
When 'Brother Hammer' Meets Huang Jiaju: An Internet Discussion About Respect and Freedom!

author:The front smell is on the road~


Tombstone turmoil

On a sleepless night, the tranquility of the Tseung Kwan O Chinese Permanent Cemetery was shattered by a noise common in the city – the clash of hammers and stone monuments.

When 'Brother Hammer' Meets Huang Jiaju: An Internet Discussion About Respect and Freedom!

Imagine that moment when there should only be the sound of the wind and the rustling of leaves, two young people, one fifteen years old and the other twenty-three, wielding hammers, rushed at Huang Jiaju's tombstone as if the demolition team demolished the old building.

When 'Brother Hammer' Meets Huang Jiaju: An Internet Discussion About Respect and Freedom!

The posthumous photo on the tombstone became the object of their anger, and the knock seemed to announce to the world how dissatisfied they were with something. And this scene was recorded by a passing well-wisher with a mobile phone, and it soon caused an uproar on the Internet.

When 'Brother Hammer' Meets Huang Jiaju: An Internet Discussion About Respect and Freedom!

Unruly electric hammer hands

The reaction of netizens was like watching a big show, angry and a bit of banter. They sat in front of the computer and typed out loud, doubting the IQ of the two youths. Someone said: "Brother Iron Hammer, do you think this is smashing watermelon?!" ”

When 'Brother Hammer' Meets Huang Jiaju: An Internet Discussion About Respect and Freedom!

Another used a more sarcastic tone: "These two guys should go to the 'Best Destruction Engineering Award' and guarantee the championship." In this Internet age, the speed of news is like a rocket, and almost immediately after the incident, these two "warriors" were surrounded by various remarks from netizens, and their actions were immediately punished by the law, and the two were arrested by the police on suspicion of criminal damage.

When 'Brother Hammer' Meets Huang Jiaju: An Internet Discussion About Respect and Freedom!

Teammates are angry

The reaction of Huang Guanzhong and Ye Shirong was like salted fish encountering salt, and the chemical reaction was so strong that even onlookers could feel the breath. Huang Guanzhong asked, "Have you been caught?" You can imagine how much resentment and anger waiting to be released contained in these five words.

When 'Brother Hammer' Meets Huang Jiaju: An Internet Discussion About Respect and Freedom!

There are even some chilling prophecies in his words: "If you are small, you will have a stomachache, and if you are big, you will die." In fact, this can't help but remind people of the old saying: "If you do bad things, you won't be afraid of ghosts knocking on your door." And Ye Shirong's remarks were even sharper, and his words seemed to be a punch to the cheeks of those who did not respect the deceased.

When 'Brother Hammer' Meets Huang Jiaju: An Internet Discussion About Respect and Freedom!

Cyber Tribunal

The discussion on social media turned into a big online trial. Everyone's comments are like casting a judgment vote. Some spoke fiercely, others showed their sense of humor. "These two guys, I don't know if it's a lack of love or an urgent need for growth."

When 'Brother Hammer' Meets Huang Jiaju: An Internet Discussion About Respect and Freedom!

The comments of netizens are full of various funny elements, and even give this otherwise heavy topic a little lighthearted. Some comments were straightforward: "In these days, everyone really has it." Some people also jokingly said: "If Huang Jiaju knew, he would probably jump out and sing "The Sea and the Sky". These funny comments, in addition to grief and indignation, also made people find a trace of joy in the discussion.

When 'Brother Hammer' Meets Huang Jiaju: An Internet Discussion About Respect and Freedom!

Heroes & Villains

Huang Jiaju is undoubtedly a hero in the Chinese music industry, and his songs have inspired countless people to pursue their dreams and freedom. However, when the hero's tombstone is vandalized, the hidden villains in society are exposed.

When 'Brother Hammer' Meets Huang Jiaju: An Internet Discussion About Respect and Freedom!

This event may be seen as a showdown between good and evil, dignity and blasphemy. Even though Huang Jiaju has left, he has left the world not only music, but also that indomitable spirit. And those saboteurs, with their actions, show the world what it means to be "not in the stream".

When 'Brother Hammer' Meets Huang Jiaju: An Internet Discussion About Respect and Freedom!

The storm caused by the tombstone has sparked a discussion on the Internet about respect and morality. But in the midst of all the controversy and anger, there is also a subtle sense of humor.

When 'Brother Hammer' Meets Huang Jiaju: An Internet Discussion About Respect and Freedom!

Of course, this is not a mockery of the events themselves, but a satire and disdain for the actions of those who sabotage. Every word, every emoji, every hilarious comment here makes people laugh while being indignant. It's a moral judgment and a cultural self-reflection.

When 'Brother Hammer' Meets Huang Jiaju: An Internet Discussion About Respect and Freedom!

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