
The 47-year-old is gone, "having saved countless people"

author:Gale News
The 47-year-old is gone, "having saved countless people"

On the morning of May 31

Shandong 47-year-old Qi Hongbo

Walked the journey of life


He is a volunteer who is passionate about public welfare

He is a rescue team member who has participated in public welfare rescue many times

No one thought of it

The last light of his life is still to save people:

donated organs after death,

brought hope to 3 seriously ill patients,

Let at least 2 patients with eye diseases see the light.

At 7:30 a.m. on May 31, after offering flowers, bowing and paying tribute, Qi Hongbo was pushed into the operating room, and the medical staff of Shandong Provincial Hospital will fulfill his wish to continue to save people.

Qi Hongbo's wife and children stood in the corridor, staring at the closed door of the operating room, and did not move for a long time. This is the most affectionate confession of his wife and children, and I hope Qi Hongbo will go well.

The 47-year-old is gone, "having saved countless people"

At 7:30 on May 31, in the intensive care unit of Shandong Provincial Hospital, Chang Li, her daughter and son said goodbye to Qi Hongbo, who was about to donate organs.

Qi Hongbo, a native of Linzi District, Zibo City, is a truck driver and deputy captain of the Zibo Oriental Rescue Team.

In August 2021, when there was a sudden flood in Henan Province, he rushed to Zhengzhou with his team members, and he was on the assault boat to save people, and he was present at the scene of drainage and sanitization;

After the earthquake in Jishi Mountain, Gansu, he and his team rushed to the scene for disaster relief as soon as possible......

Almost all of his free time is spent volunteering.

The 47-year-old is gone, "having saved countless people"

At 8:45 on May 31, in the operating room of Shandong Provincial Hospital, before the operation, the medical staff collectively bowed to Qi Hongbo

At 8:50 on May 31, in the operating room of Shandong Provincial Hospital, the operation began.

"I'm often away from home, and I volunteer whenever I have time." In the impression of his wife Chang Li, every time he sees a volunteer service notice, Qi Hongbo is always the first to sign up.

During the lockdown period, he signed up for volunteer activities, was responsible for the pick-up and drop-off of epidemic prevention materials, often went to pick up the materials in the middle of the night, and then drove his own truck to deliver the materials to communities and villages in Linzi. "During that time, he didn't go home, and he ate and lived in the car."

In the rescue team, Qi Hongbo is responsible for data collection, training, cardiopulmonary resuscitation popularization, rescue and salvage.

Liu Dong, captain of the Zibo Oriental Rescue Team, said that Qi Hongbo's mobile phone was not turned off 24 hours a day, and as long as he did not get out of the car, he would go to volunteer services. "He also took his son to volunteer, and under his words and deeds, his son has also become a very good rescue team member."

The 47-year-old is gone, "having saved countless people"

At 10:30 on May 31, seeing his father who was pushed out of the operating room after the operation, Qi Hongbo's 22-year-old son Qi Han (first from the right) couldn't help but burst into tears again

No one expected that Qi Hongbo would fall into the volunteer service position he loved.

On the afternoon of May 24, Qi Hongbo fainted while participating in volunteer security services at Taigong Lake in Linzi.

"When he fell, he hit his head on the corner of the stone bench and went into shock." Liu Dong said that although the team members and medical staff gave first aid to Qi Hongbo in the shortest possible time, he still did not wake up and was diagnosed as brain dead.

Qi Hongbo has a son and a daughter, the son is 22 years old this year, and the daughter is only 9 years old. In this desperate and darkest moment, Qi Hongbo's wife and son made a difficult but great decision – organ donation.

"Saving a life is better than creating a seventh-level floating slaughter, this is what my father often says, his wish is to save more people, and my mother and I will fulfill our wish for him." Qi Hongbo's son Qi Han said that he would also take care of the family for his father and take care of his mother and sister.

The 47-year-old is gone, "having saved countless people"

At 10:50 on May 31, Li Bin (first from right), organ donation coordinator of Shandong Provincial Hospital, presented a certificate to Qi Hongbo's family.

"He is a rescue team member who has saved countless people. After his death, he brought hope to three seriously ill patients and gave light to at least two patients with eye diseases. His noble behavior and selfless love deserve respect and remember, and I am very grateful to Qi Hongbo. Li Bin, organ donation coordinator of Shandong Provincial Hospital, said.

Source: Popular Daily K25