
He pronounced Huang Jiaju as "Huang Family Dog", thinking that he was very humorous, but he ruined his future

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He pronounced Huang Jiaju as "Huang Family Dog", thinking that he was very humorous, but he ruined his future


Do you remember the cross talk actor soldier who was once a smash hit?

He used to be a comedy idol in the hearts of countless audiences, but at the peak of his career, he fell to the bottom of his life because of a misdemeanor.

How did such a former pride of heaven fall step by step?

He pronounced Huang Jiaju as "Huang Family Dog", thinking that he was very humorous, but he ruined his future

Partner Qizhi to achieve a "golden combination"

In 1995, when there were many newcomers in the cross talk industry, two little-known young people, Da Bing and Qi Zhi, started their journey of chasing their dreams.

A lively outburst, a calm and introverted, seemingly unrelated two people, but on the stage sparked amazing sparks.

With their unique sense of humor and extraordinary tacit understanding, they conquered batch after batch of audiences.

He pronounced Huang Jiaju as "Huang Family Dog", thinking that he was very humorous, but he ruined his future

The cheers and applause from the audience became the driving force for them to move forward.

With their unique performance style and sharp insight into life, Bing and Qizhi quickly captured the hearts of the audience.

From the street to the theater, from the local station to the CCTV Spring Festival Gala, in just a few years, Dabing and Qizhi have become well-known "golden partners".

He pronounced Huang Jiaju as "Huang Family Dog", thinking that he was very humorous, but he ruined his future

Their names have become a banner in the cross talk industry and idols in the hearts of countless cross talk lovers.

The audience relished their jokes and imitated their performances, and they became a symbol of the times.

However, under the glamorous appearance, the relationship between the two is not as harmonious as it seems.

He pronounced Huang Jiaju as "Huang Family Dog", thinking that he was very humorous, but he ruined his future

As his popularity grew, GI became the leader of the team, while Kishi's role was increasingly marginalized.

The gap between the two seems to be getting bigger and bigger, and the estrangement in their hearts is also increasing day by day.

There are all kinds of signs that this golden partner is drifting apart.

He pronounced Huang Jiaju as "Huang Family Dog", thinking that he was very humorous, but he ruined his future

One stands in the spotlight and the other is hidden behind the scenes, and such inequality sows the seeds of disintegration in the future.

The pride of the sky, once fell

In 2003, the soldier, who had already gained fame and fortune, revealed in an interview the idea of parting ways with Qizhi.

For a while, the outside world speculated about the reason for the discord between the two, but the specific details were never made public.

People can't help but sigh that such a thing as fate is really scattered when it is said to be scattered.

He pronounced Huang Jiaju as "Huang Family Dog", thinking that he was very humorous, but he ruined his future

Two people who were once inseparable now have to go their separate ways, which can't help but make people sigh.

The GI, who had lost his tacit partner, began to become more and more fluttering.

He is no longer surrounded by the brothers who used to fight side by side, but by a group of sycophants who smuggle their horses.

Gradually, the once humble and studious soldier seemed to be carried away by the flowers and applause in front of him.

He pronounced Huang Jiaju as "Huang Family Dog", thinking that he was very humorous, but he ruined his future

He forgot his original intention and was lost in Vanity Fair.

In the past, he was so focused on art, but now, he is indulged in lust and lust, and he can no longer find his original self.

In 2009, a seemingly ordinary variety show became the last straw that crushed the GI.

In the show, he actually pronounced the name of the late singer Huang Jiaju as "Huang Family Dog", which immediately aroused public outrage.

He pronounced Huang Jiaju as "Huang Family Dog", thinking that he was very humorous, but he ruined his future

In the face of overwhelming condemnation, instead of sincerely apologizing, the GI continued to go his own way as if he didn't care.

He seems to have completely forgotten his responsibilities as a public figure.

This time, he completely touched the bottom line of morality and pushed himself into the abyss from which he could never recover.

In this way, overnight, the GI went from being the darling of all eyes to becoming a street rat that everyone shouted and beaten.

And this is only the beginning of the nightmare.

He pronounced Huang Jiaju as "Huang Family Dog", thinking that he was very humorous, but he ruined his future

Later, he became the target of public criticism again because of an argument with the traffic police and insulting law enforcement officers in public.

For a time, his image in the hearts of the audience and peers completely collapsed.

The once glorious soldier is now a traitor.

He is like a runaway spinning top, sinking deeper and deeper in the whirlpool of public opinion, and he doesn't know when it will end.

He pronounced Huang Jiaju as "Huang Family Dog", thinking that he was very humorous, but he ruined his future

Fall to rock bottom, self-exile

Faced with the ensuing blows, the GIs chose to flee.

He gradually faded out of the public eye and lived a simple life.

The once high-spirited comedian lost his way at the crossroads of his life.

He began to live a decadent life, spending his days with alcohol, as if trying to numb himself in this way.

He pronounced Huang Jiaju as "Huang Family Dog", thinking that he was very humorous, but he ruined his future

He didn't want to face the reality, let alone look directly into his heart, so he walked into the abyss step by step.

This hiding is a full decade.

During these ten years, the GIs experienced unimaginable suffering.

He fell from the clouds to the quagmire, losing not only his career, but also his family and friends.

The star who used to be proud of the spring breeze can now only lick his wounds alone in the dark.

He began to reflect on his life and think about what he had done wrong.

He pronounced Huang Jiaju as "Huang Family Dog", thinking that he was very humorous, but he ruined his future

Was the decision too hasty?

Is it too conceited to end up like this?

Countless questions lingered in my mind, and I couldn't let go of them for a long time.

In the process, the GI finally realizes his mistakes.

It was arrogance that made him lose himself, and it was impetuousness that made him ruin his future.

He pronounced Huang Jiaju as "Huang Family Dog", thinking that he was very humorous, but he ruined his future

This once high king of comedy has finally learned to be humble and introspective after losing everything.

He began to re-examine his life and look for a new breakthrough.

He understands that only by letting go of the baggage of the past can he start anew.

So, he made up his mind to change himself and reinvent himself.

He pronounced Huang Jiaju as "Huang Family Dog", thinking that he was very humorous, but he ruined his future

Reborn from the fire, regain the original intention

In 2022, the soldier, who has faded out of the public eye for ten years, suddenly made a comeback in an online variety show.

Many viewers are curious, what kind of performance will this once powerful comedian bring to the scene after experiencing the ups and downs of his life?

People have both expectations and doubts about his comeback.

He pronounced Huang Jiaju as "Huang Family Dog", thinking that he was very humorous, but he ruined his future

After all, ten years is enough time to change a person's life.

To everyone's surprise, the GIs on the stage have undergone a radical change.

The impetuousness and arrogance of the past are gone, replaced by a kind of perfect steadiness and restraint.

With a more mature and wise performance, he once again conquered the hearts of the audience.

He pronounced Huang Jiaju as "Huang Family Dog", thinking that he was very humorous, but he ruined his future

People marveled that this soldier, who had experienced the baptism of the trough, seemed to be more charming.

Every look and every action of his eyes reveals a kind of calmness and freedom after precipitation.

In the show, the soldier unreservedly analyzed his mental journey over the years.

He admitted that it was the painful lesson that made him understand that the most valuable wealth in life is not fame, fortune and power, but being able to be down-to-earth and open-minded.

He pronounced Huang Jiaju as "Huang Family Dog", thinking that he was very humorous, but he ruined his future

Only by letting go of pride and always maintaining a sense of awe can we go further.

The GI used his own personal experience to tell everyone that there is no eternal success in life, and there is no insurmountable failure.

The key is to learn to accept yourself and face your heart head-on, so that you can continue to break through yourself and create miracles.

The 60-year-old GI used his life experience to prove to the world that even if he falls to the bottom, he still has the courage and strength to stand up again.

He pronounced Huang Jiaju as "Huang Family Dog", thinking that he was very humorous, but he ruined his future

His story has made countless ill-fated ordinary people see hope and understand the truth of letting go of the past and embracing tomorrow.

The transformation of the GI is not only a personal victory, but also an encouragement to all those who are confused and hesitant.

He told everyone that there is no hurdle that cannot be overcome, only an endless road.

As long as we have the courage to change, life will definitely give us a fresh start.

He pronounced Huang Jiaju as "Huang Family Dog", thinking that he was very humorous, but he ruined his future


The life of a soldier is the tragicomedy of a comedian.

He used his own personal experience to interpret the cruel truth behind the glamour, and explained how difficult it is to get back up after a fall.

This once lost soul finally gained redemption in self-exile and reflection, and realized the transformation of thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi on the road of life.

He pronounced Huang Jiaju as "Huang Family Dog", thinking that he was very humorous, but he ruined his future

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