
Not superstition! Regardless of whether the family has money or not, close these "three doors" as soon as possible and keep the blessings of children and grandchildren

author:Uncle Water

Whether a family has money or not, closing these "three doors" as soon as possible can keep the blessings of their children and grandchildren

When people reach a certain age, it will involve the problem of starting a family, but it is not easy to support a family, it requires the efforts and dedication of each family member, and the whole process has to consume a lot of energy and time, which cannot be compensated by the economy. In addition, the long-term vision and pattern are also indispensable, for smart people, they will close the "three doors" as soon as possible, so as to keep the blessings of their children and grandchildren.

Not superstition! Regardless of whether the family has money or not, close these "three doors" as soon as possible and keep the blessings of children and grandchildren

1. Close the door to comparison.

Everyone will have seven emotions and six desires, these are human nature, can not be completely changed, although it can not be changed, but we can improve the way of self-control, the desire can be controlled. You know, these desires can sometimes be a weapon that destroys us and plunges us into the abyss. Some may feel like it's too much, but it's true.

Not superstition! Regardless of whether the family has money or not, close these "three doors" as soon as possible and keep the blessings of children and grandchildren

If you don't believe me, you can look at the relatives and friends around us, many of whom are lost in their own desires and cannot extricate themselves, and even embark on the path of depravity because of this. When it comes to the most difficult desire to control, there is nothing more than comparison, once the door to comparison is opened, the inner peace will be broken in an instant. When they watch others drive luxury cars and live in luxury houses, while they have nothing, their inner sense of loss will increase dramatically, and they will not hesitate to sell their souls and bodies in order to live the same quality of life.

Not superstition! Regardless of whether the family has money or not, close these "three doors" as soon as possible and keep the blessings of children and grandchildren

2. Close the door of doting.

For today's young people, it seems that they have become less active in the issue of having children. Even if they are married and have a family, they are not willing to have too many children, and some people even adhere to the concept of "whether it is a man or a woman, one is good". Because the number of children is decreasing, these young parents can also devote all their energy and time to their children, and if they are not careful, they may spoil excessively.

Not superstition! Regardless of whether the family has money or not, close these "three doors" as soon as possible and keep the blessings of children and grandchildren

In the process of children's growth, the most taboo is doting, if once the door of doting is opened, it will make the child lose the opportunity to grow independently, which is extremely unfavorable to the child's future development. If you really feel sorry for your child, you should learn to let go of your hands and let your child find a piece of his own world, and you must not tie your child to your side or break their wings.

Not superstition! Regardless of whether the family has money or not, close these "three doors" as soon as possible and keep the blessings of children and grandchildren

3. Close the door to complaining.

We often encounter all kinds of troubles in our lives, but in fact, these are normal phenomena, after all, no one's life will be smooth sailing. Smart people will regulate their mood and will not pass on these worries to their families, let alone let them affect their own pace of progress. Because they know exactly how much a complaining family can make. No one likes to complain, and no one wants to grow up in an environment full of complaints.

Not superstition! Regardless of whether the family has money or not, close these "three doors" as soon as possible and keep the blessings of children and grandchildren

For families with children at home, it is necessary to pay more attention to the fact that parents are the best teachers for their children, and their words and deeds will also affect their children's future development. If parents often complain to their children, they will feel guilty and think that it is their own problems, which makes parents feel distressed. Some children are extremely sensitive, and after a long time, they will develop depression, anxiety and other emotions, and in severe cases, they will induce mental illness.