
Is there such a good thing? Meimei can also win a lot of money by wearing Hanfu, hurry up!

author:Elephant News Client
Is there such a good thing? Meimei can also win a lot of money by wearing Hanfu, hurry up!

If you are a lover of Hanfu, you have talent

Why not take a gorgeous turn of Hanfu and beauty?

Is there such a good thing? Meimei can also win a lot of money by wearing Hanfu, hurry up!


Introduction to the Central Plains Cultural Season's National Style Angel Model Contest

Pian Pian Hanfu shocking years

It's all about unexpected beauty

"Splendid Mountains and Rivers National Style Award"

The National Style Angel Model Contest of the Central Plains Cultural Season

Come on!

Is there such a good thing? Meimei can also win a lot of money by wearing Hanfu, hurry up!

As long as you love life

I love to show myself

You can participate

All participants will receive a gift

There are also generous bonuses waiting for you

Is there such a good thing? Meimei can also win a lot of money by wearing Hanfu, hurry up!

Registration for the competition opens on May 20

Now through the official WeChat public account "Central Plains Cultural Season"

Click on the mini program below to participate

Let's remember in Zhengzhou - Oleochemical Plant Honey Oil Creative Park

Let's meet unexpectedly with a Hanfu show~

1) Contest time: June 1st - every weekend in mid-August

2) Venue: Honey Oil Creative Park, Zhengzhou Petrochemical Plant

3) Navigation and positioning: Zhengzhou Petrochemical Plant Honey Oil Creative Park


▼ Organizers

Henan Radio and Television Station

▼ Organizer

Henan Radio and Television Elephant News

Henan Liren Institute of Education Science and Technology

▼ Co-organizers

Zhengzhou Jinshui Investment Group Co., Ltd

Henan Yilan Film and Television Culture Media Co., Ltd


When and how to register

Registration Period

From May 20th

How to register

Method 1:

Fill in the registration as required

Method 2:

Offline on-site registration

Navigation and positioning: Zhengzhou Petrochemical Plant Honey Oil Creative Park

Is there such a good thing? Meimei can also win a lot of money by wearing Hanfu, hurry up!


1) Men and women, regardless of age, who love the excellent traditional Chinese culture and like Hanfu can sign up to participate.

2) Participants under the age of 18 who advance to the finals need a guardian to sign a letter of knowledge and accompany them to participate in the competition.


Audition stage

1) During the weekend event from June 1st to August 10th, participants can wear Hanfu Xiaohongshu to check in (shooting video + hashtag #Splendid Mountains and Rivers National Style Award #Hanfu Top Stream #Central Plains Cultural Season, taking photos + hashtag #Splendid Mountains and Rivers National Wind Award #Hanfu Top Stream #Central Plains Cultural Season), and enter the activity group to get the e-voucher for eating, drinking and playing provided by the Honey Oil Creative Park of the Petrochemical Plant.

2) During the weekend event from June 1st to August 10th, participants wear Hanfu and check in on Douyin (shooting video + hashtag #Splendid Mountains and Rivers National Wind Awards#Hanfu Top Stream#Central Plains Cultural Season, and @Central Plains Cultural Season; Take a photo + the topic of #Splendid Mountains and Rivers National Style Award#Hanfu Top Stream#Central Plains Cultural Season and @Central Plains Cultural Season), you can get millions of red envelopes to share and grab red envelopes when you enter the activity group. If the fans or likes meet the official requirements of the event, they can receive an exclusive amount of red envelopes.

3) During the weekend from June 1st to August 10th, participants wearing Hanfu will have the opportunity to get the opportunity to take makeup videos or photos by the official shooting team of the Organizing Committee, which will be presented on the official platform and given the original video or photo.

Finals stage

Champion Gold Medal respectively; Silver Medal for First Runner-up; Bronze Award for Third Runner-up; Award of Excellence.

Gold Award: 50,000 yuan Dream Building Fund, trophies and certificates;

Silver Award: 30,000 yuan Dream Building Fund, trophies and certificates;

Bronze Award: 10,000 yuan Dream Building Fund, trophy and certificate;

Excellence Award: 5,000 yuan Dream Building Fund, trophy and certificate;

(Note: All the above awards and bonuses are pre-tax amounts, the top 50 contestants in addition to the gold, silver and bronze awards will receive the corresponding provincial honors and certificates, all the finalists can participate in the filming of 100 short dramas, and can also get a national style decoration.) )


Contest content and scoring rules


Audition: Short video network display

Is there such a good thing? Meimei can also win a lot of money by wearing Hanfu, hurry up!

During the weekend event from June 1st to August 10th, participants wore Hanfu Xiaohongshu, Douyin, WeChat Moments and other platforms to check in (shooting video + hashtag #Splendid Mountains and Rivers National Wind Award #Hanfu Top Stream #Central Plains Cultural Season, photo + topic words #Splendid Mountains and Rivers National Wind Awards #Hanfu Top Stream #Central Plains Cultural Season and @Central Plains Cultural Season


Semi-finals: talents, catwalks, competitions

Is there such a good thing? Meimei can also win a lot of money by wearing Hanfu, hurry up!

1) Single/double wearing prescribed costumes and makeup for talent show and makeup for catwalk display, and display action/interactive performances in the specified position;

2) The types of talents include but are not limited to dance, songs, sword dances, musical instruments, catwalks and other forms, showing the personal style of the contestants, and striving for more diversified and personalized expression.

3) The judges will comprehensively consider the performance of the contestants from the dimensions of appearance and grooming, clothing matching and makeup styling, model quality and stage performance.

Scoring rules

The competition is fair and open, and is scored and selected by professional competition judges.

The score sheet was finally sealed and handed over to the organizing committee for preservation and filing, and accepted everyone's supervision.


Part6 大赛Q&A

1) Can I apply if I don't have Hanfu? Do I need to bring my own Hanfu? Will makeup be provided?

Hanfu and makeup need to take care of themselves, be sure to wear formal Hanfu, and refuse to appear non-Hanfu on stage. Those who do not have hanfu can buy it in stock or lease it.

2) Are there any height and weight requirements?

There is no limit to height and weight. As long as you are brave enough, we will show you the stage. So you can rest assured that you can sign up boldly.

3) What are the entry rules?

At that time, the details of the entry rules will be subject to the announcement before the competition.

4) Is there any offline training for players?

There will be no pre-competition training in this competition~ Please practice on your own. Time will be given to walk the stage before the start of the rematch.

5) Can children apply?

Yes! However, minors must be allowed and accompanied by their guardians to register for the competition.

6) Do boys need to wear wigs?

NO! NO! NO! The headgear has extremely high requirements for the quality of the wig and the skill of the makeup girl, and at present, we see that there are almost no male players who are handsome after making a long wig and having a short hair style. If wearing a wig is not handled well, it will greatly affect the overall image of the individual, so it is recommended that boys do not wear wigs.

7) Can I register before submitting a photo?

Yes, you can register the registration information at the registration person in charge first, and the video and pictures submitted before the start of the semi-finals are valid.

8) Do I have to be able to perform a talent show?

There is no requirement for a talent show in the preliminary audition stage of this competition, which can be assured~~ But the friends who are shortlisted for the semi-finals must carefully prepare their talents in order to continue to advance to the next competition.

Is there such a good thing? Meimei can also win a lot of money by wearing Hanfu, hurry up!

The ultimate goal of the contest is not to become a star and influencer

But through the display again and again,

competition, polish your temperament,

Manners, typhoons, and aura

The most important thing is to surpass yourself yesterday

Create a more confident and beautiful self!

Not much to say, everyone rushes to the duck! Sign up now!

(The organizer reserves the right of final interpretation of this event)

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