
The four unsolved mysteries in Zhuxian


"Zhu Xian" is a novel written by contemporary writer Xiao Ding, and its influence and popularity have always been very high, and it is widely regarded as a classic in online literature. This book is known as the "Three Strange Books of the Internet" and "The Martial Arts Bible of the Post-Jin Yong Era".

The whole novel is cleverly conceived and magnificent, opening up a unique and charming world of Xianxia legend. The novels are interlocking, frightening, and foreshadowed everywhere, until the whole book is completed, leaving many unsolved mysteries, the following four are representatives.

The four unsolved mysteries in Zhuxian

1. The origin of Zhou Zhou Xian, and how high is his cultivation?

Zhou Zhou Xian can be said to be the most mysterious person among the immortals, he is ostensibly a master of the rivers and lakes and a Taoist priest, but his true identity and origin have always been a mystery in the story. Its image is that the beard is white, the face is mediocre, and it looks a little crane bone fairy wind, and the appearance of a master, which makes people have a little respect at first sight. Different from his appearance of the fairy wind bones, this person loves money, cheats all day long, and is an absurd little old man who tells fortunes.

Zhou Xian's vision, experience, and knowledge are all incomparable to ordinary people. He laughed and scolded, penetrated the red dust, went up and down the yellow spring, and said that he was a hero in the world. Wandering the rivers and lakes, playing the world.

The four unsolved mysteries in Zhuxian

Zhou Xian's cultivation is a mystery in the novel, and it is difficult to say whether his cultivation is very high or vulnerable. Although he looks like his strength is average, he relies on the side door to help him escape, rather than his own cultivation, and every time he encounters a disaster, he often gets disgraced. But no matter how powerful the master is, such as the demonized Dao Xuan Zhenren, he can use them one by one, and finally turn evil into good fortune and escape from death, and many of the talismans he uses are powerful secret techniques that have been lost for a long time.

Some people say that Zhou Zhou Xian is the first person to punish immortals Zhou Zhou Xian of Heyang City stretched out his hand and patted the shoulder of the ghost who was carrying four volumes of heavenly books, and the ghost Li did not dodge.

The four unsolved mysteries in Zhuxian

2. Has Baguio been resurrected or not, and where has she gone?

Baguio, the daughter of the Demon Sect Ghost King, is beautiful, bright, straightforward, and well-informed. In order to save his lover Zhang Xiaofan, he used the "infatuation spell" to block the "Zhuxian Sword Array" with his body, and the three souls and six spirits suffered from the nine shadows. A soul was buckled into the acacia bell and fell into a deep sleep. In the next ten years, Zhang Xiaofan looked for a cure to save Baguio from turning into a ghost. Baguio's body disappeared when Huqi Mountain collapsed, leaving only a corner of green clothes. At the end of the book, Zhang Xiaofan takes the green corner of Baguio and an ordinary bell to live in seclusion in Caomiao Village.

After ten years of exhaustion, the ghost worked hard to find the great wizard of Southern Xinjiang, and desperately collected all the three souls and seven spirits of Baguio. Later, the mysterious woman in black visited Baguio, and the ghost was shocked, and the other party was gone.

The four unsolved mysteries in Zhuxian

When Mr. Ghost unlocked the demon seal of Fulongding, the crisp bell of the Ice Stone Room quietly echoed. When the fox collapsed, Ghost Li returned to the cold ice stone room, and there was only a green corner left on the stone platform, but there were many strange footprints on the ground.

Where has Baguio gone, has he been resurrected, or has he been rescued, or has someone been worried about the Hehuan Bell? What's even more strange is that in the end, Yuhime actually heard the crisp sound of bells in the abyss that turned out to be Huqi Mountain.

The four unsolved mysteries in Zhuxian

3. Who is Mr. Ghost and who is the person he asked Xiaohuan to save?

Mr. Ghost, also known as the "Ghost Doctor", is one of the most mysterious characters in the book. He was dressed in black, covered with a black veil, and no one knew where he came from or what he looked like. He is stationed in the Ghost King Sect, is the worship of the Ghost King Sect, is extremely proficient in the ghost way, has always been invisible and does not show up, following the ghost king, and the origin is mysterious.

He and the Ghost King cracked the inscription on the treasure of the Ghost King Sect "Fulong Ding", won the respect of the Ghost King, and secretly presided over the weird "Four Spirit Blood Array". He once healed Wan Jianyi's severed left arm, and also gave Puzhi the Three-Day Death Pill.

The four unsolved mysteries in Zhuxian

When Zhou Xiaohuan used the ghost secret technique "Soul Restoration Thaumaturgy" to save the wild dog Taoist in danger, Mr. Ghost saved her life, and made an exception to accept her as an apprentice, and gave her the magic weapon "Blood Jade Bone Piece" and the Book of Ghost Dao Spells.

The power of Shura was unsealed, but he became Shura's first sacrifice. Before dying, he begged Zhang Xiaofan, "Find Xiaohuan and ask her to save Qingyun Houshan...... Unfortunately, before the words were finished, the person had already passed away and returned to the dust.

The four unsolved mysteries in Zhuxian

4. How did Kuroki survive, and did he master the mystery of immortality?

Kuroki's image in the book is that this person almost seems to have flowed out of the darkness, his whole body is covered in black from head to toe, and only two eyes are empty, and the hollowness is terrifying. And seeing that his body was stiff, he didn't come out, but two feet off the ground and floated out in the air. The physical performance of people who practice witchcraft such as Linglong and the Great Wizard is no different from that of ordinary people, and only people with strange ghosts will do so.

The ghost path is different from witchcraft and the Middle Earth method, but it is inextricably linked with witchcraft in southern Xinjiang, Linglong, Qingye has only lived for a few hundred years, and Kuroki has survived until now, he is different from the black tiger, the yin spirit under the necromantic abyss, they all have no body, but Kuroki has a body.

The four unsolved mysteries in Zhuxian

Xiaohuan once said that the back of the lich was like her master, and the book also hinted more than once that he and Mr. Ghost were like.

In order to explore the mystery of immortality, Linglong, the holy daughter of the witch clan, created the beast god. The beast god is unwilling to be lonely, and in order to bring disaster to the world, Linglong seals it. Kuroki followed Linglong to seal one of the 7 Beast God Group.

The seven warriors who followed Linglong at that time were left outside the cave. Two days and two nights later, two people couldn't wait to enter the cave, and the other five continued to wait. Linglong used her own flesh and blood and white bones to turn the beast god into a human, but she took out the five parts of her body and refined it into five magic weapons, trapping the beast god in the demon suppression cave.

After seven days, Linglong came out and gave the five warriors outside the cave five holy weapons. The two warriors who entered the ancient cave were one of the Black Tiger and the other was the Black Wood, and they didn't know what happened, the Black Tiger became a fierce spirit, and the Black Wood became a lich, and the Black Wood always thought that Linglong had done something wrong.

The four unsolved mysteries in Zhuxian

This was almost 10,000 years ago, when Xiaobai first cultivated, he met the sealed beast god, and it was thousands of years ago. The other warriors of the Ancient Witch Clan have all died, and some have turned into evil spirits, but Kuroki has survived, even ten thousand years later. Has he mastered the mystery of immortality?