
Can't eat mung beans with high blood sugar? The doctor warned: Although mung beans relieve the heat, these types of people can't eat them casually

author:Xiaofei talks about health science

On a hot summer day, when you walk on the bustling streets, sweat drips from your forehead, and your body seems to be scorched by the sun. At this time, a bowl of cold mung bean soup, refreshing and thirst-quenching, seems to be the best choice. Recently, however, there is a claim that has been circulating online: people with high blood sugar can't eat mung beans. I'm here to remind everyone that while mung beans do have many health benefits, they are not suitable for everyone. Today, let's take a closer look at which groups of people need special attention when consuming mung beans.

Can't eat mung beans with high blood sugar? The doctor warned: Although mung beans relieve the heat, these types of people can't eat them casually

Nutrients of mung beans

Mung beans are rich in protein, dietary fiber, vitamins (e.g. vitamin B1, vitamin B2, folic acid), minerals (e.g., iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium), and a variety of plant compounds (e.g., flavonoids, phenolic compounds). These ingredients give mung beans a variety of health benefits.

The medicinal benefits of mung beans

Mung bean soup is widely used in summer, and its effects of clearing heat and detoxifying, relieving heat and quenching thirst are widely recognized by traditional Chinese medicine.

Lowering blood lipids: Studies have shown that the dietary fiber and plant compounds in mung beans help lower blood lipids and benefit cardiovascular health.

Antioxidants: Mung beans are rich in antioxidants, which can neutralize free radicals and slow down cell aging and inflammation.

Promotes digestion: The dietary fiber in mung beans contributes to gut health, promoting digestion and bowel movements.

Can't eat mung beans with high blood sugar? The doctor warned: Although mung beans relieve the heat, these types of people can't eat them casually

Hyperglycemia and mung beans: Can they coexist? Can people with high blood sugar eat mung beans?

First of all, we need to make it clear that mung beans themselves do not contain high sugar, and their carbohydrates are mainly complex polysaccharides, which are slower to digest and absorb, and have a relatively small impact on blood sugar. However, patients with high blood sugar need to be aware of the following when consuming mung beans:

Cooking method: If mung beans are cooked with a lot of sugar, such as sweet mung bean soup or mung bean paste, sugar intake will increase significantly, which is not good for blood sugar control.

Serving size: Excessive intake of any food can have an impact on blood sugar. Patients with hyperglycemia should control the amount of mung beans consumed to avoid excessive intake that may lead to an increase in blood sugar.

Personal constitution: Everyone reacts differently to food, and patients with high blood sugar should decide whether it is suitable to eat mung beans according to their own blood glucose monitoring results.

Can't eat mung beans with high blood sugar? The doctor warned: Although mung beans relieve the heat, these types of people can't eat them casually

Who should not eat mung beans?

In addition to patients with high blood sugar, the following groups of people also need to pay special attention when consuming mung beans:

1. Chillers

Mung beans are cool and have the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, but for people with cold physique, eating mung beans may aggravate the symptoms of body cold, such as stomach cold, diarrhea, etc. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that people with cold body should eat less cold food to avoid causing or aggravating discomfort.

Can't eat mung beans with high blood sugar? The doctor warned: Although mung beans relieve the heat, these types of people can't eat them casually

2. People with splenogastric weakness

People with weak spleen and stomach often present with symptoms such as indigestion, bloating, and diarrhea. Mung beans are cool and rich in dietary fiber, which may cause or aggravate indigestion and diarrhea after consumption by people with weak spleen and stomach. Therefore, such people should be cautious about consuming mung beans.

3. Seniors and children

The digestive system of the elderly and children is more fragile, and the digestion and absorption ability of mung beans, which is high fiber and cold, is weak. When the elderly and children consume mung beans, they should pay attention to the appropriate amount to avoid discomfort caused by indigestion.

Can't eat mung beans with high blood sugar? The doctor warned: Although mung beans relieve the heat, these types of people can't eat them casually

4. Patients with renal insufficiency

Mung beans are rich in protein and potassium, and people with renal insufficiency need to pay special attention when eating high-protein and high-potassium foods, so as not to increase the burden on the kidneys and affect the condition.

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