
It's messy! Women's Volleyball World League standings: The Italian team rose to 2nd with 5 consecutive wins, and the Chinese women's volleyball team ranked 4th

author:Zhige Kan Sports

On May 30, Beijing time, the 2024 World Women's Volleyball League, Macau, China, the Italian women's volleyball team played against the Dominican team, and in the end, the Italian team defeated the Dominican Republic 3-0 and won 5 consecutive victories.

It's messy! Women's Volleyball World League standings: The Italian team rose to 2nd with 5 consecutive wins, and the Chinese women's volleyball team ranked 4th

Italy, ranked No. 5 in the world, have a 4-1 record in their first five matches and have recently won four in a row. The Dominican team is ranked 10th in the world, and in the previous five games, the Dominican team had a mediocre record of 2 wins and 3 losses. Obviously, judging from the comparison of the strength of the two teams, the Italian team is still significantly stronger. As a powerhouse in the European and even world women's volleyball scene, the Italian team is very impactful, and their domestic league is also in full swing, including Zhu Ting and other stars are playing there.

It's messy! Women's Volleyball World League standings: The Italian team rose to 2nd with 5 consecutive wins, and the Chinese women's volleyball team ranked 4th

In the first week, although the Italian team came up and lost one game first, but then won three games in a row, and the last game against the French team was also won bloodlessly, and won a wave of 4 consecutive wins, and it should be pointed out that Egnu and others were still absent in the first week. The return of Egnu in the second week gave the Italian team even more strength. Although the Italian team has not yet secured a ticket to the Olympics, it is clear that from the current situation, there is not much suspense.

It's messy! Women's Volleyball World League standings: The Italian team rose to 2nd with 5 consecutive wins, and the Chinese women's volleyball team ranked 4th

In this game, Egnu entered the starting line-up, Serra and Posetti served as the main attackers, and Danesi and Rubian served as the secondary attackers; On the Dominican side, Martinez led the start. In the first game, the Dominican team once scored consecutive points to establish a certain advantage, but after 8-10, the Dominican team suddenly lost fire, and the Italian team scored 12 points in a row to instantly open the difference, and it was also relatively smooth to win the game, leading 1-0. In the second and third games, in fact, the Italian team did not encounter much challenge, but still managed to win two games in a row, defeating the Dominican team 3-0.

It's messy! Women's Volleyball World League standings: The Italian team rose to 2nd with 5 consecutive wins, and the Chinese women's volleyball team ranked 4th

In terms of standings, the Italian team has risen to 2nd place, surpassing the Brazilian team, Poland 1, and the Chinese women's volleyball team ranked 4th.

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