
Cordial care, cohesion of forward strength, great encouragement, stimulate the pride of struggle

author:Henan Police
Cordial care, cohesion of forward strength, great encouragement, stimulate the pride of struggle
Cordial care, cohesion of forward strength, great encouragement, stimulate the pride of struggle

Cordial care condenses the strength to move forward

Great encouragement inspires the pride of struggle

It's been another exciting and inspiring May.

On May 28, General Secretary Xi Jinping cordially met with the representatives of the National Public Security Work Conference at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, extended sincere greetings to them, and encouraged the vast number of public security people's police and auxiliary police across the country to strive to promote the modernization of public security work and make new and greater contributions to the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation.

On 29 May, the National Public Security Work Conference was held in Beijing to carry out scientific planning and systematic arrangements for public security work at present and for a period of time to come, and to sound the clarion call for striving to write a new chapter in the modernization of public security work.

Cordial care condenses the strength of progress, and great encouragement stimulates the pride of struggle. The provincial public security police and auxiliary police unanimously expressed that they should transform the care and care of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the Party Central Committee into a strong driving force, conscientiously study and comprehend, and resolutely implement the spirit of the National Public Security Work Conference, continue to work hard to promote the modernization of public security work, and fulfill the sacred duties and missions entrusted by the party and the people in the new era and new journey, and make new and greater contributions to promoting the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation.

Cordial care, cohesion of forward strength, great encouragement, stimulate the pride of struggle

Quench the fire of thought and cast the soul of loyalty

The flag leads the way, and the thought illuminates the voyage.

"General Secretary Xi Jinping met with representatives of the National Public Security Work Conference and encouraged the majority of public security people's police auxiliary police to stand up and continue to struggle, which reflects the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has always attached great importance to and cared for the public security team, and it is also an inspiring and encouraging spur for all public security people's police and auxiliary police." Jian Jinfeng, director of the Ideological and Political Work Department of the Provincial Public Security Department, said that as a public security ideological and political worker, he will always adhere to Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era to arm his mind and promote his work, uphold the concept of "three firsts", give full play to the comprehensive administrative functions of the province's political work and comprehensively deepen the overall coordination role of public security reform, and persistently cast loyalty, change ideas, strengthen work style, improve ability, strict discipline, excellent security, and build new achievements with a pragmatic, concise, high-quality and efficient style.

"I feel honored and inspired, and I also feel that the mission is glorious and the responsibility is great." Cao Xiaolin, director of the Airport Public Security Bureau of the Provincial Public Security Department, said that the airport public security will transform General Secretary Xi Jinping's cordial care into practical actions to perform their duties loyally, adhere to high standards and good image, take the "Henan Building Peace" action as the traction, take the "Work Quality and Efficiency Improvement Year" as the starting point, and take the construction of "Safe Civil Aviation" and "Clean Border Escort" as the carrier, strive for perfection to protect the airport air defense safety, go all out to maintain social stability in the jurisdiction, protect the peace of the people entering and leaving the port with heart and affection, and actively serve the high-quality development of Henan's civil aviation industry. On the new journey, we will strive to promote the modernization of Henan Airport's public security work.

Sharpen the sword of justice and take the responsibility of peace

The county is governed by the county, and the world is safe. In the great era, the mission of the public security organs is supremely glorious and the responsibility is incomparably greater.

"As a county-level public security organ, we will be guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, unswervingly forge a loyal police soul, adhere to and develop the 'Fengqiao experience' in the new era, conscientiously implement the concept of 'three firsts', deepen the new mechanism of 'one-stop case handling and whole-process supervision', continue to improve the level of law enforcement standardization, and make every effort to prevent risks, ensure safety, protect stability, and promote development, and unswervingly be a loyal guardian of the party and the people. With hard work, practical results, and practical results, we will show the loyalty and responsibility of Luanchuan Public Security in the new journey of modernization. Fan Jintong, deputy county magistrate of Luanchuan County and director of the Public Security Bureau, coordinated the safe chess game in his heart.

"In the next step, we will thoroughly implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on public security work in the new era, conscientiously study and comprehend the spirit of the National Public Security Work Conference, and transform General Secretary Xi Jinping and the Party Central Committee's concern for the public security team into a strong driving force." Li Jingshan, deputy county magistrate and director of the public security bureau of Neihuang County, said, "Continue to temper the loyal police soul, forge a loyal, clean, and responsible iron army, further establish the concept of 'city and county main battle, police station main defense', and constantly improve the quality and efficiency of the county's public security organs to maintain stability, fight crime, and serve the masses. ”

A golden shield, forged with blood. "I will take General Secretary Xi Jinping's encouraging spirit as the guiding beacon, always adhere to the supremacy of the people and the supremacy of life, and actively participate in the main battlefield of combating criminal crimes with a sense of responsibility and mission of 'always rest assured', solve more cases and solve cases quickly, so that the people can feel fairness and justice in every case, maintain the people's peace and contentment with real combat results, and constantly improve the people's sense of security and happiness, and always be a loyal guardian of the party and the people." Chen Minsheng, the most beautiful grassroots police officer in the country and the second-level sergeant of the Criminal Investigation Detachment of the Puyang City Public Security Bureau, said sonorously and forcefully.

Love the people and do things for the people

"Ma Yupu" is the name of a community police officer of the Longhu Police Station of the Xinzheng Public Security Bureau, and it is also the community police room named after her. "As a community policeman, I will adhere to, practice well, and give full play to the leading role of the Fengqiao spirit, based on the responsibility of 'active service', and solve the 'urgency, hardship and hope' around the masses in a timely manner, so that there is 'people' in my heart, there is no shortage of services, and there is 'responsibility' in my heart. Practice the original intention of 'people's public security for the people' with practical actions, and add a warm background to accelerate the practice of Chinese-style modernization in Zhengzhou. Ma Yupu, an advanced worker in Henan Province and the most beautiful grassroots policeman, was excited.

Zhang Bin, director of the Youjitun Police Station of the Sui County Public Security Bureau, expressed the stirring feelings in his heart with "loyalty", "cleanliness" and "responsibility": "Interpret the loyalty to the party, the people, and the cause with high spirit, courage and righteousness, and ensure that the major decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee and the work arrangements of provinces, cities and counties are implemented and effective." Truly achieve self-purity, self-purity, self-righteousness, and self-hardness, and take the initiative to act as a spirit to perform good duties and responsibilities for the party and the people; With the courage to take responsibility, we are determined to be a loyal guardian of the party and the people; With the great wisdom of being good at taking responsibility, we will strive to improve the modernization level of the grassroots social governance system and governance capacity, and strive to make the people's sense of gain more fulfilling, happiness more sustainable, and sense of security more secure. ”

In the past, a thousand brocades have been exhibited, and the Ming Dynasty has made further progress.

"As a propaganda policeman, I will effectively transform General Secretary Xi Jinping's ardent care into a strong driving force to promote the work, further focus on the work of the public security center, based on the needs of serving the grassroots, serving the actual combat, and serving the overall situation, go deep into the grassroots and fight with the police, comprehensively display the fiery practice of the public security organs in fulfilling the missions and tasks of the new era, and timely reflect the effectiveness of the public security organs in carrying out safe construction, maintaining security and stability, and serving economic and social development, and make a good public security voice and tell a good police story. Truly let all sectors of society and the broad masses understand the public security people's police, care about public security work, and support public security undertakings. Based on his post, Liu Zhihang, a police officer from the Propaganda Section of the Political Department of the Xinxiang Public Security Bureau, said his responsibility.

Cordial care, cohesion of forward strength, great encouragement, stimulate the pride of struggle