
The 51-year-old eldest sister puts vinegar every time she eats noodles, and after the hospital physical examination, the doctor sighs: What do you usually eat?

author:39 HealthNet

Sister Zhang is 51 years old this year, and when she was young, she liked to taste food from all over the world, but recently she has always lost her appetite. Every time I eat, I put down the dishes and chopsticks after eating two bites, and I have lost a lot of weight after a while.

At the repeated insistence of her family, Sister Zhang came to the hospital for a gastroscopy and was later diagnosed with a stomach ulcer.

It turns out that Sister Zhang has a unique eating habit, that is, she loves to be jealous, she has to add a lot of vinegar every time she eats noodles, and she usually adds vinegar to stir-frying, and she will drink the remaining vinegar when she eats dumplings.

The doctor said that long-term jealousy was one of the reasons why Sister Zhang suffered from stomach ulcers. What's going on behind this? Can you still drink vinegar?

The 51-year-old eldest sister puts vinegar every time she eats noodles, and after the hospital physical examination, the doctor sighs: What do you usually eat?

1. Blessed are those who love to be jealous, and they reap 3 benefits from being jealous correctly

When it comes to vinegar, we will think of Shanxi, and there is even an old saying in Shanxi: there is vinegar to eat bran, and meat without vinegar is not fragrant! It can be seen that he loves it. In fact, in addition to Shanxi, many people like to eat jealousy, and many families often prepare vinegar as a condiment.

And blessed are these jealous people, because there are many benefits of jealousy!

In 2020, a study published in Nutrition Research noted that eating a little vinegar every day can make blood sugar more stable.

Studies have documented that when eating vinegar-soaked dried apples (about 30 ml of vinegar) or not vinegar-soaked dried apples in the same amount of rice, it was found that the group with vinegar had more stable blood sugar fluctuations.

The 51-year-old eldest sister puts vinegar every time she eats noodles, and after the hospital physical examination, the doctor sighs: What do you usually eat?

In addition to blood sugar, jealousy is also good for blood pressure control. Many people will subconsciously add more salt when cooking in their daily lives, otherwise they will always feel that it is not flavorful enough. At this time, you can actually try to add vinegar, vinegar can enhance the salty taste, reduce the amount of salt, and help control blood pressure.

Jealousy also has an unexpected benefit – inhibiting the recurrence of kidney stones. A study published by Zeng Guohua's team from the Department of Urology of the First Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University in The Lancet Open Science pointed out that the recurrence rate of stones in patients who took aged vinegar daily was significantly lower than that of the control group 1 year after surgery.

The 51-year-old eldest sister puts vinegar every time she eats noodles, and after the hospital physical examination, the doctor sighs: What do you usually eat?

2. Although vinegar has many benefits, don't be "greedy for a cup"

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that acetic acid, sweet and warm, can enter the liver and stomach meridians, and have the effects of hemostasis, detoxification and insecticide. However, it is not recommended to drink a lot of vinegar daily, otherwise it is easy to bring some unnecessary troubles to health.

The reason why Uncle Zhang has a stomach ulcer at the beginning of the article is inseparable from drinking too much vinegar.

Bao Lize, a member of the Science Popularization Committee of the Chinese Nutrition Society, said that vinegar is an acidic food, and direct drinking will bring certain irritation to the oral mucosa and esophagus, which is easy to induce inflammation and ulcers, and will change the pH value of gastric juice, cause gastric mucosal damage, and even induce acute gastritis.

The 51-year-old eldest sister puts vinegar every time she eats noodles, and after the hospital physical examination, the doctor sighs: What do you usually eat?

In addition, people who often reflux acid are not recommended to drink vinegar, otherwise it is easy to increase the secretion of gastric acid in the body and make ulcers worse.

In addition to hurting the stomach, excessive intake of vinegar can also erode teeth. The study found that subjects who consumed 2 tablespoons of vinegar twice a day showed significant tooth erosion.

This is because the pH value of vinegar is generally less than 3, which is a highly acidic food, and regular consumption can easily cause irreversible damage to tooth enamel and dentin. If you have eaten vinegar or acidic foods, it is best to brush your teeth or rinse your mouth with water to reduce the irritation on your teeth.

The 51-year-old eldest sister puts vinegar every time she eats noodles, and after the hospital physical examination, the doctor sighs: What do you usually eat?

3. Are these "wonderful uses" of vinegar true or false?

The ingredients of vinegar are acetic acid, calcium, potassium, amino acids, etc., and its original purpose is for medicinal use, but with more and more research, there are also various "wonderful uses" of vinegar on the Internet, which of them are true and which are false?

1. Can drinking vinegar soften blood vessels?

Lu Feng, deputy chief physician of the cardiovascular department of Huai'an Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said that drinking vinegar cannot play a role in softening blood vessels, because vinegar will be absorbed by the digestive tract as soon as it enters the body, and cannot directly enter the blood vessels, so it will not play a softening role.

The 51-year-old eldest sister puts vinegar every time she eats noodles, and after the hospital physical examination, the doctor sighs: What do you usually eat?

2. Does vinegar have anti-cancer effects?

Vinegar is a type of fermented food, and several studies have found that fermented foods are important for the regulation of a variety of diseases, including cancer.

However, at present, only a small number of studies on the anticancer activity of vinegar have been carried out in animal and cell experiments, and the relevant mechanism is not clear.

3. Can soaking feet with vinegar treat foot odor and athlete's foot?

Beriberi is caused by infection with fungi, and the fecundity of the fungus will be significantly reduced in an acidic environment, and soaking your feet in white vinegar can improve beriberi to a certain extent.

Wang Yunfei, deputy chief physician of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Surgery of Longhua Hospital, pointed out that adding 10~15ml of rice vinegar to the foot wash water and mixing it well can reduce foot odor after soaking for about 15 minutes, and soaking for 3~5 days in a row.

The 51-year-old eldest sister puts vinegar every time she eats noodles, and after the hospital physical examination, the doctor sighs: What do you usually eat?

Vinegar has many benefits and many ways to use, but it does not soften blood vessels, nor can it fight cancer, so don't stop the medicine because of rumors and delay treatment.


[1] "Blessed are the jealous! Lowering blood sugar, strengthening the spleen...... 7 benefits of being jealous! 》. Health Times 2023-05-03

[2] "People who love vinegar when they eat are healthier than people who don't?" The secret is all here...". Popular Science China 2022-05-07 1

[3] "Who is healthier to eat with vinegar or without vinegar?" The Truth Is Surprising". Popular Science China 2023-07-20

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