
"Old Guy" It wasn't until Xiao Jian jumped off the building and committed suicide that Xiao Changqing understood how outrageous he was wrong

author:Film and television do not close

This year, the urban emotional drama "Old Guy" starring Zhang Guoli, Wang Gang, Zhang Tielin, Zhou Tao, Zhang Haowei, Mao Yi, Wang Zijian, Sun Anke, Liu Jia, You Haoran, Liu Enshang, etc. is on the air.

"Old Guy" It wasn't until Xiao Jian jumped off the building and committed suicide that Xiao Changqing understood how outrageous he was wrong

By telling the story of Xiao Changqing, Sun Qiancheng, and Chen Xincheng, the three retired elderly people who are re-starting their own businesses, the play comprehensively shows the family bonds and emotional dilemmas between middle-aged and elderly groups and their children, and brings a pleasant experience to countless audiences.

In the play, Xiao Changqing is recognized as a good man in the nursing home, obedient to his mother, gentle and considerate, affectionate and righteous to his wife, no matter how big or small, responding to his sister's needs, taking care of his sister, treating his daughter-in-law equally and convincing people with reason.

But when it comes to treating his children, Xiao Changqing is obviously unqualified, and he has never even considered the real psychological needs of his children. For the sake of the so-called filial piety and face, Xiao Changqing did not hesitate to ask his second son Xiao Jian to buy a house for his aunt.

"Old Guy" It wasn't until Xiao Jian jumped off the building and committed suicide that Xiao Changqing understood how outrageous he was wrong

Even if his sister repeatedly gnawed at the old, Xiao Changqing still chose to swallow his anger, and even disrupted the happy life of his two sons. Perhaps in the eyes of outsiders, Xiao Changqing is a kind-hearted and magnanimous person.

But in the heart of his son Xiao Jian, Xiao Changqing is just a coward who doesn't dare to resist injustice. And Xiao Changqing has never really realized his own shortcomings, and he only knows how to connive at others to squeeze himself endlessly.

"Old Guy" It wasn't until Xiao Jian jumped off the building and committed suicide that Xiao Changqing understood how outrageous he was wrong.

In the play, Xiao Changqing can be regarded as benevolent and righteous to his wife, not only personally serving feces and urine, but also taking the initiative to take care of his wife's relatives. For this reason, Xiao Changqing has been single for many years, which can be regarded as a kind-hearted infatuated man.

"Old Guy" It wasn't until Xiao Jian jumped off the building and committed suicide that Xiao Changqing understood how outrageous he was wrong

In addition, Xiao Changqing has lived for his parents and children all his life, which has moved countless audiences. thought that Xiao Changan's later life would be bitter, but he didn't expect him to miss his first love by mistake.

Even the proud second son Xiao Jian was accidentally paralyzed because of a car accident. From then on, Xiao Changqing could only pretend to be strong, not only trying to activate his son's will to survive, but also taking care of his granddaughter for his son.

But Xiao Jian is a person who likes to pursue perfection in everything, and it is difficult to accept the situation of his paralyzed legs. In addition, Xiao Jian was abandoned by his wife again, which made him even more miserable. Over time, Xiao Jian had the idea of committing suicide by jumping off a building.

"Old Guy" It wasn't until Xiao Jian jumped off the building and committed suicide that Xiao Changqing understood how outrageous he was wrong

Fortunately, Xiao Changqing came in time, otherwise he could only send a white-haired person to a black-haired person. It was precisely because he saw Xiao Jian commit suicide by jumping off the building that Xiao Changqing realized that he didn't know his son. It turned out that Xiao Jian was not as good and strong as he imagined, and behind his strong support in case of trouble was his distrust of his father.

All this also stems from Xiao Changqing's repressive education. When he was a student, Xiao Jian was bullied by a group of students in the toilet, so he injured the other party in a hurry. As a result, Xiao Changqing asked Xiao Jian to apologize to the abuser without saying a word.

Even though Xiao Jian tried his best to explain at the time, Xiao Changqing still chose to calm down in order to protect Xiao Jian's reputation and student status. It is precisely because Xiao Changqing is always stubborn, does not distinguish between right and wrong, has no quarrel with the world, and is cowardly and selfish, so he makes Xiao Jian's life so depressed.

"Old Guy" It wasn't until Xiao Jian jumped off the building and committed suicide that Xiao Changqing understood how outrageous he was wrong

At the same time, Xiao Changqing's posture of bowing down and being small and tolerant in front of outsiders also made him develop a character of swallowing his anger. I have to say that parents are the best mirror for children, Xiao Changqing's foolishness and cowardice inadvertently ruined Xiao Jian's life.