
In 06, the working girl married the elite of Peking University and gave birth to 7 children in a row after marriage: I don't want to waste my husband's genes

author:Tell gossip carefully

1. Dream of setting sail, Jieyang, Guangdong, a small city that was once deeply bound by feudal thoughts, people here still adhere to the traditional concept of emphasizing patriarchy and obsessed with the life values of having more children and more blessings.

However, it is in such a grim environment that a young girl with a fiery dream, Zhang Rongrong, firmly embarked on the road of pursuing a better life.

In 06, the working girl married the elite of Peking University and gave birth to 7 children in a row after marriage: I don't want to waste my husband's genes

Zhang Rongrong was born into an ordinary family, her father once accumulated a certain amount of wealth in the business field, but a failed investment caused their family's financial situation to fall to the bottom in an instant.

The father was in a state of endless frustration, and the mother was forced to step up and become the pillar of the family, struggling to support the entire family.

Zhang Rongrong, who was only a teenager, witnessed the plight of his family and was full of anxiety. Knowing that her family could no longer afford her school fees, she decided to give up her studies and go to the bustling city of Guangzhou alone in search of a new way out.

In 06, the working girl married the elite of Peking University and gave birth to 7 children in a row after marriage: I don't want to waste my husband's genes

Zhang Rongrong, who had just arrived in Guangzhou, had nothing and no experience, and it was extremely difficult to find a job in this large and unfamiliar city. However, Lady Luck seems to favor her, and Cheung's natural beauty, good looks, and pure accent make her stand out from the crowd of job seekers in Cantonese-speaking Guangzhou, where she successfully landed a job as a shopping guide in a clothing store.

Despite his humble starting point, Zhang Rongrong never gave up on his dream. With her cheerful and friendly personality and excellent eloquence, she actively promoted products to customers, quickly won the praise of her colleagues, and her performance also flourished.

The employer was full of praise for this hard-working employee and constantly rewarded him with salary increases. In just a few years, her monthly salary soared from a few hundred yuan to more than 2,000 yuan, which was comparable to the income of many white-collar workers at that time.

In 06, the working girl married the elite of Peking University and gave birth to 7 children in a row after marriage: I don't want to waste my husband's genes

However, Zhang Rongrong was not satisfied. A heart that longs for career independence drove her to take the next step bravely. By chance, she met a relative who was in the beauty industry, and she resolutely quit her job to devote herself to studying business management.

Finally, in 2004, she founded her own beauty company and realized her dream.

This ordinary but talented woman, with her firm belief and unremitting hard work, has written her own glorious chapter in Guangzhou, a land full of opportunities.

In 06, the working girl married the elite of Peking University and gave birth to 7 children in a row after marriage: I don't want to waste my husband's genes

Second, the encounter of fate, in the autumn of 2004, Zhang Rongrong, a woman who has gone through ups and downs and whose dreams have finally come true, embarked on the road of returning to her homeland and realizing her self-worth with full expectations. However, a sudden robbery incident caused the ship of her life to turn abruptly and usher in unprecedented changes.

It was a sunny day, and Zhang Rongrong sorted out his packages with great enthusiasm and embarked on the journey back to his hometown with enthusiasm.

In 06, the working girl married the elite of Peking University and gave birth to 7 children in a row after marriage: I don't want to waste my husband's genes


The speed of the robbers was beyond the reach of Zhang Rongrong. She chased the distance as hard as she could, but finally stopped exhausted and collapsed on the side of the road in despair, tears pouring out like a burst of water.

The bitter journey of many years disappeared in an instant, and she fell into confusion and helplessness, unable to bear the blow of this cruel reality.

In 06, the working girl married the elite of Peking University and gave birth to 7 children in a row after marriage: I don't want to waste my husband's genes

Just as she was in pain, a stranger who had never known her approached and asked her with concern what had happened to her. Zhang Rongrong choked up and told the whole process. The kind stranger listened and took out his mobile phone without hesitation and called the police.

He calmly comforted Zhang Rongrong: "The most urgent thing at present is to report the case immediately, as long as we act decisively, we will definitely be able to recover the lost property." ”

With the help of this stranger, Zhang Rongrong quickly completed a detailed report material. Everything seems to have been revitalized by the presence of this warm-hearted man.

In 06, the working girl married the elite of Peking University and gave birth to 7 children in a row after marriage: I don't want to waste my husband's genes

As they parted, they looked at each other and smiled, exchanging contact information. At that moment, Zhang Rongrong's heart was deeply moved by the care and wisdom of this benevolent man, and an indescribable gratitude and warmth surged in his heart.

Who would have thought that this stranger she met by chance would be her lifelong companion in the future, and a benefactor who completely changed the trajectory of her life.

This seemingly accidental encounter opened the prelude to a new chapter in their destinies. The flower of love blooms in the ups and downs, and after two years of sweet love, Zhang Rongrong finally married this outstanding talent and began a new journey in life.

In 06, the working girl married the elite of Peking University and gave birth to 7 children in a row after marriage: I don't want to waste my husband's genes

When Zhang Rongrong stepped into the sacred hall of marriage, he thought that he could enjoy a different tranquility and ease. However, the world is unpredictable, and fate seems to have prepared a more significant surprise and challenge for her.

Just when the sweet period of the newlywed honeymoon was halfway through, Zhang Rongrong's in-laws had deep doubts about this daughter-in-law from a poor family. As the only male in the family, they naturally desire to have a group of lively and lovely grandchildren around their knees, creating a scene of laughter and excitement.

3. However, what is unexpected is that Zhang Rongrong quickly gave his in-laws a resounding slap in the face with practical actions! In 2006 alone, she managed to give birth to a lively and adorable little princess, bringing endless joy to the elderly couple.

In 06, the working girl married the elite of Peking University and gave birth to 7 children in a row after marriage: I don't want to waste my husband's genes

What's even more amazing is that just a year later, she gave birth to two handsome and dashing sons one after another! The in-laws love this hard-working daughter-in-law even more and treat it as their own.

However, fate does not seem to be willing to let Zhang Rongrong go easily. In the third year of marriage, she turned out to be pregnant again, and it was a pair of twin boys! Faced with this sudden news, Zhang Rongrong's husband instantly felt a lot of pressure.

According to the strict family planning policy at the time, they had exceeded the prescribed number of births, which undoubtedly brought a huge financial burden to the whole family. As a young man who is at a critical stage of his career development, her husband originally planned to stop here, but Zhang Rongrong firmly stated that he would give birth to the twins together.

In 06, the working girl married the elite of Peking University and gave birth to 7 children in a row after marriage: I don't want to waste my husband's genes

In fact, the reason why Zhang Rongrong is so resolute is that there is a little-known secret behind it: she cherishes and respects her husband's precious "genetic resources".

This husband is not only an outstanding graduate of Peking University, China's highest university, but also a gifted math genius with an astonishing IQ of 140. Zhang Rongrong knows that if such an excellent gene cannot be fully inherited, it is really a great waste and regret.

Therefore, she resolutely decided to pass on this priceless treasure of her husband to the next generation without reservation during her lifetime.

In 06, the working girl married the elite of Peking University and gave birth to 7 children in a row after marriage: I don't want to waste my husband's genes

So, in the next 13 years, Zhang Rongrong gave birth to 7 children, completely eliminating all the doubts of her in-laws. This woman from a poor family, with her otherworldly fertility, profoundly explains a kind of "maternal power" that belongs to herself!

Fourth, his career is taking off, even if he is in the midst of a reproducing and nurturing life, Zhang Rongrong, who has seven children, has never let go of the pursuit of his professional ideals.

With the help of her husband and in-laws, she finally realized her long-cherished wish to create a unique beauty company and embark on the journey of career development again.

In 06, the working girl married the elite of Peking University and gave birth to 7 children in a row after marriage: I don't want to waste my husband's genes

This company is undoubtedly the crystallization of Zhang Rongrong's years of hard work. From an unknown working girl to starting a business and getting involved in the beauty field, she has written a magnificent chapter in her life with her own hands.

Since joining the company, Zhang Rongrong has demonstrated exceptional leadership skills and business acumen.

With years of knowledge, as well as an innate ability to think and judge, Zhang Rongrong quickly put the start-up in order and the business showed a thriving upward trend.

In 06, the working girl married the elite of Peking University and gave birth to 7 children in a row after marriage: I don't want to waste my husband's genes

She led the team to forge ahead, overcome obstacles in the fierce market competition, and finally achieved remarkable results, so that the company's performance is booming.

After reaping fruitful results, Zhang Rongrong was not satisfied with this. With her bold and outstanding insight and bold decision-making, she successfully crossed over into the apparel industry and became a high-profile apparel entrepreneur.

Today, this well-known fashion woman has earned more than one million yuan a month, and her career has climbed to another peak in her life.

In 06, the working girl married the elite of Peking University and gave birth to 7 children in a row after marriage: I don't want to waste my husband's genes

During the day, Zhang Rongrong always wears professional attire and high heels, and devotes himself to work with enthusiasm. She is like the engine of the company, driving the efficient operation of the company.

The employees all have deep admiration for this talented and charismatic strong woman.

However, whenever night falls, Zhang Rongrong will fade away from the capable appearance of the workplace and gently transform into the guardian of the family. She cooks her own delicious meals and spends quality time with her seven children, sharing family moments with them.

In 06, the working girl married the elite of Peking University and gave birth to 7 children in a row after marriage: I don't want to waste my husband's genes

In the children's spiritual world, the mother is undoubtedly their closest and inseparable confidant partner. Whenever he looks at the pure and flawless smiles of the children, Zhang Rongrong's eyes will always reveal endless care and love.

5. Happy Home, the loving couple and their seven children live together in a mansion in a prosperous area of Beijing, enjoying a stable and prosperous lifestyle.

This large mansion with an area of more than 400 square meters not only has a spacious and comfortable interior, but also has a complete range of supporting facilities around it.

In 06, the working girl married the elite of Peking University and gave birth to 7 children in a row after marriage: I don't want to waste my husband's genes

Stepping into the interior of the mansion, there is a warm and harmonious atmosphere everywhere. In the spacious living room, Zhang Rongrong's carefully selected furniture is simple and elegant, but without losing taste; The kitchen is bright and airy, and the walls are hung with children's cartoon paintings; On the bedside table in the guest room, various forms of family photos are displayed.

All these details show the care and cherishment that the owner has for this family. Although the current family conditions are superior, Zhang Rongrong has not relaxed the education of his children because of this.

From an early age, she patiently guides children to develop independent thinking and problem-solving skills.

In 06, the working girl married the elite of Peking University and gave birth to 7 children in a row after marriage: I don't want to waste my husband's genes

In this well-organized and warm family, older children take the initiative to take care of their younger siblings, showing a spirit of unity and friendship.

Zhang Rongrong always insists on teaching students according to their aptitude, and cultivates them in a targeted manner according to each child's unique interests and hobbies.

The eldest daughter has a deep love for dance, and Zhang Rongrong did not hesitate to arrange relevant courses for her; The lively and active youngest son at home has shown extraordinary talent in football, and she is happy to support the child to sweat on the green field.

In 06, the working girl married the elite of Peking University and gave birth to 7 children in a row after marriage: I don't want to waste my husband's genes

Zhang Rongrong knows that every child is unique, and they are born with their own characteristics and interests. She does not insist that children must become famous through reading, but encourages them to follow their inner passion, bravely pursue and achieve their dreams.

When night falls, families gather on the balcony to share what they have seen and heard during the day. Floor-to-ceiling windows offer stunning views of Beijing's glittering city skyline.

At this moment, Zhang Rongrong deeply felt unprecedented happiness and satisfaction.