
There is a shortage of people to develop missiles, and no one is willing to adjust, Chen Geng made a decision: Kazakhstan's military industry will produce 20 professors first

author:Talking about Xiao Li

There is a shortage of people to develop missiles, and no one is willing to adjust, Chen Geng made a decision: Kazakhstan's military industry will produce 20 professors first. New China has just been founded, and our weaponry is far behind the world's advanced level. During the Soviet military exercises, Peng Dehuai and others realized this, and they made up their minds to contribute to the great cause of national defense modernization. At this time, Qian Xuesen and other overseas scholars returned to China one after another, bringing hope for the realization of this goal.

There is a shortage of people to develop missiles, and no one is willing to adjust, Chen Geng made a decision: Kazakhstan's military industry will produce 20 professors first

As the person in charge of the military academy, Chen Geng saw Qian Xuesen's talent, and he took the initiative to meet Qian Xuesen, hoping to use his strength to develop rockets and missiles and other cutting-edge weapons. Qian Xuesen was confident in this and gave pertinent advice. Since then, he has embarked on a new journey to contribute to the national aerospace industry. Chen Geng and other revolutionaries of the older generation praised Qian Xuesen, and their attention and admiration for science and technology are commendable. So, what kind of story has been experienced behind this?

That was in 1954, and China was struggling. On the Korean battlefield, although we were tied, we also saw the hideous face of US imperialism. In September of that year, Comrade Peng Dehuai took a Chinese military delegation to the Soviet Union to participate in a military exercise involving the atomic bomb explosion. After seeing the advanced weapons and equipment of the Soviet army, everyone realized that our equipment was indeed too old and backward.

There is a shortage of people to develop missiles, and no one is willing to adjust, Chen Geng made a decision: Kazakhstan's military industry will produce 20 professors first

After returning to China, Peng Dehuai put forward a proposal to the party Central Committee on the development of nuclear weapons. Thanks to the support of Premier Zhou and Chairman Mao, Qian Xuesen and a large number of other overseas scholars were finally able to return to China and contribute to the modernization of the country. At that time, Qian Lao, who had just returned to China, could be said to have encountered the dilemma of "more wolves and less meat". Although many high-level leaders came here and wanted to keep him under their door, Qian Lao still cared about the development of the country's aerospace industry.

Yes, it was at this juncture that Mr. Qian and Mr. Chen Geng formed an indissoluble bond. In November 1955, after returning from a visit to the Soviet Union, Qian Lao's first stop was to come to the military industry of Kazakhstan, a military stubborn disease. Unexpectedly, the person who received him in person was General Chen Geng, deputy chief of the General Staff. Don't look at Chen Lao's military style, but he is quite humorous when he speaks: "Mr. Qian, for you, we have nothing to hide here." That's just pretending to be confused in front of foreigners. The old man laughed.

There is a shortage of people to develop missiles, and no one is willing to adjust, Chen Geng made a decision: Kazakhstan's military industry will produce 20 professors first

Accompanied by Mr. Chen, Mr. Qian visited various facilities in the college. Especially when he saw the simple small solid-fuel rocket test device, Qian Lao became interested and immediately had a heated discussion with the teachers and students at the scene.

Seeing this, Chen Geng tentatively asked Qian Lao: "Mr. Qian, do you think we can develop a rocket missile by ourselves?" Qian Lao said confidently: "What can't be! If people can make it, we Chinese can do the same. Are Chinese shorter than foreigners?"

There is a shortage of people to develop missiles, and no one is willing to adjust, Chen Geng made a decision: Kazakhstan's military industry will produce 20 professors first

After hearing these heroic words, Chen Lao was so excited that he held Qian Lao's hand. At that moment, he felt that he had found someone to entrust him with a heavy responsibility.

Sure enough, after that, Qian Lao was really targeted by Chen Lao. The two even reported to Peng Dehuai about Qian Lao's confidence and determination. So in 1956, Qian Lao talked about the mystery of rockets and missiles for the top level of the People's Liberation Army in Beijing.

There is a shortage of people to develop missiles, and no one is willing to adjust, Chen Geng made a decision: Kazakhstan's military industry will produce 20 professors first

On that day, Ye Jianying, He Long, Nie Rongzhen and other old heroes all came as "students". They admired Mr. Qian, and their words could not hide their desire and awe for technology.

It was indeed a unique lecture, and the people sitting in front of the podium were some hard-nosed people who had experienced a hundred battles and had been in the long-term military camp. Qian Lao vividly explained the concept of "ballistics" and other concepts of missiles, and he was at a loss to hear the others.

There is a shortage of people to develop missiles, and no one is willing to adjust, Chen Geng made a decision: Kazakhstan's military industry will produce 20 professors first

In the end, it took three days for Qian Laolian to explain these people clearly. Since then, he has officially joined the ranks of contributing to the country's space industry.

In order to show his determination, Chen Lao also specially gave Qian Lao a pocket watch, which was engraved with four cruel words of "Made in China". Since then, Mr. Qian has devoted himself to the development of China's aerospace industry.

There is a shortage of people to develop missiles, and no one is willing to adjust, Chen Geng made a decision: Kazakhstan's military industry will produce 20 professors first

It can be said that Mr. Qian Xuesen is a well-deserved pioneer of China's modern aerospace industry. However, the wise leadership of the Communist Party of China has made great contributions to this cause. Starting from Zhou Enlai and Mao Zedong, the two old-timers, to Peng Dehuai, Chen Geng, Ye Jianying, these brave generals, all of them are people of insight who attach importance to science and technology and aspire to strengthen the country. They are also teachers and friends and diligent guidance to a group of scientists such as Qian Lao, which is commendable.

This is precisely where the broad spirit of the Communist Party of China lies. Since its founding, our party has integrated Marxism with China's reality, adhered to the line of seeking truth from facts and the masses, and regarded science and technology as an important means for the development of productive forces. Discerning leaders understand that for a country to take off, it must rely on scientific and technological development.

There is a shortage of people to develop missiles, and no one is willing to adjust, Chen Geng made a decision: Kazakhstan's military industry will produce 20 professors first

Therefore, in the situation of extreme poverty, the party and the state still attach great importance to the cultivation of scientific and technological talents. Even in a difficult environment, we still focused our efforts on recruiting Qian Xuesen and other elites back to China, and spared no effort to support them to contribute to national construction.

It can be said that Mr. Qian Xuesen's achievements are also the masterpieces of the party's wise leadership. And Qian Lao used his life to interpret the profound connotation of patriotic dedication. Today, when we look back on this magnificent period of history, we should appreciate the outstanding wisdom of the Communist Party in governance, draw strength from it, and continue to strive for the "Chinese Dream" of national rejuvenation. #头条首发大赛#

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