
In the night play on the roof of "Li Yitong", a centipede nearly 10 cm long drilled into its sleeve and hugged its fists to thank it

author:Flash instant noodles

Li Yitong: A thrilling encounter with a centipede, a brave witness to growth

In the night play on the roof of "Li Yitong", a centipede nearly 10 cm long drilled into its sleeve and hugged its fists to thank it

Recently, the news that Li Yitong encountered a centipede at the shooting site instantly detonated the public's attention. In the face of this unexpected turmoil, Li Yitong bravely spoke out on social media, and his positive attitude is admirable.

In the night play on the roof of "Li Yitong", a centipede nearly 10 cm long drilled into its sleeve and hugged its fists to thank it

In her response, Li Yitong began by expressing her endless gratitude to fans and all those who care about her. She knows that as an actor, the road to work is destined to be full of thorns, and all kinds of difficulties and obstacles are inevitable. But it is precisely this time and again that has tempered her to become more tenacious and mentally mature.

In the night play on the roof of "Li Yitong", a centipede nearly 10 cm long drilled into its sleeve and hugged its fists to thank it

Subsequently, Li Yitong vividly recounted the thrilling encounter. At that time, in the busy filming scene, a centipede broke into her sight coldly. In an instant, fear and anxiety flooded over me. However, Li Yitong was not dominated by fear and chose to face it bravely. She quickly stabilized her mind, sought help from professionals as soon as possible, and then took a series of countermeasures in an orderly manner.

In the night play on the roof of "Li Yitong", a centipede nearly 10 cm long drilled into its sleeve and hugged its fists to thank it

Talking about the impact of this incident, Li Yitong said frankly that although she was scared at the time, from this experience, she also successfully tapped the courage and strength hidden in her heart.

In the night play on the roof of "Li Yitong", a centipede nearly 10 cm long drilled into its sleeve and hugged its fists to thank it

She deeply realized that life is just like a challenging adventure, and every problem is a ladder of growth, and only by having the courage to face it head-on can we achieve self-sublimation and progress.

In the night play on the roof of "Li Yitong", a centipede nearly 10 cm long drilled into its sleeve and hugged its fists to thank it

Finally, Li Yitong firmly stated that in the future, she will continue to maintain an optimistic and positive attitude and devote herself to every role and work. She wants to prove her worth with real strength and unremitting efforts. At the same time, she also warmly appealed to fans not to focus too much on her personal life, but to pay more attention to her works and wonderful performances.

In the night play on the roof of "Li Yitong", a centipede nearly 10 cm long drilled into its sleeve and hugged its fists to thank it

Through this sincere response, we clearly see Li Yitong's fearlessness and perseverance in the face of difficulties. Far from knocking her down, the centipede incident became a source of motivation for her to draw strength and move forward.

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