
Each bite has a refreshing taste and makes your mood instantly refreshed ice skin mung bean cake production method

author:Longnan Wudu released

Source: Huishi

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This is still some time away from the "Zongzi Festival", and the hot summer has made many people unable to eat. In the winter, the meat that I finally ate one bite at a time was consumed little by little as the temperature gradually climbed.

Three meals a day, those who don't want to cook in hot weather, those who eat don't want to eat, if you want to maintain the normal operation of the body, cool ingredients become essential, come and try this fresh ice skin mung bean cake! Every bite brings a refreshing taste and makes your mood instantly refreshed~

Snowy mung bean cake

Each bite has a refreshing taste and makes your mood instantly refreshed ice skin mung bean cake production method

Ingredients & Distribution:

200 grams of mung beans, appropriate amount of water, 100 grams of glutinous rice flour, 50 grams of corn flour (or starch), 50 grams of caster sugar, appropriate amount of coconut milk (in addition to coconut milk, you can also use other milk or plant-based milk alternatives, such as milk, soybean milk, plant milk (such as coconut milk, almond milk, peanut milk, etc.), choose according to personal taste and preference. ), food coloring (green), garnish (depending on the degree of personal preference and the size of the pastry, you can decide what to add at your discretion, mint leaves, nut chips, chocolate chips, etc.)

Each bite has a refreshing taste and makes your mood instantly refreshed ice skin mung bean cake production method


  1. Wash the mung beans, add an appropriate amount of water and soak for 2-3 hours until the mung beans become soft.
  2. Put the soaked mung beans in a pot, add enough water, and bring to a boil.
  3. Reduce the heat to medium-low and cook until the mung beans are soft and mushy.
  4. Put the cooked mung beans in a large bowl, add caster sugar, stir well and dissolve.
  5. Gradually add the glutinous rice flour and corn flour (or starch) and stir into a soft dough.
  6. If you like the taste of coconut milk, you can add an appropriate amount of coconut milk and stir well again.
  7. Divide the dough into small pieces and roll into round or oval balls.
  8. Each ball is placed in the mold, gently pressed flat, sent to the steamer to steam, and then taken out to cool and eaten.
Each bite has a refreshing taste and makes your mood instantly refreshed ice skin mung bean cake production method

Take out the refrigerated snow skin mung bean cake, a touch of green appearance is mouth-watering! With a light bite, the soft and delicate ice skin wraps the sweet mung bean paste, and the fresh taste suddenly spreads, like a summer breeze, cool and refreshing, making people feel like they are in the verdant grassland.

In addition to the refreshing taste, this snowy mung bean cake also has a strong sense of summer happiness! In the hot summer, share it with three or five friends, taste this cold delicacy together, imagine you chasing the green grassland together, laughing constantly, and life becomes colorful! Let's get started! Make your life full of sweetness and joy!

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