
June 1st Parent-Child Ritual Collection: Choose a kind of happiness for your child

June 1st Parent-Child Ritual Collection: Choose a kind of happiness for your child

Boy Pie

2024-05-31 09:22Posted in Anhui parenting field creators

June 1st Parent-Child Ritual Collection: Choose a kind of happiness for your child

Families with a sense of ritual will raise children who are more confident and powerful.

The sense of ritual is the best Children's Day gift for children.

Author | Coke Mom

Children's Day is coming soon, but one of the parents I belong to is gloomy:

A mother said that now there are various festivals all year round, and I really don't know what to buy for my child on Children's Day.

Another mother also said that this generation of children lacks nothing, and they feel dispensable to give anything.

At this time, a father stood up and said, "Isn't it just a June Day?" There's really no need to be so complicated, tossing parents don't say it, and it's easy to spoil the child. ”

But in reality, gifts are nothing more than formalities.

What is really important is the ritual of gift-giving to convey our love and value to our children, so that they feel loved and happy.

As the writer Lin Xuan said:

"The exploration and review of the sense of ritual again and again is about the recognition and determination of love."

If you don't know what to prepare for your child on June 1st, you might as well take a look at today's article and choose a kind of happiness full of ritual for your child.

June 1st Parent-Child Ritual Collection: Choose a kind of happiness for your child

Happiness on Children's Day

It is a wholehearted companionship

June 1st Parent-Child Ritual Collection: Choose a kind of happiness for your child

I've heard such a heart-piercing sentence:

"Most of the children in China are 'orphans' with their parents, and although they have their parents by their side, they do not pass on the positive energy of internal psychological support."

The White Paper on Family Parent-Child Companionship also shows that many parents are not fully committed to accompanying their children.

46.7% of parents will do housework "part-time", 38.4% will "pass" Weibo and look at Moments, and 49% of parents never participate in what their children are doing when they are accompanied, just watching or busy with their own affairs.

But in fact, if parent-child companionship is only perfunctory, it is difficult to build a bridge of love between parents and children.

Regarding companionship, tiger mothers have several good ways to share with you:

1. Prepare a big meal with your child

2. Read a picture book with your child

3. Exercise with your child

4. Watch a documentary with your child

5. Take your kids to the zoo

6. Give your child a big hug before bed

In the eyes of children, no matter how expensive the gift is, no matter how much money there is, it can't compare to the serious and dedicated companionship of parents after all.

Companionship is the most affectionate confession to children.

June 1st Parent-Child Ritual Collection: Choose a kind of happiness for your child

Happiness on Children's Day

It's Ultraman and a miniskirt

June 1st Parent-Child Ritual Collection: Choose a kind of happiness for your child

I remember reading this news:

On the 8th birthday of the boy Xiaoqi, he was wearing a crown and sitting in the center of the sofa, looking forward to opening the birthday gift given by his family.

Who knows, after my mother sent me three sets of test papers, my sister sent three more sets.

Xiao Qi looked at the countless test papers in his hand, broke down and cried on the spot, and said, "It's not a birthday next year!" ”

In life, many parents may have similar thoughts.

During the New Year's holidays, they regarded test papers and workbooks as gifts to children, but as a result, they not only destroyed the children's original good mood, but also made them have a psychological shadow about receiving gifts.

If you really don't know what to send, you can refer to the following ideas:

1. Take your child to the supermarket for a "one-minute limited time purchase"

2. Give your child a photo album

3. Give your child a set of extracurricular books according to their preferences

4. Raise a baby goldfish with your child

5. DIY family photos with your kids

6. Give your child a "universal coupon" that can fulfill a valid wish

The most important thing about the gift of Children's Day is not the value, but the expression of love from parents.

Through this gift, children understand that they are treasured at all times.

June 1st Parent-Child Ritual Collection: Choose a kind of happiness for your child

Happiness on Children's Day

It's a joy that doesn't disappoint the fun

June 1st Parent-Child Ritual Collection: Choose a kind of happiness for your child

A counselor pointed out that many families are now like a "mental hospital", full of accusations, complaints and contradictions.

Parents who are unhappy are like holding a bad broom in their hands, and they are committed to sweeping away their children's joy and destroying their children's self-confidence anytime and anywhere.

If we want our children to have a happy and happy Children's Day, we can try to start with the following things:

1. Support your child to do something "silly"

2. Decorate the room according to your child's ideas

3. Wear "fancy clothes" with your child

4. Let your child eat "junk food" that he is not allowed to eat more than he usually eats

5. Listen to your child talk about their favorite anime characters

6. Share delicious milk tea with your child

In the book "Self-Awakening: Give Children the Best Family of Origin", it is written:

"Parents' harsh, hurtful attitudes and prejudices towards their children will be internalized in their children's self-esteem, thus forming a set of 'anti-self' internal voices that allow children to attack themselves."

Therefore, if you want a child to have endless power and be able to confidently explore the unknown, the most important thing parents should do is not to spoil the fun.

Only when children feel the unconditional love and support of their parents can they have a strong heart and become a more loving and positive version of themselves.

June 1st Parent-Child Ritual Collection: Choose a kind of happiness for your child

Happiness on Children's Day

It is every "nonsense" that can be listened to and responded to

June 1st Parent-Child Ritual Collection: Choose a kind of happiness for your child

Parents often wonder: why do children have nothing to say to us at home?

In fact, the child's transition from twitter to silence did not happen overnight, but because for a long time, the child has never been understood, and even injured by the knife mouth of the parents.

Over time, the child's desire to share and happiness will naturally disappear.

In this regard, Tiger Mom suggests that you can:

1. Help children express their inner feelings through drawing, games and other forms

2. Share your secrets with your child and guide him to open the "chatterbox"

3. Have a family tea party

4. Write a letter to your child to express your affection

5. Listen to your child share interesting stories from the day

Literary master Zhu Ziqing said: "Talking and doing articles all your life can't be all truth, you have to talk a little nonsense to be interesting." ”

This is especially true between parents and children.

Listen patiently, respond in a timely manner, and restrain your own impulse to interrupt and judge your child throughout the process, so that the parent-child relationship will be more harmonious and harmonious.

June 1st Parent-Child Ritual Collection: Choose a kind of happiness for your child

Happiness on Children's Day

It is to make the child the protagonist of today

June 1st Parent-Child Ritual Collection: Choose a kind of happiness for your child

When you ask your child for his opinion, will your child blurt out "whatever", "okay", "it doesn't matter"?

When you let your child make decisions, will your child be hesitant and afraid to take responsibility?

But you know what?

It's not the child's fault.

Taiwanese scholar Li Chongjian once warned his parents:

"If a chicken is kept in a cage for a long time and just released, it won't be able to walk.

If a child is often prescribed to do this and that, and one day you give him freedom, he doesn't know what he wants. ”

If you're in a similar situation at home, here are a few things to try:

1. Let your child choose his favorite clothes for the holidays

2. Let your child plan a trip

3. Allow your child to spend their pocket money freely today

4. Let your child decide which restaurant to go to

5. When your child has a different opinion, listen patiently to the reasons he gives

In any case, the future life is ultimately faced by the children themselves, what we can do is to use love for the children and encourage them to be brave themselves.

In this way, they will not be at a loss in the face of life's problems.

June 1st Parent-Child Ritual Collection: Choose a kind of happiness for your child

Happiness on Children's Day

It is the child's progress that is seen by the parents

June 1st Parent-Child Ritual Collection: Choose a kind of happiness for your child

In "Youth Says", there is a boy who has only turned 12 years old, and the first thing he said on stage was: "My mother, she scolded me for 11 years!" ”

It turned out that since the boy remembered, no matter what he did, his mother was not satisfied, and always criticized and blamed him, and the boy's young mind became full of holes because of this.

The boy said aggrievedly: "A flower, if you scold it every day, it will accelerate its withering, I'm afraid that one day I won't be able to bear it and will wither automatically." ”

Finally, he pleaded hoarsely with his mother, "Can you praise me a little more?" ”

A compliment, a praise, for parents, may not be worth mentioning.

But for children, it is the best nourishment that can awaken their internal drive and allow them to calmly face the ups and downs in life.

So, this Children's Day, parents are invited to discover the shining points in their children:

1. Encourage your child to talk about their dreams

2. Praise your child for what he did well today, and the more detailed the better

3. Ask your child to do himself a small favor and show gratitude

4. Print out positive comments from teachers or people around you about your child and stick them on your desk

5. Let the child be a little teacher and teach parents a small skill

The philosopher William James said, "The most ardent requirement of human nature is the desire to be affirmed." ”

Every child is born with a desire to move forward and grow, and the affirmation and praise of parents is the best fuel for them to soar.

June 1st Parent-Child Ritual Collection: Choose a kind of happiness for your child

Happiness on Children's Day

It is the child who discovers an interest that can be followed for a lifetime

June 1st Parent-Child Ritual Collection: Choose a kind of happiness for your child

Do you know the Black Cub known as the "Father of Chinese Carnegie"?

He is not only a successful entrepreneur, but also a well-known educator, and his four children have all been admitted to prestigious schools and have successful careers.

But what many people didn't expect was that several of his children used to be problem children:

The boss loves to sleep lazily, is late for two days in three days, and even missed an important exam because he overslept;

The second child always fights and causes trouble, and once almost lit the neighbor's gasoline drum with a match;

The third child started makeup in junior high school, and he had a lot of boyfriends at a young age......

However, in the opinion of the black young dragon, no child is inherently incurable, just because they have different flowering periods, so the way they grow is also different.

Actually, the same is true for our children.

Sometimes, it's not that they're not open, it's that they haven't found the right track for them.

Here are a few things we can do to help children find their own stage:

1. Take your child to a music or painting lesson

2. Do crafts with your child

3. Talk to your child and listen to what is really going on in their hearts

4. Give your child an afternoon of free play without being disturbed

Raising children is sometimes like planting a seed that you don't know the category, and parents need to constantly explore ways to cultivate it.

Therefore, we can never use the same ruler as a standard to measure different lives. Only by paying attention to the needs and characteristics of children can they bloom better.

June 1st Parent-Child Ritual Collection: Choose a kind of happiness for your child

Happiness on Children's Day

It's the parents who also make the children back

June 1st Parent-Child Ritual Collection: Choose a kind of happiness for your child

Mr. Tao Xingzhi, an educator, once said:

"Often adults write articles of thousands of words, although there are no typos or inconsistencies, but they have no interesting value; The child's writing is very short, and there may be typos or incomprehensions, but it is interesting because he is real. ”

As we get older, we become less curious about the world and less patient with others.

Taking advantage of this Children's Day, let's do the following things with our children to regain our childishness, better understand and empathize with children:

1. Watch the ants move with your child

2. Squat down and look at the world through your child's eyes

3. Take your kids to an amusement park

4. Laugh out loud without worry with your child

Childlike innocence is not an age, but an ability.

With this ability, we can travel through time and space, regain our enthusiasm for life and lost childlike innocence, better empathize, and talk to children on an equal footing.

And being a child is precisely the most valuable wisdom of parents.

June 1st Parent-Child Ritual Collection: Choose a kind of happiness for your child

Remember that there was such a plot in the movie "Citizen Kane":

Kane is a big name in the media world, but he only has a memory of a sleigh he received as a child.

When he was a child, his family was financially constrained, and the only gift his father bought him was the sleigh, which they also named: "Rosebud".

It was this sled that made Kane feel happier than ever before, and had a lot of fun as a result.

Children's childhood is short, so short that in the blink of an eye, they are about to grow up.

But the happiness that the sense of ritual brings to children is very long, so that even if they become adults, those things that parents have done for themselves, the gifts they give themselves and the rituals they create will be treasured in their hearts one by one, and become a huge power rooted in the hearts of children.

I hope that this June Day, children can feel our intentions and dedication, and harvest a joyful and meaningful festival.

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  • June 1st Parent-Child Ritual Collection: Choose a kind of happiness for your child
  • June 1st Parent-Child Ritual Collection: Choose a kind of happiness for your child
  • June 1st Parent-Child Ritual Collection: Choose a kind of happiness for your child
  • June 1st Parent-Child Ritual Collection: Choose a kind of happiness for your child
  • June 1st Parent-Child Ritual Collection: Choose a kind of happiness for your child
  • June 1st Parent-Child Ritual Collection: Choose a kind of happiness for your child
  • June 1st Parent-Child Ritual Collection: Choose a kind of happiness for your child
  • June 1st Parent-Child Ritual Collection: Choose a kind of happiness for your child
  • June 1st Parent-Child Ritual Collection: Choose a kind of happiness for your child
  • June 1st Parent-Child Ritual Collection: Choose a kind of happiness for your child
  • June 1st Parent-Child Ritual Collection: Choose a kind of happiness for your child
  • June 1st Parent-Child Ritual Collection: Choose a kind of happiness for your child
  • June 1st Parent-Child Ritual Collection: Choose a kind of happiness for your child
  • June 1st Parent-Child Ritual Collection: Choose a kind of happiness for your child
  • June 1st Parent-Child Ritual Collection: Choose a kind of happiness for your child
  • June 1st Parent-Child Ritual Collection: Choose a kind of happiness for your child
  • June 1st Parent-Child Ritual Collection: Choose a kind of happiness for your child
  • June 1st Parent-Child Ritual Collection: Choose a kind of happiness for your child

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