
Zhang Quanling's cliff-like aging hair is gray, and Wang Xiaoya's red lips are amazing, and she is actually the same age

author:Neil's notes

The statements in this article are based on reliable sources of information and are detailed at the end of the article


On May 29, Zhang Quanling, the former host of CCTV who has not been seen for a long time, made a rare appearance, her face was tired in front of the camera, and her state was far worse than before, which attracted the attention and discussion of netizens.

Zhang Quanling's cliff-like aging hair is gray, and Wang Xiaoya's red lips are amazing, and she is actually the same age

After watching her video, many netizens have begun to tear up, and unconsciously sighed: Who has been spared by the years? Worse still, they directly express their unwillingness to accept such facts.

Zhang Quanling's cliff-like aging hair is gray, and Wang Xiaoya's red lips are amazing, and she is actually the same age

It can be seen in the video that she is excited to explain the exhibition of the Forbidden City to us, but the first thing everyone sees is her short gray hair.

Zhang Quanling's cliff-like aging hair is gray, and Wang Xiaoya's red lips are amazing, and she is actually the same age

Originally, short hair should give people a capable feeling, but this white hair looks like it has no energy.

Zhang Quanling's cliff-like aging hair is gray, and Wang Xiaoya's red lips are amazing, and she is actually the same age

With a pair of red-framed glasses on his face, he looks even older, his face is loose, his wrinkles are even more obvious, and his face is "bulging" up a large piece, which is full of "old man's taste".

Zhang Quanling's cliff-like aging hair is gray, and Wang Xiaoya's red lips are amazing, and she is actually the same age

After seeing this, netizens couldn't help but ask the question in their hearts: "Why did you change like this?" "What have you been through? "Wait.

Zhang Quanling's cliff-like aging hair is gray, and Wang Xiaoya's red lips are amazing, and she is actually the same age

Looking back at Zhang Quanling's last video, it was a video taken more than a month ago.

At that time, she was still with black hair, standing in front of the camera with elegant atmosphere, quoting scriptures and classics, showing us the beauty of spring, watching her immersed in the beautiful scenery, and her mood was unconsciously relaxed.

Zhang Quanling's cliff-like aging hair is gray, and Wang Xiaoya's red lips are amazing, and she is actually the same age

Why has it only been a few days, and the changes have changed so much, although I know that Zhang Quanling is now 51 years old, but it will not be the same every day.

Zhang Quanling's cliff-like aging hair is gray, and Wang Xiaoya's red lips are amazing, and she is actually the same age

When she stroked her hair and looked at the white hair on her head, her eyes were full of regret and nostalgia, but fortunately, her expression didn't react much, she just laughed it off and treated it with a normal heart.

Zhang Quanling's cliff-like aging hair is gray, and Wang Xiaoya's red lips are amazing, and she is actually the same age

But fortunately, although her hair is gray, she is still young, and when she introduces us to the collections in the Forbidden City, the excitement in her eyes is about to overflow.

Zhang Quanling's cliff-like aging hair is gray, and Wang Xiaoya's red lips are amazing, and she is actually the same age

When the camera zooms out, you can see that her waist is straight, and her temperament is even better, and she looks like a professional museum docent when she explains to us.

Zhang Quanling's cliff-like aging hair is gray, and Wang Xiaoya's red lips are amazing, and she is actually the same age

Looking at her now, it is hard not to be reminded of the calm and composure she used to have at the site of the Wenchuan earthquake, which left a deep impression on people.

Zhang Quanling's cliff-like aging hair is gray, and Wang Xiaoya's red lips are amazing, and she is actually the same age

Now, many years have passed, and even 9 years have passed since she resigned from CCTV, and there is still no regression in her eloquence.

Zhang Quanling's cliff-like aging hair is gray, and Wang Xiaoya's red lips are amazing, and she is actually the same age

The state is so good, but the face is tired of hard work, in fact, there is another reason for this.

Since leaving CCTV, she started her own business, squeezed into the torrent of live broadcasts, and began to sell books in person, turning from a novice to the most influential business woman in China in 2021.

Zhang Quanling's cliff-like aging hair is gray, and Wang Xiaoya's red lips are amazing, and she is actually the same age

Of course, she paid many costs for this process, one of which was the rapid graying of her hair.

Zhang Quanling's cliff-like aging hair is gray, and Wang Xiaoya's red lips are amazing, and she is actually the same age

Are you still afraid of the so-called aging after having great achievements, it is naturally fearless! Looking back at her gray hair, I don't think there's anything, this is the beauty of being untouched after getting older.

Zhang Quanling's cliff-like aging hair is gray, and Wang Xiaoya's red lips are amazing, and she is actually the same age

But in the final analysis, Zhang Quanling is now 51 years old, and his gray hair is a bit exaggerated, but he posted on the 30th: "I reconciled with my gray hair." ”

Zhang Quanling's cliff-like aging hair is gray, and Wang Xiaoya's red lips are amazing, and she is actually the same age

However, when I glanced at the host, who was also a host with her, I realized that they had all begun to grow old.

Wang Xiaoya (56 years old) and Wang Xuechun (53 years old)

Not long ago, Sister Moon helped her father hold an art exhibition and invited many hosts to come to the town, among which you can see Wang Xiaoya and Wang Xuechun.

Zhang Quanling's cliff-like aging hair is gray, and Wang Xiaoya's red lips are amazing, and she is actually the same age

Let's take a look at Wang Xuechun first, in the past, as soon as her name was spoken, she would say the name of "Zhengda Variety Show" in unison.

Zhang Quanling's cliff-like aging hair is gray, and Wang Xiaoya's red lips are amazing, and she is actually the same age

Once, this was still a popular national show, when she served as the backbone of the show, watching her hosting style made people feel relaxed and happy, while reaping happiness, but also with the audience on the stage, there was a feeling of answering puzzle programs in person.

Zhang Quanling's cliff-like aging hair is gray, and Wang Xiaoya's red lips are amazing, and she is actually the same age

Since she served as the host, her bright smile has been infecting the audience all the time, like a little sun in the hosting industry.

Zhang Quanling's cliff-like aging hair is gray, and Wang Xiaoya's red lips are amazing, and she is actually the same age

Now, she has to be old in the face of the years, she is only two years older than Zhang Quanling, and she is also very old.

When taking a group photo, I really have to sigh, people really don't accept old age.

Zhang Quanling's cliff-like aging hair is gray, and Wang Xiaoya's red lips are amazing, and she is actually the same age

Although she was still smiling, the taste had slowly changed, and before she could open her mouth and smile uncontrollably, the flesh on her face had been piled up, bloated, and completely incomparable to what she had been.

Zhang Quanling's cliff-like aging hair is gray, and Wang Xiaoya's red lips are amazing, and she is actually the same age

Although the clothes are as close to young people as possible, the upper body is tender green, and even the headscarf that has become popular again in recent years, but there is a strong sense of disobedience when it looks like.

Zhang Quanling's cliff-like aging hair is gray, and Wang Xiaoya's red lips are amazing, and she is actually the same age

I'm afraid that the strength of her and Zhang Quan is only that her hair is not full of gray.

originally thought that Wang Xuechun was young enough, but I didn't expect that after seeing Wang Xiaoya, I couldn't help but sigh, they turned out to be peers?

Zhang Quanling's cliff-like aging hair is gray, and Wang Xiaoya's red lips are amazing, and she is actually the same age

Wang Xiaoya is obviously about to break through the 60-year-old mark in a few years, but she can still maintain an elegant posture to age.

Zhang Quanling's cliff-like aging hair is gray, and Wang Xiaoya's red lips are amazing, and she is actually the same age

When participating in the event, the makeup was not covered with large pieces of heavy makeup, the hair was combed back to highlight the temperament, and there was only a touch of red lips on the whole body as an embellishment.

Zhang Quanling's cliff-like aging hair is gray, and Wang Xiaoya's red lips are amazing, and she is actually the same age

Standing in the middle of a group of young people, it will not be particularly prominent, but there is a kind of beauty after years of precipitation, which will only make people feel amazing after watching it.

Zhang Quanling's cliff-like aging hair is gray, and Wang Xiaoya's red lips are amazing, and she is actually the same age

This sense of amazement does not come from the gorgeous dressing, only wearing a dark blue T-shirt on the upper body, and the lower body with slacks can still surprise everyone.

Zhang Quanling's cliff-like aging hair is gray, and Wang Xiaoya's red lips are amazing, and she is actually the same age

Looking at her straight eyes, you can unguardedly pull people back to the memories of the past.

I haven't seen her for decades, but now I still haven't seen any change, and some people are so frightened by her state that they almost don't recognize her.

Zhang Quanling's cliff-like aging hair is gray, and Wang Xiaoya's red lips are amazing, and she is actually the same age

But whether it's gray hair or wrinkles on the face, these are all traces of our lives, and they have been in very good condition.

Zhang Quanling's cliff-like aging hair is gray, and Wang Xiaoya's red lips are amazing, and she is actually the same age

If we can maintain this state at this age, I am afraid that we will wake up laughing if we don't sleep.

Zhang Quanling's cliff-like aging hair is gray, and Wang Xiaoya's red lips are amazing, and she is actually the same age

Each of them gave a wonderful host on stage, and I hope that after they leave CCTV, they can still live happily and happily every day.

Information sources:

The original video is from the video posted by Zhang Quanling on April 22, 2024, May 29, and May 30, 2024

Zhang Quanling's cliff-like aging hair is gray, and Wang Xiaoya's red lips are amazing, and she is actually the same age
Zhang Quanling's cliff-like aging hair is gray, and Wang Xiaoya's red lips are amazing, and she is actually the same age
Zhang Quanling's cliff-like aging hair is gray, and Wang Xiaoya's red lips are amazing, and she is actually the same age
The original source is from the information published by China News Network on June 12, 2008 on "Zhang Quanling's Return from the Disaster Area to Make a Report".
Zhang Quanling's cliff-like aging hair is gray, and Wang Xiaoya's red lips are amazing, and she is actually the same age
The original video is from a video released by Kaede and Rili on May 22, 2024
Zhang Quanling's cliff-like aging hair is gray, and Wang Xiaoya's red lips are amazing, and she is actually the same age

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