
Well-known directors support Na Ying: In just six words, he interpreted "Ma Hu and Bird" to the extreme

author:Lovely Filipino girl

used to be a superstar in the music world, but now she has attracted much attention because of the nickname "Ma Hu and Bird". The reason behind this is really laughable.

Well-known directors support Na Ying: In just six words, he interpreted "Ma Hu and Bird" to the extreme

In 2024, when Na Ying stands on the stage of "Singer 2024", everyone does not expect her to regain her former glory, but hopes that she can bring us some new surprises.

However, after the show aired, her performance was a big disappointment. Forgetting words, out of tune, unsteady breath, and even emotional out-of-control, how can such a performance match the name of "diva"?

In today's world, there are fewer and fewer people who are willing to tell the truth, especially in the entertainment industry. Na Ying became the focus of everyone's discussion because of some things, and as a result, a very famous director publicly supported her.

Well-known directors support Na Ying: In just six words, he interpreted "Ma Hu and Bird" to the extreme

The director used six words on Weibo, "Ma Hu, and Bird", these six words are used wonderfully, like a sharp sword, directly pointing at those who make irresponsible remarks about Na Ying. Seeing this, you can't help but admire the courage and insight of this director.

Remember July 2023? At that time, Daolang made a comeback, and his song "Rakshasa Sea City" surprised everyone. This song not only made Daolang the focus again, but also was highly praised by everyone because of the accurate satire of the phenomenon of "ugliness as beauty and black and white reversal" in the lyrics.

Well-known directors support Na Ying: In just six words, he interpreted "Ma Hu and Bird" to the extreme

In the entertainment industry, this song is actually an implicit criticism of big-name singers such as Na Ying and Wang Feng. In particular, the words "horse and bird" have simply become the hallmark of this song, and everyone uses it to describe those who know but pretend to be confused.

Speaking of Na Ying, she is the eldest sister in the music world, and her status is quite high. However, in the recent "Singer 2024" show, she seems to have forgotten who she is and what she is supposed to do.

When other singers show their talents on stage, she always makes mistakes, and people can't help but ask: Is she still worthy of the title of "diva"?

Well-known directors support Na Ying: In just six words, he interpreted "Ma Hu and Bird" to the extreme

Just when everyone was disappointed with Na Ying's performance, the famous variety show director Hong Tao stood up to speak for her. He mentioned Na Ying when interacting with fans on Weibo, and said that she will always be so amazing in his heart.

As soon as Hong Tao's words came out, he immediately set off a big wave. Some people began to question Hong Tao's aesthetics, thinking that he was helping Na Ying make excuses; Some people also think that Hong Tao is supporting Na Ying, after all, as a director, he must have his unique views on the evaluation of singers.

But no matter what, Hong Tao's words were a big surprise. You must know that in the vanity fair of the entertainment industry, it is often more difficult to tell the truth than to find gold. But Hong Tao is willing to say such a thing for Na Ying, and the reason for this may only be known to him.

Well-known directors support Na Ying: In just six words, he interpreted "Ma Hu and Bird" to the extreme

But then again, Na Ying's performance is indeed a bit disappointing. As a diva-level singer, she should show more professionalism and more exquisite skills on stage.

Instead of making frequent mistakes like now, people can't help but doubt her strength. But then again, who is not a sage? Maybe Na Ying's performance this time is just a temporary mistake, and she still has a chance to prove herself on the stage in the future.

Director Hong Tao's six words, although short, are of far-reaching significance. This is not only a support for Na Ying, but also a reminder to the entire entertainment industry.

Well-known directors support Na Ying: In just six words, he interpreted "Ma Hu and Bird" to the extreme

In this environment full of fame and fortune, we need more people who tell the truth, and we need more people who dare to challenge authority and dare to express their opinions. Only in this way can the entertainment industry be healthier and more energetic.

In closing, I want to say that no matter how Na Ying performs, we should respect her hard work and dedication. After all, she has brought us so many classic songs and unforgettable memories.

Well-known directors support Na Ying: In just six words, he interpreted "Ma Hu and Bird" to the extreme

And the six words of director Hong Tao also let us see the existence of those who dare to tell the truth and challenge authority in the entertainment industry. Hopefully, in the days to come, we'll be able to see more of these voices and forces emerge in the entertainment industry. #头条创作挑战赛#

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