
Xiao Shenggang: Deeply cultivate the fertile soil at the grassroots level and write the answer sheet for performing duties

author:Micro will be happy
Xiao Shenggang: Deeply cultivate the fertile soil at the grassroots level and write the answer sheet for performing duties
Xiao Shenggang: Deeply cultivate the fertile soil at the grassroots level and write the answer sheet for performing duties
Xiao Shenggang: Deeply cultivate the fertile soil at the grassroots level and write the answer sheet for performing duties

"In May, entering the critical period of cowpea growth, to minimize the use of pesticides, you can plant in greenhouses, install insect-proof nets, insect-trapping lights, insect-trapping boards and other equipment to achieve the effect of pest prevention and reduction." In Sanming City, Jiangle County Lvfeng Agricultural Development Co., Ltd., Xiao Shenggang, a representative of the Municipal People's Congress, Jiangle County Economic Crop Center, and agricultural technology extension researcher, is carefully teaching cowpea planting related skills.

"As an agricultural technical cadre, it is necessary to often go around the mountains and forests and walk on the fields, and only by taking root at the grassroots level can we effectively help the masses solve the difficulties and problems encountered in planting." This is a sentence that Xiao Shenggang often hangs on his lips.

Since entering the agricultural department of Jiangle County in 1988, Xiao Shenggang has been engaged in the promotion of fruit trees, edible fungi and other cash crop production technology for a long time, and has rich professional theoretical knowledge and practical production experience.

Xiao Shenggang: Deeply cultivate the fertile soil at the grassroots level and write the answer sheet for performing duties

At the end of 2016, Xiao Shenggang was elected as a representative of the 13th Municipal People's Congress. Since then, he has kept in mind the promise that "the people elected me as a representative, and I will be a representative for the people", and has always insisted on going to the grassroots level to listen to the voices of the people and investigate the people's feelings.

As a representative of the National People's Congress from the front line of agriculture, he is very concerned about rural development, and has submitted the "Suggestions on Developing Ecological Agriculture and Promoting the Development of Rural Tourism with Characteristics in Our City" and "Suggestions on Strengthening the Management of Abandoned Land Remediation and Post-reclamation". Among them, he was deeply impressed by the "Proposal on Building a Regionalized Rice Seed Selection, Processing, Storage and Transportation Center to Improve the Basic Service Capacity of the Seed Industry".

Sanming has a long history of seed production, as the largest city of hybrid rice seed production in the country, our city has cultivated four national seed production counties of Jianning, Taining, Ninghua and Youxi. In 2023, the city's hybrid rice seed production area will be 346,000 mu, with an output of about 70 million kilograms, accounting for about 1/5 and 1/4 of the country's area and output respectively.

In the development of the seed industry, the production and processing capacity of seeds is an important part of the core capacity building of the whole seed industry chain. In the investigation, Xiao Shenggang found that the development of the city's seed industry is unbalanced, and the seed selection, processing, storage and transportation capacity of some counties is weak, which restricts the development of the city's seed economy.

"It is recommended to increase the support for counties with a short development time of seed industry bases, and introduce corresponding policies to encourage the improvement of basic service facilities for seed industry; It is recommended to support the construction of regionalized, standardized and professional selection, processing lines, low-temperature cold storage, transfer warehouses and other facilities in Lexian County, and comprehensively improve the production capacity of the city's rice seed base...... "After field research and visits to relevant departments and units, Xiao Shenggang wrote down a proposal and submitted it to the second meeting of the 14th Municipal People's Congress.

Soon, Xiao Shenggang's suggestion was replied by the Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs: continue to increase investment in the infrastructure construction of seed production farmland, and strive to improve the processing and storage capacity of seed production bases and the level of "five modernizations" construction; Support Furui Hua'an Seed Industry and other enterprises to apply for scientific research and breeding bases and seed processing and storage capacity improvement projects, and further enhance the seed processing and storage capacity of enterprises...... Seeing that his suggestions were gradually implemented, Xiao Shenggang's heart was indescribably happy.

The quality and safety of agricultural products are related to the health and life safety of the people, and to the high-quality development of agriculture and rural areas. In his work, Xiao Shenggang found that in recent years, the quality and safety of agricultural products in our city have continued to maintain a stable and positive trend. However, there is still room for further improvement in the control of the use of agricultural inputs, the detection of key circulation and sales links, and the construction of monitoring systems.

"Vigorously advocate green ecological planting, promote green and safe production technologies and models; Actively plan to build a smart agricultural security platform, use big data, Internet of Things, blockchain and other modern information technology to promote the innovation of supervision methods, and realize the whole process of quality and safety control ......" Xiao Shenggang wrote the "Suggestions on Strengthening the Quality and Safety Supervision of Agricultural Products".

The suggestions have been valued by the Sanming Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the Market Supervision and Administration Bureau, and the Bureau of Ecology and Environment: continue to build the "Internet + supervision" and "Internet of Things + supervision" systems, organize and carry out special rectification actions for the quality and safety of edible agricultural products in the market sales link, and solidly promote the traceability management of "one product and one code" of edible agricultural products...... With the implementation of a number of measures, the quality and safety of agricultural products in our city has been further built.

Rural revitalization is inseparable from the support of talents. Xiao Shenggang took root in the field, explained the latest planting technology to farmers, introduced high-quality fruit and vegetable varieties, and was committed to cultivating ordinary farmers into new farmers who love agriculture, understand technology and are good at management.

"How to promote the new urbanization and comprehensive rural revitalization as a whole? How to solve the problem of rural 'hollowing'? How to build a high-quality rural talent team? Today, Xiao Shenggang, who is nearly sixty years old, is still running on the front line at the grassroots level, and constantly thinking about the theme of comprehensively promoting rural revitalization, and interpreting the original intention and mission of a people's congress representative with practical actions. Source: Sanming Daily Editor: Zhang Jingning Preliminary review: Yu Chengyao Review: Xiao Guoping Final review: Xiao Jiuhui Business cooperation, news clues, and crackdown on fake news reports: 0598-2322923 Submission email: [email protected]

Xiao Shenggang: Deeply cultivate the fertile soil at the grassroots level and write the answer sheet for performing duties
Xiao Shenggang: Deeply cultivate the fertile soil at the grassroots level and write the answer sheet for performing duties

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Xiao Shenggang: Deeply cultivate the fertile soil at the grassroots level and write the answer sheet for performing duties
