
Covering the sky with one hand? Media people once broke the news: The coach of the national football team once needed Gou Zhongwen to make the decision in person!

Covering the sky with one hand? Media people once broke the news: The coach of the national football team once needed Gou Zhongwen to make the decision in person!

Super League Ball Review

2024-05-31 14:19Published in Hunan

Yesterday, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission announced that Gou Zhongwen, member of the Standing Committee of the 14 th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) and deputy director of the Ethnic and Religious Committee, is under review and investigation on suspicion of serious violations of discipline and law. This news has attracted a lot of attention in the sports world. As early as 2022, the famous journalist Xiao Yun disclosed that Gou Zhongwen had direct interference in the selection of the national football coach before stepping down as director of the General Administration of Sports, and this news once again focused the public's attention on the many decisions made during his tenure.

Covering the sky with one hand? Media people once broke the news: The coach of the national football team once needed Gou Zhongwen to make the decision in person!

According to Xiao Yun, during his tenure as director of the General Administration of Sports of China, Gou Zhongwen was also the leader of the leading group of the men's national football team, responsible for important decisions such as the coach of the national football team. In 2022, after Gou Zhongwen stepped down, Gao Zhidan took over, during which the selection of the national football coach was delayed, which caused a lot of speculation. Especially during the 2022 World Preliminaries, Li Xiaopeng led the team as the head coach, but lost to the Vietnamese team on the first day of the Lunar New Year.

Covering the sky with one hand? Media people once broke the news: The coach of the national football team once needed Gou Zhongwen to make the decision in person!

However, what is puzzling is that after the end of the World Preliminaries, the process of replacing the coach of the national football team has not been started for a long time. Even in the East Asian Cup, the Chinese team only sent the "Chinese Men's Football Selection Team" led by Jankovic to participate, and the lineup was mainly based on the U23 national team. Xiao Yun pointed out that the direct reason for this "quiet" state is that Gou Zhongwen's resignation has made the management mechanism of the men's national football team need to be readjusted, and the selection of a new coach has been shelved.

Covering the sky with one hand? Media people once broke the news: The coach of the national football team once needed Gou Zhongwen to make the decision in person!

This series of events revealed a problem: during Gou Zhongwen's tenure, he had a great say in the decision-making of the national football coach, which not only led to Li Xiaopeng's appointment and the national football team's fiasco in the world preliminaries, but also made the national football team stagnate for half a year after he stepped down. This kind of intervention and decision-making method has obviously had a negative impact on the development of Chinese football.

Covering the sky with one hand? Media people once broke the news: The coach of the national football team once needed Gou Zhongwen to make the decision in person!

Looking back on this incident and reflecting on Gou Zhongwen's intervention, we can draw an important lesson: what Chinese football needs is a transparent and fair selection mechanism, so that professional people can do professional things. Only through open competition can we ensure that the best fits can stand out and truly lead the team to success. Professional management and scientific decision-making are crucial to improving the overall level of the national football team. (Super League Commentary)

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  • Covering the sky with one hand? Media people once broke the news: The coach of the national football team once needed Gou Zhongwen to make the decision in person!
  • Covering the sky with one hand? Media people once broke the news: The coach of the national football team once needed Gou Zhongwen to make the decision in person!
  • Covering the sky with one hand? Media people once broke the news: The coach of the national football team once needed Gou Zhongwen to make the decision in person!
  • Covering the sky with one hand? Media people once broke the news: The coach of the national football team once needed Gou Zhongwen to make the decision in person!

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