
Celebrating more than one year 2 finale: Why didn't Lin Waner get divorced? Just look at the property rights relationship of the three major squares

Celebrating more than one year 2 finale: Why didn't Lin Waner get divorced? Just look at the property rights relationship of the three major squares

Tian Tian Film and Television Entertainment

2024-05-31 13:28Published in Shandong film and television creators

"Celebrating More Than Years Season 2" finally ushered in the finale, and the highlight Fan Xianxia Jiangnan only had a beginning in the second season, and the climax needed to wait until the third season.

Celebrating more than one year 2 finale: Why didn't Lin Waner get divorced? Just look at the property rights relationship of the three major squares

A lot of things happened before Fan Xian went to Jiangnan, first the second prince told Lin Wan'er about Lin Heng's killing, and tried to kill people with a knife, so as to drive a wedge between Lin Wan'er and Fan Xian. At this time, Lin Wan'er and Fan Xian had already married, and the second prince told Lin Wan'er what could she do, in addition to interfering with Fan Xian emotionally, Lin Wan'er was reluctant to Fan Xian, and she couldn't kill Wuzhu.

Besides, Lin Wan'er is a weak woman, her father Lin Ruofu has returned to her hometown, and her mother, the eldest princess, is a madman, Lin Wan'er has left Fan Xian and is nothing.

Celebrating more than one year 2 finale: Why didn't Lin Waner get divorced? Just look at the property rights relationship of the three major squares

Lin Wan'er was bent on avenging Lin Hui, but Lin Hui was inhumane at the beginning, the innocent sheep herder just glanced at him and was ruthlessly killed.

Lin Wan'er only has small feelings and small righteousness in this matter, not great love and righteousness.

The news that Fan Xian is the son of Ye Qingmei and Emperor Qing was indeed arranged by Emperor Qing to spread it, and Emperor Qing's goal is to use the fake Fan Xian as a bait to lure out Wuzhu, so that Wuzhu and the temple messenger will fight a decisive battle, and both will lose. Although Wuzhu killed the temple messenger, he was also seriously injured.

Celebrating more than one year 2 finale: Why didn't Lin Waner get divorced? Just look at the property rights relationship of the three major squares

After Lin Wan'er saw the injured Wuzhu, she didn't make a move. Lin Wan'er knew that only Wuzhu could protect Fan Xian, and if Wuzhu was gone, Fan Xian would face great danger. Without Fan Xian, Lin Wan'er would have nothing to rely on in the second half of her life. It is estimated that Lin Wan'er's killing of Wuzhu will not be resolved later.

The big ship in the south of the Yangtze River was about to set sail, Fan Xian had not seen Lin Wan'er, he was very disappointed, he felt that Lin Wan'er was coming, and hurried to the deck, and saw Lin Wan'er coming to see him off from a distance, the two looked at each other, all the grievances were resolved in an instant, and the two of them said goodbye in tears.

Celebrating more than one year 2 finale: Why didn't Lin Waner get divorced? Just look at the property rights relationship of the three major squares

Emperor Qing arranged for the three princes to follow Fan Xian down to the south of the Yangtze River, and Emperor Qing's purpose was obvious, one was to train the three princes, the other was to monitor Fan Xian, and at the same time to protect Fan Xian. After all, the three princes were present, and those who killed Fan Xian were afraid of accidentally injuring the three princes, and they would have some traps. Accompanied by Wang Qinian and Shi Xianli. Fan Xian's road is a bright line. Chen Pingping also arranged for shadows to protect in secret, and the Northern Qi side also sent Begonia Blossoms.

Northern Qi sent Begonia Blossoms over, in addition to the internal strength of sending bitter lotus to Fan Xian, the main thing was to protect Fan Xian, after all, Fan Xian had a smuggling agreement with the Northern Qi royal family.

Celebrating more than one year 2 finale: Why didn't Lin Waner get divorced? Just look at the property rights relationship of the three major squares

The affairs of the Jiangnan Ming family, that's it, Xia Qifei only heard his voice and didn't see his face, and he was going to show his face to get the third season.

The relationship between the three major squares and the Ming family is the top priority for Fan Xian to go to Jiangnan. The property rights relationship of the three squares is the invisible main line of "Celebrating More Than Years", which affects the fate of the characters in the play.

The three workshops are production factories that are responsible for the production of products, and there are small trains and railroad tracks in the three workshops, as well as the production of sniper rifle parts, and the overall technical level is about around World War II.

Celebrating more than one year 2 finale: Why didn't Lin Waner get divorced? Just look at the property rights relationship of the three major squares

At the beginning, the three major workshops were jointly organized by Ye Qingmei with technology and funds, and Emperor Qing with land and manpower. It was only later that Emperor Qing and they were moved by evil intentions and wanted to take possession of them all, so they killed Ye Qingmei, and the three major squares also belonged to the Qingguo royal family.

The three squares are the production base, and Qingyutang is the business network. After Ye Qingmei's death, the backbone of Qingyutang became the shopkeeper of major firms, that is, general managers and professional managers.

When Fan Xian issued treasury bonds, the bosses behind the major merchants in the capital were either members of the royal family or officials in the capital. This is the case in the capital of Qingguo, and it is also the case in various parts of Qingguo.

Celebrating more than one year 2 finale: Why didn't Lin Waner get divorced? Just look at the property rights relationship of the three major squares

Emperor Qing attacked Ye Qingmei, and after stealing the three major squares, Ye Qingmei's business network was also transferred by them to the imperial merchants and official merchants, which was a collective robbery.

The Chen family property of the little eunuch Hong Zhu was also robbed by the local Wuzhi County back then, which should be part of the collective robbery. The little eunuchs Hong Zhu and Fan Xian were originally a fate, maybe the Chen family was one of the distributors of Qingyutang back then.

The cooperation between Hong Zhu and Fan Xian is more like a collective revenge.

Celebrating more than one year 2 finale: Why didn't Lin Waner get divorced? Just look at the property rights relationship of the three major squares

After Emperor Qing grabbed all of Ye Qingmei's properties, they handed over the three major squares to the eldest princess to take care of. The eldest princess contracted the production management and general distribution of the three major workshops to the Jiangnan Ming family, and didn't care about the rest, just responsible for collecting money.

Other imperial merchants and official businessmen in Qingguo followed behind the Jiangnan Ming family and became second- or third-level distributors. Of course, the eldest princess is not absolutely loyal to Emperor Qing, she has her own selfishness, and many of the products of the three major squares were smuggled overseas and Northern Qi through the Ming family, and entered the pockets of the eldest princess and the second prince.

Not to mention that the eldest princess is not doing well, and she also fills her own pocket with money, Emperor Qing is definitely not happy. This is the reason why Emperor Qing wants to hand over the inner library to Fan Xian, and it is also the reason why Emperor Qing assigned Lin Wan'er to Fan Xian.

Celebrating more than one year 2 finale: Why didn't Lin Waner get divorced? Just look at the property rights relationship of the three major squares

Why did Emperor Qing refer to marrying Lin Wan'er and Fan Xian?

It is known from the property rights relationship between the three major squares and Qingyutang, especially the three major squares. The three major squares are Ye Qingmei's technology and capital, and Emperor Qing and some members of the royal family are out of land and manpower. As an important member of the royal family, the eldest princess also has shares in the three major squares.

However, the eldest princess of Emperor Qing was too greedy, they killed Ye Qingmei and divided it all, so the contradiction within the royal family rose to the main contradiction.

Fan Xian took over the inner library and took over the three major squares, but he actually acted as an agent for Emperor Qing's shares and inherited Ye Qingmei's shares. The eldest princess's shares will naturally be represented and inherited by Lin Wan'er.

Celebrating more than one year 2 finale: Why didn't Lin Waner get divorced? Just look at the property rights relationship of the three major squares

The marriage between Lin Wan'er and Fan Xian is equivalent to Lin Wan'er and Fan Xian's joint agency and inheritance of the three major squares and the inner library, and the two of them have become husband and wife, and the fat water does not flow into the fields of outsiders.

Therefore, the cooperative relationship between Ye Qingmei and the eldest princess of Emperor Qing decided Fan Xian's wife, and the best choice was Lin Wan'er. If Lin Wan'er marries someone else, the operation of the three major squares and the inner library will be very troublesome to coordinate internally. Lin Wan'er Fan Xian became a husband and wife to sleep in a bed, which is a kind of all-round cooperation, and the business can be solved in the bedroom.

Celebrating more than one year 2 finale: Why didn't Lin Waner get divorced? Just look at the property rights relationship of the three major squares

Ye Qingmei's shares are the core assets of Sansanfang and Qingyutang, and other people's shares are attached to the core assets. If Lin Wan'er keeps making trouble about Lin Heng's affairs, Fan Xian can replace her at any time or marginalize her. Without Fan Xian, Lin Wan'er may be nothing. Lin Wan'er is so smart, how can she keep making awkward troubles, and even divorce.

Celebrating more than one year 2 finale: Why didn't Lin Waner get divorced? Just look at the property rights relationship of the three major squares

The mother and son of the Jiangnan Ming family, on the surface, are loving and filial, but secretly they are murderous. Ming Lao Taijun followed the eldest princess, and Ming Qingda followed the second prince, and already had the idea of killing his mother and seizing power. The relationship between the two is the epitome of the relationship between the eldest princess and the second prince.

The eldest princess is in charge of the inner library and the three major squares, and the second prince is responsible for smuggling, one is responsible for production, and the other is responsible for channels. At that time, the production was the boss, and the channel was soy sauce, so the eldest princess kept pressing the second prince. The eldest princess pressed the second prince, and the old lady also pressed Ming Qingda.

Ming Qingda killed Ming Lao Taijun, and the management of the three major squares, if there was no Fan Xian, it would actually fall into the hands of the second prince.

Celebrating more than one year 2 finale: Why didn't Lin Waner get divorced? Just look at the property rights relationship of the three major squares

After Fan Xian forcibly recovered the three major workshops, Ming Qingda killed his mother and wanted to take refuge in Fan Xian and do the general distribution for the three major workshops. However, due to the existence of Xia Qifei, that is, the seventh child of the Ming family, Fan Xian and Xia Qifei took revenge together, and each took back what belonged to them.

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  • Celebrating more than one year 2 finale: Why didn't Lin Waner get divorced? Just look at the property rights relationship of the three major squares
  • Celebrating more than one year 2 finale: Why didn't Lin Waner get divorced? Just look at the property rights relationship of the three major squares
  • Celebrating more than one year 2 finale: Why didn't Lin Waner get divorced? Just look at the property rights relationship of the three major squares
  • Celebrating more than one year 2 finale: Why didn't Lin Waner get divorced? Just look at the property rights relationship of the three major squares
  • Celebrating more than one year 2 finale: Why didn't Lin Waner get divorced? Just look at the property rights relationship of the three major squares
  • Celebrating more than one year 2 finale: Why didn't Lin Waner get divorced? Just look at the property rights relationship of the three major squares
  • Celebrating more than one year 2 finale: Why didn't Lin Waner get divorced? Just look at the property rights relationship of the three major squares
  • Celebrating more than one year 2 finale: Why didn't Lin Waner get divorced? Just look at the property rights relationship of the three major squares
  • Celebrating more than one year 2 finale: Why didn't Lin Waner get divorced? Just look at the property rights relationship of the three major squares
  • Celebrating more than one year 2 finale: Why didn't Lin Waner get divorced? Just look at the property rights relationship of the three major squares
  • Celebrating more than one year 2 finale: Why didn't Lin Waner get divorced? Just look at the property rights relationship of the three major squares
  • Celebrating more than one year 2 finale: Why didn't Lin Waner get divorced? Just look at the property rights relationship of the three major squares
  • Celebrating more than one year 2 finale: Why didn't Lin Waner get divorced? Just look at the property rights relationship of the three major squares

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