
Young people who pay social security for their parents

Young people who pay social security for their parents


2024-05-31 09:25Posted on the official account of Beijing characters

Young people who pay social security for their parents

Parents are aging, if there is not enough pension funds, what will happen in the future? This is a problem that many young people are facing.

This is not only a problem at hand, but also a global problem. According to a report by the International Labour Organization, nearly half (48%) of the world's elderly who are over retirement age do not have a pension, and the economic conditions of those who receive retirement benefits are not necessarily optimistic.

When parents do not have a stable job and the retirement age is approaching, social security has become the most basic guarantee and support. "Whether to make up social security payments" and "whether to raise the file to pay" have become the choices that many Chinese families are facing.

In order to explore the family relationship and pension considerations behind "social security", last week, we launched a call for "I pay social security for my parents", which was highly viewed and received nearly 200 responses.

Because it was very personal, everyone talked more deeply. Paying social security for parents is like a coming-of-age ceremony, which marks the transformation of a child's role in the family, from a caregiver to a bearer of family responsibilities.

We also found that behind the action of paying social security, there is a complex truth about family relationships. This is not only a simple mathematical calculation problem, but also involves many aspects - how to allocate a family's money, resources. If the family's money is only enough for one person to go to social security, to whom? If you have to give a large sum of money to make up social security, who will give it? And how does a family plan for the elderly, and what are the responsibilities of each family member? And where are the borders? "Social security" is only one part of the pension safety net, and it is also the most basic and easy to quantify part.

People talk about social security, but it's not just social security. The following are my thoughts from you on the "money", "family", "aging" and "sense of security" behind social security——

Sentence | Sleepers

Edited by Jin Shi

When parents first talk about social security

Social security is like a marker of growth. When a person actively or passively begins to contact social security, understand social security, care about whether his parents have social security, and even help his parents pay social security, it means that this person has grown up.

When parents grow old and their roles change, they can't escape and have to start savoring the complex taste of growing up.

@沈从文 20 years old, male, Huizhou, Guangdong 

When I was interning at a secondary school, I went to work in a restaurant for 5,500 yuan a month. The restaurant includes food and accommodation, except for the five-yuan subway ticket for commuting every day, and buying a cup of milk tea for my sister who goes to school every month to be happy, basically no expenses, I whimsically chatted with my parents, "I earn more than 5,500 a month, and I have one million in 15 years hahahaha".

Mom laughed when she heard this, "Do you think it's a lot of five thousand a month? You don't have to pay for social security, insurance, utilities and food, and if you accidentally get sick, you will have to throw away thousands of dollars. When my father and I retire, you will have to renew our insurance, two or three thousand a month."

It was only then that I learned that I would have to pay social security for my parents in the future, and I felt anxious and excited.

@王先生 31 years old, male, Linfen, Shanxi

When my parents asked me for social security money, it was very similar to when I asked my father for money.

@seven 32 years old, female Yue Yang

I work in Hangzhou, and my parents have always been running here and there to buy social security. One day, my father called me and asked me if I could borrow 50,000 yuan from him to buy social security. This was the only time my father spoke to me, and he even immediately said that if it was inconvenient, he could find another relative. I immediately said yes and transferred the money.

At that time, I was very sad, I didn't help my parents in this matter, and my father opened his mouth so carefully, using the word "borrow", as a daughter, I am very ashamed.

@小花 25 years old, female, Xiangtan, Hunan

Regarding the payment of social security to my parents, the most impressive moment was the tentative tone when my parents asked me if I was willing to increase the amount of contributions - the upper limit of the supplementary payment of urban and rural residents' pension insurance has been raised, from the highest annual payment of 3,000 yuan to 6,000 yuan. Previously, I have been paying 3,000 yuan for my father, whether to pay more after the new policy, whether it is more appropriate to keep a part as a deposit or other investment, this is a question of discussion.

This year, I still paid 4,000 yuan and my parents paid 2,000 yuan, which was the highest grade.

@Jane 35 years old, female, Siping, Jilin

Dad was laid off in the nineties in the Northeast, before more than 30 years of service, but there are still a few years before retirement social security needs to be made up, at that time I just graduated from college, my parents have no savings and do not want to borrow money, so I borrowed tens of thousands of yuan to make up for social security.

@狐狸 30 years old, female, Jiangxi

Human cognition is important. Parents have not paid, as early as 10 years ago, there was a policy to pay a lump sum of how much you can enjoy normal social security retirement, but at that time parents did not choose to do so, in their perception this is not important. But later, when I was looking for a job, they would also ask if they had five insurances and one housing fund, and I suddenly thought, maybe it's not that they don't recognize the importance, but that in their cognition, it's more important for this money to be used for our sisters' schooling.

@小石头 27 years old, female, rural Gansu

My father has been working outside to earn money in order to provide for me to study, and the social security is also paid by the factory, which has been accumulated for 10 years. After I graduated, my father decided last month to go back to his hometown in the countryside to live with my grandmother, and to do his filial piety to make up for the debt he had owed to my grandmother for a long time.

When I learned about this, I asked my father to pay social security for the next few years, but at first my father did not agree, because I had just graduated, I had no savings, and I was afraid that my job would change. After I repeated it several times, my father finally relented. At that time, my thoughts were very simple, I couldn't say what would happen in the future, and my father couldn't say for sure, so I could only do my best to seek the most basic guarantee for my father's future life.

Before leaving, my father went to the social security bureau and asked all the questions about the social security contributions made by individuals, including how to pay, what the proportion is, how much money is paid each month, and so on. My father was always like that, and when the problems came his way, he solved them one by one. The only thing I had to do was transfer my social security to my father every month. And after I took on this task, I also really experienced for the first time why my father was afraid of losing his job.

Young people who pay social security for their parents

Source: The movie "No Pension Funds"

"Sense of security" and "confidence"

Why help your parents pay social security? When answering this question, in addition to talking about money, the most mentioned keywords are, "sense of security", "confidence", "worthwhile", and "peace of mind". Income in old age not only has economic value, but also has emotional value that cannot be ignored. If aging is destined to be a journey that deprives human beings of a sense of security, what they want to do is nothing more than to try to add an anchor point and a little certainty to their parents and themselves in this journey.

@齐悦 26 years old, female, Hunan

There is no problem in the whole payment process to help parents pay social security, mainly because you need to research and prepare materials in advance. The deepest impression is the peace of mind after the successful payment, when all the processes are completed, I feel relieved, and a stone in my heart has fallen.

@点点 25 years old, female, Guangdong Province, western Guangdong town

This year is my second year of graduating, and with a little savings in hand, I started to think about paying for them according to the maximum amount of urban and rural residents' insurance.

In this process, I continued to learn about the relevant policies of social security, and it turned out that if I did not pay for 15 years at the age of 60, I would not be able to make up the payment until I was 65 years old and then start to receive a pension. Although they started from scratch, no matter what, when they were 52 and 50 years old, my parents began to pay for urban and rural residents' insurance. They say that they are like people who have "office" jobs, and they will have a pension when they are old.

For their words, I think everything is worth it.

@Morie Woo, 34 years old, female, Quzhou, Zhejiang

My dad died in a car accident more than ten years ago, and my mom was still alone, so I couldn't be close to her, but I was worried that if she had any problems, she wouldn't be able to take care of herself, which would cause a lot of financial pressure. Because my mother is rural, all I can do at this stage is to make up for the highest level of urban and rural pension. This year, my mother is 61 years old and receives 890 yuan per month.

@何先生 28 years old, male, Weinan, Shaanxi

The basic pension in rural areas is very low. My mom was the first person in our town to apply for personal funding. I personally funded 3,000 yuan, and she paid 3,000 yuan herself, and I hope that Shaanxi will raise the highest level of payment, because I also want to help my mother raise the file to make up the payment.

@小田 31 years old, female, Shenyang

When I went home last year, I had dinner with my father, whom I hadn't seen for a long time, and he used to indulge in himself without thinking about his responsibilities at all, but suddenly mentioned that the social security center called him to handle the closure of his account. I chuckled in my heart, although I knew that he didn't go to work much, but I didn't think about the fact that he almost never paid social security. When I got home after eating, I began to contact the Shenyang Social Security Center to consult how to deal with this situation.

Later, at my urging, he paid about 120,000 yuan at one time, and he has 2 years to retire.

@木木 28 years old, female, Zhengzhou

My mother loved me and gave me unrequited love when I was growing up, and used everything she had to lift up my life. Now that I'm older, I hope to give her a little more security for her life.

My mother looks very strong, but I know that she is also very sensitive in her heart, and I am worried that if there is no social security in the future, the form of living expenses we directly give will make her feel uncomfortable, hoping to make her feel more secure, so I hope that she can get living funds through social security.

I'm working now, and I don't have a lot of savings, but I can afford it with a budget of more than 10,000 yuan a year. But it's a bit hard to convince your mom to accept social security contributions. She is a typical giving personality who wants me to buy a house for myself first and then think about other things, but for me, the plan to buy a house can be postponed, but the time window for social security payment is only these years, and there is no chance after it has passed.

After paying social security, the mother's mentality has changed a lot, on the one hand, she will take the initiative to pay attention to social security-related policies and information; On the other hand, when facing relatives with social security, I can feel her confidence not to feel inferior, which makes me feel a sense of accomplishment.

@玲玲 40 years old female A small remote mountain village

He walked out of a small mountain village through studying, and later became a member of the social security payment for his parents.

When I first started to pay, according to the 15 years of payment, my mother would not retire until she was 63 years old, which means that I started to pay pension insurance for my mother when she was about 48 years old. Later, the policy changed, and at the age of 55, you can make up for retirement, and I really feel that I have earned it in 8 years.

Now Mom and Dad get a pension of more than 2,000 yuan each, as well as medical insurance, as long as Mom and Dad are healthy, I feel that life is really happy! No one can comprehend the satisfaction in my heart.

Young people who pay social security for their parents

Source: The movie "No Pension Funds"

Those unspeakable retirement pressures

Through the solicitation, we found that the window for many parents to make up social security is just when their children have just graduated and entered the society, at that time, they have limited income, but they have to take on the responsibility of their parents for the elderly. There are also some people who are facing a career crisis and need to make supplementary social security contributions for their parents. It's hard to be humane to outsiders, thanks to their trust in "People", telling these complex secret things -

@小杨 30 years old, female, Hanzhong, Shaanxi

It was 2014, I haven't graduated from college yet, the school requires me to go to the Shenzhen factory for internship, I and a few classmates did not go, I chose to intern in the province, the first month of the internship salary was 1800 yuan, at that time it was a lot for me, after all, the rent of a month in the urban village is 80 yuan, and it takes 30 minutes to walk 5 stops of the commuter bus every day, in order to save the fare, the first thing I want to spend 300 yuan to buy a bicycle is the first thing I want to do.

As a result, I called my mother that night to report the good news, my mother said that the community notified the laid-off people that they could make up for the social security, she wanted to make up for the social security during the time when she was laid off to do business, and relatives borrowed some but there was still more than a thousand, and asked me if I could give her some for her to pay, in fact, I was reluctant at that time, and thought about the tuition and living expenses of the university were given by my mother, so I gritted my teeth and decided to keep 400 yuan for myself, and the rest for my mother to go to the bank to remit money.

I remember that at that time, the transfer fee was still charged, and the teller was given 1400 yuan, and the teller said, "How many dollars is the handling fee alone", I was penniless at that time, so I had to weakly ask, can the handling fee be deducted from the remittance, but fortunately, the answer I got was "yes".

A few years ago, my mother reached retirement age and received more than 1,000 a month, and I was relieved, because now I still can't afford my parents' pension, and I don't have so much pressure because they are self-sufficient.

@天冬 24 years old, female, Gansu

I really didn't have much savings after graduation, and I used Huabei to live on it at first, and then I became a little more comfortable. I thought that when I was in college, my parents squeezed out the monthly living expenses, and when I couldn't find a job after graduation, the 3,000 people who signed up for online classes still helped me out in difficulties, even if my mother's annual pension was 10,000, I gritted my teeth and helped pay it.

My current situation is also very difficult, the company's business is not very good, the salary has now become a two-month delay, in the case of my own future income is not optimistic, the annual pension of 10,000 yuan feels very heavy to think about.

@梅子 26 years old, female, Enshi, Hubei

Peasants have no retirement to speak of, let alone a pension. After the age of sixty, a few hundred dollars a month is all they have. In a modern society where everyone talks about social security, pension, and pension insurance, they are still relying on raising children to prevent old age to solve the problem of old-age care.

Farmers pay a few hundred yuan a year (the lowest grade is even 200 yuan), and they have always asked me to pay the lowest grade in the past, but last year I graduated from graduate school and worked, and I am considering paying higher.

@pp 23 years old, female, Xinjiang

My mother has been a housewife all her life without a measurable income, and she has instilled in me since I was a child that I am very envious of others who have pensions and can get money when they are old. After graduating from university, I entered the system and engaged in social security-related work, and saw that many elderly people with social security had a guarantee in their later years, so I also paid social security to my mother.

I was very impressed by a moment, a little complained about my mother's young ignorance, and I should have paid social security earlier, because now paying social security for her is also a big financial burden for me who just worked.

@壮壮加油 32 years old, female, Yunnan Xuanwei

When I was in college, my father's business started to go wrong and went bankrupt before I graduated from graduate school, and my salary became the only source of income for the family. My sister is still in middle school, my father is devastated and has a huge debt, and I don't look for other income, and my mother, with the help of a friend, went to kindergarten at the age of nearly 50 to find a job taking care of children, and most of the income is used to pay off some debts piecemeal.

Later, when my mother learned that she only needed to pay five years of social security to receive a pension, she asked me to make social security contributions on her behalf.

I used to be aggrieved because all my salary was used to pay off the debts owed by my parents and raise the family, but I thought that the last thing I could not lose was my family, and I comforted myself that spending money on my family was the same as spending it on clothes, shoes and bags.

@来自革命老区的张女士 34 years old, female, Linyi

The personal income is not high, but the parents have already helped the 6th year to pay the upper limit. It is not so much that I pay social security to my parents as filial piety, but that I am cutting off my maintenance obligations in the future.

@左女士 40 years old female Shandong

I don't want my parents to reach out and ask us for money, so that parents feel inferior in front of their children. It can only be enough to pay for the two parents to pay social security. Who should not pay it? The criterion for parents is that whoever will live long will pay it.

@梦梦 27 years old, female, rural Hubei

I chose to make up the flexible employment pension insurance for my unemployed mother, and I had to pay nearly 100,000 yuan, and I had to firmly show my mother that I was right, after all, my parents' generation was reluctant to pay so much money, and they were worried about losing money.

To this end, I specifically studied the social security policy, including the difference between the pension insurance for urban and rural residents and the pension insurance for urban employees, what the specific policy is, and what is the impact of the maximum or minimum payment on the pension of each month in the future - because of this incident, I have changed from a child who needs to ask his parents to make any decision, to an adult who can independently solve his own doubts and make decisions to convince his parents, and I was only 23 years old at the time and had just graduated from a bachelor's degree.

@小张 23 years old, male, a third-tier city in Guangdong

I come from a small third-tier city in Guangdong. My family has always been in a small business, so my parents have never bought social security, and I didn't slowly come into contact with five insurances and one housing fund until I was in college. In the early years, my parents had always bought the rural medical insurance of NCMS, but in recent years, there were some problems in the business, and in order to reduce expenses, they stopped paying NCMS. I just graduated from university last year, and after learning about social security, I realized that my parents may not have a pension to receive in the future, so they can only continue to rely on the family's business to make ends meet.

Now I don't have a lot of salary, my life is very tight, and it is temporarily difficult to help my parents pay social security. My parents have always felt that paying social security is a waste of money, and persuaded me to dispel this idea. But as long as I think that my parents will not have a pension to receive when they are old, the pressure on my support cannot help but increase. So I slowly made a decision, if I really need to help my parents pay social security in the future, I may not have the idea of falling in love and getting married for the time being, because I don't want to bring additional pressure to the other half of the pension. Let's work hard and hope that I can do my duty.

Young people who pay social security for their parents

 Source: The movie "No Pension Funds"


More than 83% of respondents were women. We met a large number of sensible and caring daughters, as well as a large number of hard-working, dedicating, and supporting daughters of the family. Most of them choose to pay social security for their parents, mostly out of support obligations and responsibilities, and some daughters also use this to prove themselves to their "patriarchal" family of origin. Of course, behind this there is also the exhaustion and grievances that the daughters have never confided in.

@Q Danpo Girl, 36 years old, female, Nanning, Guangxi

My parents gave birth to three daughters, and there was no male in the family, so I was told by the people in my hometown that our family was the last in our family. My education made me know that supporting my parents regardless of gender, and when my father was compensated by the government, I discussed with my sister that we could pool money and pay off my father's social security in a lump sum, so that he would have a secure life in the future, so that he would not have to ask us for money carefully, and of course, for the sake of fighting for the family.

@奶盖 25 years old, female, Fujian

I plan to pay for my parents to pay the most high-end resident pension insurance, mainly due to two considerations, one is that my parents need more stable protection after working hard all their lives, even if it is a few hundred yuan a month, so I don't have to reach out to ask for it; On the other hand, there is the "selfish" consideration, and I want to prove to my parents (and other relatives) that rural people can support their daughters in the same way.

Now, my brother and sister-in-law have also given birth to two daughters, and I hope that my parents will not be forced to feel that they must have a son...... I'm going to prove my point with real actions!

@月上歌 43 years old, female, Tianjin

I am the only daughter in the family, my father is more willful, and he was laid off early to buy out of service, which is also a very face-hurting thing for him, so he is particularly reluctant to mention it at home. Later, when he was able to make up the insurance, he also listened to some rumors that he might not be able to live to receive a pension and other nonsense, he really believed it. My mother wanted to make it up to him, but after all, it cost money, and secondly, my mother also heard the rumors that my father heard, and she was a little hesitant.

But I have a lot of ideas since I was a child, and I can be a backbone for my mother, and when my mother asked me for my opinion, I firmly told her that she must pay, and if she does not pay, she will not dare to step on the door of the hospital when she is old. Before retirement, my dad has been scolding for this matter, and then he retired and began to receive money, so he stopped talking, and he lived so irresponsibly all his life, which is also very embarrassing.

@鼓大王 34 years old, female, Shanghai

My mother made up my grandfather's social security. My grandfather's favorite son, my uncle, was unwilling to pay. And he is not short of money.

@W. 28 years old, female, Hubei

The deepest impression is that my dad bought his own insurance very well (bought it for many years), but he would not think of buying insurance for my mother, and finally I came forward and said that I would pay my mother's social security.

I am the eldest in the family, with a younger sister and younger brother, all of whom are studying, and each age is very different. For me, it's a big burden, my dad also earns money, but he has a dream of getting rich, he can't save money, if he has money, he will give it to my mother, if he doesn't, he won't give it, and his mother will not suffer from his father.

I felt suffocated by the marriage my mother chose, but I also thought that if she didn't have us, she might have another life. Pension, I already have a hunch that I will be the one who bears the most, facing my mother, suffocating, neither indifferent nor willing. Fortunately, I'm married, so I have room to escape for a while. Now, I just hope that I will be rich, and maybe money can solve a lot of troubles.

@moumou 34 years old, female, Hubei

As an older sister in the family, she has a job and savings, and feels that she has the ability and obligation to give her parents a guarantee.

At the end of last year, I accidentally brushed the pension insurance for urban and rural residents on the Internet, and after a search to understand, I learned about their payment to their parents, and told them that they could pay the highest grade of 8,000 yuan a year, and the two of them were 16,000 yuan. I was so angry that I didn't eat that night. Later, my father sent a WeChat message, and we reconciled.

In March of this year, I silently paid to my parents according to the highest grade, and I also paid part of it, and I went home in the middle of the year to make up another one. On Mother's Day in May, I told my mother about this, and she was very happy, hoping that this pension insurance would give my parents more peace of mind and confidence in life and the future.

@九条鱼 31 years old, female, Guangdong

I am the third child in the family, and after graduating from college and working, my second sister and I jointly bear the social security expenses of my parents.

Because my parents don't know how to manage money and don't have savings, I now pay for my family's living expenses, and I also buy medical insurance for my parents to resist some risks. It can be said that I bear most of the current burden on my family, because other people are difficult to protect themselves, and I can only work hard to protect my parents' lives. I don't know if I will have extra energy and financial resources after I get married, I also hope that they will quickly support themselves, I am too tired to support alone.

@天线饱饱 24 y.o. Female

Dad's pension is paid by the work unit, and Mom has no one to help pay. Sometimes my father chats with my mother, and asks my mother to save money, otherwise it will be miserable if I don't support my children when I am old and I have no money - my mother and my father have a general relationship, and their salaries are very clear, and my mother often teaches me that girls should be independent and not rely on men, probably my father taught her this.

I can probably feel a little bit of worry about the future from my mother's words. My determination is to pay social security for my mother, so that my mother can stand opposite my father on an equal footing and not be talked cold.

The deepest impression is that on the day of the first social security payment, in the small group of three people and me, my sister and brother celebrated that my mother finally had social security.

@大刀狂想曲 46 years old, female, Shanghai

My parents are in their 70s, and I was fined in the late 70s because my father had to give birth to my mother after he was sure that I was a daughter. I've always been steadfast in my belief that I'm never going to let my parents go to a nursing home anyway. Therefore, I have to work hard to save money, exercise, and be in good health, which are the basic conditions for my parents to provide for the elderly in the future.

@望晴 25 years old, female, Beijing

After handling the funeral for my dad, they all said that if you pay enough social security for 15 years, you can get a pension, and my dad's payment period is 14 years and 2 months, and it is difficult for me to describe my mood at that time.

After my dad left, I insured my mom. My mom changed from a "disappointing parent" to a "happy parent", hanging out with me, and without saying anything about disappointment, she slowly accepted my choice not to get married.

People around me say that I only have my mother, but in fact, as a financially independent adult, I don't have very special ideas, more accurately, my mother only has me, so she chooses to accept the things she found incomprehensible in the past, as well as those new ideas that are difficult to understand.

Young people who pay social security for their parents

Source: The movie "No Pension Funds"

The road to old-age care is not only about social security

For many families, paying social security is not a simple action, nor is it only a mathematical arithmetic problem, which also contains a family's cognition and decision-making, and children's consideration of their parents' pension issues. I have to admit that what people can do in the face of aging is very limited, and having income is only the most basic limited solution.

@郁姐 30 years old, female, Zigong, Sichuan

I like the topic of this issue very much, and I touch on the group without social security. My mother has not been in good health, and I quarreled with my family for a long time last year because of the purchase of social security, and I don't want to quarrel this year to buy it directly.

After buying, there are still many things to worry about. Both of my dad's older brothers were diagnosed with cancer, one has passed away and the other is still being treated. Because of my uncle, I was worried about my parents' illness.

@双双 31 years old, female, Guangxi

The reason for helping parents pay social security is, on the one hand, considering that our family is all girls, if we all get married in the future, and then give money to my mother's family, my in-laws may be unhappy, in order to reduce family conflicts; On the other hand, most of the parents will not ask our children for money, no matter how difficult it is, they will carry it themselves, for the sake of their parents to live a dignified life in their old age, they have more confidence in their hands, and they have a sense of security and happiness.

But even if we pay social security, there are still a lot of worries, especially when we work in other places, we are afraid that they will bump into each other at home, and they will not tell us anything, and they will not want to come and live with us, for fear of troublesome us, and we are very worried that when they are older, it will be difficult for us to take care of them.

@火火 30 years old, female, Henan

Parents are used to living in the countryside, although the cost of living in the countryside is low, but it still has to be cost, they are outside, they will worry about the future, sometimes there are accidents, sometimes there are involuntarily, seeing that there are old people in their hometown who have no one to support.

I had to pay the highest, but my family still paid the lowest. I was afraid that I would not be able to help myself after I got married, or that my parents would not be protected in their old age if I had an accident, so I bought my parents' supplementary medical care, as well as my own life insurance, if something happened to me, my parents would have a pension money, and if I was fine, I would treat it as a deposit.

@董女士 37 years old, female, Shandong

My father proposed to pay social security, my family's economic conditions are average, so I and my sister help them raise a little money every year, and now he is retired, receiving about 2,000 yuan a month, which is enough for their daily living expenses in the countryside, I really feel that the decision of the year is extremely correct.

The house they live in now is not good, and I think I will let them live better in the future, so last year I gritted my teeth and took a little money to help my sister make a down payment in the county, and she could take her parents to live in after she bought a house.

Since last year, I will take my parents to have a physical examination every year to do a screening for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and tumors, and pay attention to their health.

@周博闻 30 years old, male, Chenzhou, Hunan

I helped my parents pay social security and wanted to provide basic security for their future life.

My dad's profession is motorcycle rental soliciting, my mother's profession is barbecue, and my college major is sports human science. I know that their profession can have a bad impact on their health. I tried to make adjustments, one was to develop their sports habit of playing badminton, and the other was to build a large vegetable patch on the mountain. It also made my mother change to an easier job.

I know that having a healthy body is the most important thing, and a healthy body comes from an active lifestyle. With a healthy body, the chances of getting sick in the future are reduced, the quality of life is high, parents are happy, and children are relaxed.

@佚名 29 years old, female, Hunan

Guangdong Yue Yuan, a Taiwanese company, will pay social security to his employees, my mother worked there for 12 years, I saw that I could retire, but I got cancer, my mother walked in the first month of being able to receive a pension, after she left, I received a one-time return of social security and funeral expenses, and began to pay social security to my father.

When I was seriously ill, my mother was always worried that the social security was not fully paid, and I couldn't get much money when she left, and then she really paid for fifteen years and really left me.

I am an only child, I used to be very worried about my parents' pension, but now I can see it, fate is unpredictable, life will not stop, you can only move forward.

@阿墨 32 years old, female, Shantou, Guangdong

In rural areas and small towns, many elderly people have little understanding of urban and rural residents' pension insurance and urban workers' pension insurance, and some people have never paid and are easy to miss the payment window; If you miss the contribution window, you may need to extend the retirement age by a few years (up to 5 years, but it will also be somewhat damaged).

My parents didn't pay much social security, and they were 5 years and 10 years away from the minimum standard for 15 years. It was only after I worked for a while that I had a certain understanding of social security, and I paid back to my parents according to the minimum standard for flexible employees. Although it feels a bit burdensome at times, when you pay enough for the period, you feel that you have completed a task.

My parents always felt that they had caused a burden on me because of social security; And they don't have a sense of security about the policy, and they are always unsure whether they can get a pension; In addition, they are not in good health, and they feel that they do not know how many years they can receive. Before I retired, my mom was unwell and depressed, and she called me and said, "Can I get back the money I have paid?" I don't know if I can get it, and even if I can get it, I don't know if I can get it back." It was very sad for me at the time.

However, after this call, I felt that I had to pay my parents' social security and let them receive their pensions, because after this was done, my parents could receive their own income every month, and it could also motivate them to work hard to stay healthy and live a positive life with a more secure attitude.

Last year, my mom retired and started receiving a pension. For children, it reduces some of the burden of providing for the elderly; But the more meaningful aspect is that receiving a pension from a social security institution every month and reaching out to ask for living expenses for their children are completely different psychological feelings for parents. So I think it's worthwhile to help parents with social security. In this process, I will also have more understanding of my pension planning.

Here, I would like to express in particular that if you retire at the age of 60, then you will have to start thinking about your parents' social security at the age of 45 at the latest. Therefore, it is especially recommended that young friends understand and benefit early, help parents solve social security, retire on time as much as possible, and hope that parents who have worked hard all their lives can receive a pension that meets expectations.

Young people who pay social security for their parents

Source: The movie "No Pension Funds"

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  • Young people who pay social security for their parents
  • Young people who pay social security for their parents
  • Young people who pay social security for their parents
  • Young people who pay social security for their parents
  • Young people who pay social security for their parents
  • Young people who pay social security for their parents

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