
When I was young, I was amazing, but when I was old, I became a "fat round", these 6 veteran stars are a pity

author:Tell gossip carefully

1. The precious past is vividly remembered - a brilliant chapter of life

On the bright stage of the entertainment industry, they were the most dazzling stars, like shining pearls illuminating the world. In the past, Ni Ping, who had a unique charm and elegant and generous temperament, could be called a leader in the hosting industry, with outstanding skills and no one else.

I vaguely remember that under the spotlight of the bright stage, Ni Ping smiled and showed eight white teeth, and the smile was like a spring breeze, sweet and moving. Zhao Benshan made no secret of his love for Ni Ping, and frankly said that she was the ideal lover in his mind, which shows how charming her style was back then! .

When I was young, I was amazing, but when I was old, I became a "fat round", these 6 veteran stars are a pity

As a national second-class actor, Ni Ping's superb acting skills are even more impeccable. The classic TV series "Snowflakes That Float" starring her is still hailed as an insurmountable pinnacle, all the rage, and it is amazing.

Many viewers fondly recalled that when they saw Ni Ping, they were like a fairy descending to earth, and the whole person exuded unparalleled brilliance, which was intoxicating.

Li Xiang, the popular actress who has also attracted much attention, has attracted the attention of countless audiences with his peerless and eccentric image. On the stage of "Happy Camp", her beautiful eyes were enough to make the "Diamond King Five" Li Houlin crazy.

When I was young, I was amazing, but when I was old, I became a "fat round", these 6 veteran stars are a pity

Such a beauty is not uncommon in the entertainment industry, but her unique charm is difficult for others to match.

Actress Li Lizhen's beauty is even more well-known, and her fresh and refined temperament has made the whole Hong Kong crazy. As long as she walks lightly, it will definitely cause a sensation; Even just standing quietly is enough to make people fascinated and intoxicated.

Her iconic style is full of strong Hong Kong style, elegant temperament, quiet and gentle, and her gestures reveal a noble and elegant atmosphere, which is really extraordinary.

When I was young, I was amazing, but when I was old, I became a "fat round", these 6 veteran stars are a pity

In addition, Chen Hong is also a recognized beauty in contemporary times. Her almond-like eyes and slender willow eyebrows are like a godsend. The role she played as Diao Chan is even more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, showing the charm of the role to the fullest.

At the beginning, Chen Kaige was fascinated by her beauty, and even did not hesitate to give up the eight-year emotional entanglement with Ni Ping.

Each of them has a unique talent and charisma that is amazing. Although time flies and the years are ruthless, they still can't hide their faces that were all over the country and the city. That beauty has been deeply imprinted in the memories of countless people and has become an eternal classic memory.

When I was young, I was amazing, but when I was old, I became a "fat round", these 6 veteran stars are a pity

Second, there are big ups and downs, peaks and falls

However, the beauty of the moment still can't resist the ruthless invasion of time, like fireworks that will eventually wither after prosperity. Ill-fated, the years are like a sharp double-edged sword, mercilessly carving deep traces on their once delicate faces.

Li Xiang's fortune is undoubtedly the price of her enjoyment of a rich life. After tying the knot with wealthy businessman Li Houlin, she began to live a carefree life. However, before she knew it, she was intoxicated by the temptation of delicious food, and her weight skyrocketed, reaching an astonishing 160 pounds.

When I was young, I was amazing, but when I was old, I became a "fat round", these 6 veteran stars are a pity

Although she still exudes a queenly temperament, Fa Fu's figure has made it difficult for her to appear in public.

In order to create the role needed, Wang Qianhua went all out and made adequate preparations. She did not hesitate to inject face slimming injections, overeat, and forcibly raised her weight to 150 pounds, which is really admirable.

However, the good times did not last long, and the side effects of long-term medication made her figure never return to its original shape.

When I was young, I was amazing, but when I was old, I became a "fat round", these 6 veteran stars are a pity

Li Lizhen's fall is equally deplorable. She was once a well-known generation of actresses, peerless and high-profile. But now, when she walks the streets and alleys, no one can recognize her fragrance, and such an old face makes people feel emotional.

Chen Hong is willing to sacrifice her acting career for the sake of her family. She had the opportunity to continue to shine with her excellent appearance, but for the sake of her husband and children, she chose to leave the screen.

Time flies, and although she is still in style now, the gradual appearance of aging also makes people sigh.

When I was young, I was amazing, but when I was old, I became a "fat round", these 6 veteran stars are a pity

Zhao Lijuan's experience is equally regrettable. She once went to the point of pursuing her career and even had an abortion. However, for the sake of her family, she had to say goodbye to the screen and put down her career. Today, she has an elegant temperament, calm and calm, but her fat figure has always been a lingering problem in her heart.

The years are ruthless, and after all, they swallowed up their youthful faces. However, looking back on their life journey, isn't it a legendary epic full of passion and struggle? They have used practical actions to compose the life movement of women's perseverance and unremitting pursuit.

Third, the current status quo is divided

When I was young, I was amazing, but when I was old, I became a "fat round", these 6 veteran stars are a pity

Although their faces are no longer youthful, they still shine in their respective fields.

Among them, the most eye-catching is probably Ni Ping. In recent years, her physical condition has frequently aroused everyone's concerns. Some people have made no secret of the fact that she looks like an "old grandmother".

Her signature big eyes were no longer focused, and the deep wrinkles and heavy bags at the corners of her mouth and under her eyes added a touch of vicissitudes to her original face, making it almost impossible to recognize her former demeanor.

When I was young, I was amazing, but when I was old, I became a "fat round", these 6 veteran stars are a pity

However, in contrast, Li Xiang's situation is more optimistic. Although she weighs nearly 160 pounds and her figure is slightly bloated, her natural queen aura is still the same, which is admirable.

In the face of all kinds of doubts from the outside world, Li Xiang always showed no concern and always maintained the demeanor of "rich and noble".

Wang Qianhua's current situation presents a diametrically opposite side. She was so involved in portraying the role of rural women that she came across as "pretending to be tender". However, her unparalleled dedication has won heartfelt praise.

When I was young, I was amazing, but when I was old, I became a "fat round", these 6 veteran stars are a pity

In order to interpret every role well, Wang Qianhua can be said to have put in a huge amount of effort, even to the point of obsession.

Today's actress Li Lizhen rarely appears in the public eye. Even if you occasionally see her on the streets, it is difficult for anyone to accurately identify her true identity.

Fortunately, it was recently reported that she intends to return to the entertainment industry, and has been actively engaged in various public welfare activities and fitness exercises, looking forward to appearing on the screen again with the most perfect attitude.

When I was young, I was amazing, but when I was old, I became a "fat round", these 6 veteran stars are a pity

Chen Hong's current situation is the most stable. She and her husband Chen Kaige are now working together to manage their respective career maps and show their strengths. She is responsible for managing her own company operations, and her style is still elegant and intellectual, and her temperament is still charming.

Zhao Lijuan's recent situation is mixed. Her role as "Bao Ma" in the hit drama "Ode to Joy" has been widely acclaimed, and this elegant and atmospheric temperament has always been her unique label.

However, now she has a slightly plump figure, and her image on the screen is unbearable.

When I was young, I was amazing, but when I was old, I became a "fat round", these 6 veteran stars are a pity

Despite this, each of them is working tirelessly in their respective fields, some are still energetic, and some are already in old age. However, it is undeniable that no matter what their current status is, they used to be the leaders of the entertainment industry and the mainstay of their predecessors.

In their own life journey, they have always pursued excellence and never stopped.

Fourth, appearance is not everything

When I was young, I was amazing, but when I was old, I became a "fat round", these 6 veteran stars are a pity

There is no doubt that they were all the beauties of that era and amazed the eyes of countless audiences. Even though they no longer look as glamorous and charming as they used to be, their inner temperament has never weakened in the slightest.

In today's society, appearance is extremely important, however, relying on appearance alone does not tell the whole story. What really determines success or failure is the kind of self-confidence and calm mentality that people have.

For example, stars such as Ni Ping, Wang Qianhua and Zhao Lijuan, although their appearance has not maintained the graceful figure of youth, their elegant and intellectual temperament has never changed.

When I was young, I was amazing, but when I was old, I became a "fat round", these 6 veteran stars are a pity

Even though the body is slightly bloated, the inner gentleness and atmosphere still exude irresistible charm.

Li Xiang's fortune phenomenon has undoubtedly attracted widespread public attention, however, her powerful aura like a queen is equally impressive. In the face of all kinds of doubts and criticisms from the outside world, she always ignores those gossip, and this confident and chic personality is really admirable.

Although Chen Hong has gradually shown the traces of time, her intellectual and elegant temperament has always accompanied her. She exudes confidence all over her body and exudes a unique charm.

When I was young, I was amazing, but when I was old, I became a "fat round", these 6 veteran stars are a pity

There is no doubt that temperament is more attractive than appearance.

Even Li Lizhen, who is now unrecognizable when walking on the streets, still hopes to return to the screen and show her former glory again. After all, although people are old, their glory will always remain.

She will be able to show her personal charm of never admitting defeat and never giving up.

When I was young, I was amazing, but when I was old, I became a "fat round", these 6 veteran stars are a pity

Life is full of ups and downs, and the key is how to adjust your mentality. They interpret the spirit of independence and self-esteem with practical actions, and also show a gentle, introverted, wise and foolish temperament.

Despite the ruthlessness of the years, their legendary lives are still admired and have become shining role models for many women.

Fifth, look forward to the return of glory

When I was young, I was amazing, but when I was old, I became a "fat round", these 6 veteran stars are a pity

Time flies, and their glory days have passed. However, who can be sure that tomorrow will not be a new starting point for them to set sail again? The challenges and opportunities are endless, and as long as they never stop in their hearts, they will be able to bounce back and create new glories.

Let us sincerely wish them all the best in their careers and prosperous finances. Ni Ping used to be a pillar of CCTV, her hosting style is unique, and she will definitely be able to regain the glory of the "national goddess" in the past; Li Xiang is the bright pearl of the shopping mall, her investment vision is precise and unique, the future road will be wider and broader, and wealth will also roll in.

Although the current state of Wang Qianhua and Zhao Lijuan is not satisfactory, their unparalleled acting talents have long been recognized by the audience.

When I was young, I was amazing, but when I was old, I became a "fat round", these 6 veteran stars are a pity

Once they return to the screen with more exquisite skills and a new image, they will surely regain their former glory! For Li Lizhen and Chen Hong, the two former giants in the film industry, if they can devote themselves to acting again and get rid of the shadow of the past, then their perfect acting skills will be shocking again, re-showing the eternal charm of "although the years have passed, the elegance is still the same".

They used their lives to write legendary stories and bravely opened up their own vast sky. There is no doubt that they will be able to show their unique personality of perseverance and never-say-die once again in this new challenge.

Just ask, who dares to deny that their lives will not usher in new brilliance again? Anything is possible, as long as we always have dreams, firm beliefs, and never give up.

When I was young, I was amazing, but when I was old, I became a "fat round", these 6 veteran stars are a pity

Therefore, let's wait with great anticipation for their rise again and witness their glorious moments together!

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