "three rural" work, making overall plans and coordination, promoting the construction of the offices of the rural work leading groups of party committees at all levels, enriching the work force, improving the operation mechanism, and strengthening the responsibilities of decision-making staff, supervision and inspection.

A strong country must first strengthen agriculture, and only when agriculture is strong can the country be strong. We must unswervingly implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core on the work of "three rural areas", coordinate high-quality development and high-level security, resolutely shoulder the political responsibility of ensuring national food security from the strategic height of primary product supply guarantee, consolidate the foundation of food security in all aspects, firmly hold the rice bowl of the Chinese in our own hands, accelerate the modernization of agriculture and rural areas, better promote Chinese-style modernization, and gather strong forces to promote the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation!

(The authors are respectively the director and professor of the Teaching and Research Department of Tianjin Institute of Socialism, and a researcher of the Tianjin Research Center for the Theoretical System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics; Teacher, Tianjin Institute of Socialism)

Wu Xingchen Many Source: China Youth Daily

Source: China Youth Daily

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