
Writing at the age of 7, publishing a book at the age of 9, and being picked up in the marriage and love market at the age of 30, what happened to Jiang Fangzhou

author:Vientiane is full of languages
Writing at the age of 7, publishing a book at the age of 9, and being picked up in the marriage and love market at the age of 30, what happened to Jiang Fangzhou

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Writing at the age of seven, publishing books at the age of nine The aura and shackles of a genius girl

The early morning sun shines through the gaps in the curtains, sprinkled on the desk, a little girl with a ponytail is engrossed in tapping on the keyboard, her immature face is full of seriousness, seven years old, children of the same age may still be spoiled in their parents' arms, playing with dolls, and she, Jiang Fangzhou, has begun her own writing journey, in the blink of an eye, at the age of nine, her first book "Open the Skylight" was born, known as the model of "new concept composition", overnight, the halo of "genius girl" shrouded her, praise, expectation, pressure, One after another, at a young age, she prematurely bore a weight that her peers did not have

Writing at the age of 7, publishing a book at the age of 9, and being picked up in the marriage and love market at the age of 30, what happened to Jiang Fangzhou

This "genius" hat, for her, is more like an invisible shackle, people expect her to continue to output wonderful works, any slightly mediocre words, will attract doubts and denial, in order to live up to the expectations of the outside world, she wrote desperately, trying to cater to the taste of the public, but gradually lost herself, can not find the joy of the initial writing, young to become famous, is lucky, but also a burden, in the pursuit of "genius" on the road, she stumbled, but also experienced ordinary people unimaginable loneliness and confusion

The price of fame at a young age is loneliness and confusion

Jiang Fangzhou in middle school, with the halo of "genius girl", sang all the way, and successively published works such as "Developing", "Pre-adolescence", "Look at Me" and other works, sharp writing, unique perspective, let her gain countless fans among her peers, behind the flowers and applause, is endless loneliness and confusion, in order to maintain the inspiration of creation, she deliberately kept a distance from her peers, ate alone, walked, studied, used to wearing headphones, living in her own world

Writing at the age of 7, publishing a book at the age of 9, and being picked up in the marriage and love market at the age of 30, what happened to Jiang Fangzhou

In my junior year of high school, my teacher's words: "If you want to get good grades, you can't make friends!" She worked tirelessly like a machine, studying, writing, participating in various activities, filling all her time, but lacking only the joy and wanton that her peers should have

Admitted to Tsinghua University, forge ahead amid doubts

In 2008, Jiang Fangzhou was admitted to Tsinghua University with excellent results, but the outside world questioned endlessly, some people said that she was admitted by virtue of her writing expertise, there is no real talent and real learning, in the face of doubts, she did not flinch, but chose to prove herself with strength, during college, she still maintained a high intensity of writing, and actively participated in social activities, and constantly broadened her horizons

Writing at the age of 7, publishing a book at the age of 9, and being picked up in the marriage and love market at the age of 30, what happened to Jiang Fangzhou

After graduating, she became the deputy editor-in-chief of the "New Weekly", which once again caused controversy, some people questioned her lack of qualifications, and it was all thanks to the help of her mother Shang Ailan to get this position, in the face of "airborne" and "ghostwriting" and other doubts, she chose to respond with silence, in the book "I admit that I have not experienced the vicissitudes of life", she recorded the mental process behind the creation with delicate brushstrokes, in order to respond to the doubts and denials of the outside world

A year in Tokyo to find your true self

In 2016, Jiang Fangzhou decided to temporarily put aside everything in China and went to Tokyo alone to live for a year, in a foreign country, she slowed down, felt life, experienced different cultures, and began to re-examine her life

Writing at the age of 7, publishing a book at the age of 9, and being picked up in the marriage and love market at the age of 30, what happened to Jiang Fangzhou

This year in Tokyo is the process of Jiang Fangzhou's self-search, she is no longer obsessed with the evaluation of the outside world, no longer deliberately pursuing the so-called "success", but learning to reconcile with herself and the world, she finally understands that real success is not how much honor she gets, but living her true self

Let go of the label and accept your imperfect self

After returning to Beijing from Tokyo, Jiang Fangzhou published a new book "A Year in Tokyo", which records her life during her stay in Tokyo, real and delicate, but still aroused some people's doubts, in the face of criticism, she is no longer as anxious and uneasy as before, but calmly accepts, she said: "I think all gifted children are a flattery to the adult world, and this is what I have always wanted to escape"

Writing at the age of 7, publishing a book at the age of 9, and being picked up in the marriage and love market at the age of 30, what happened to Jiang Fangzhou

She began to try to "get rid of the Internet", reduce the time on social networks, no longer write to cater to the public, but focus on the areas she is really interested in, she is no longer obsessed with being a trendsetter of the times, no longer living for the evaluation of the outside world, but chooses to return to her heart, the pursuit of plain and real happiness

Thirty years and continue to write a wonderful life

Now, Jiang Fangzhou, who is thirty years old, has faded away from her youthful youth, becoming more mature, confident and calm, she still maintains her love for writing, writes hard, records life with words, expresses her thoughts, she is no longer entangled in the past, no longer worried about the future, but lives in the present, cherishes everything in front of her

Writing at the age of 7, publishing a book at the age of 9, and being picked up in the marriage and love market at the age of 30, what happened to Jiang Fangzhou

She said frankly: "After the age of thirty, the level of diligence suddenly returned to the age of thirteen, looking back at youth like the dream of the legendary Urashima Taro, before the dividend of youth begins and after eating is a down-to-earth life, Xiao Jiang continues to bow his head and move forward, he will always arrive"

She is like every ordinary person around us who is trying to live, she has experienced confusion and confusion, and she has also tried her best for her dreams, and now, she has finally found her own rhythm, no longer disturbed by the hustle and bustle of the outside world, but firmly moving forward in the direction she wants


Jiang Fangzhou's story is like a mirror, reflecting the growth trajectory of each of us, when we were young, we may have had dreams and longed to be recognized, but we lost our way in the process of chasing, there is no standard answer in life, everyone has their own way of living

Writing at the age of 7, publishing a book at the age of 9, and being picked up in the marriage and love market at the age of 30, what happened to Jiang Fangzhou

As Jiang Fangzhou said: "In the world, everyone has their own snow, and everyone has their own obscurity and purity," I hope we can all be like her, let go of external judgments, listen to the inner voice, and live our own wonderful life

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