
"Iron Bus" is out of the circle! The cost is nearly 10,000 yuan, netizens: comparable to learning from the West......

author:Youth Shanghai
"Iron Bus" is out of the circle! The cost is nearly 10,000 yuan, netizens: comparable to learning from the West......

Recently, the bus of "Jining-Lhasa" has become popular, because it is more than 6,800 kilometers round trip, sitting all the way, it sounds like a special test of the "endurance" of passengers, so it is called "Shandong Iron Foot Car" by netizens

"Iron Bus" is out of the circle! The cost is nearly 10,000 yuan, netizens: comparable to learning from the West......
"Iron Bus" is out of the circle! The cost is nearly 10,000 yuan, netizens: comparable to learning from the West......
"Iron Bus" is out of the circle! The cost is nearly 10,000 yuan, netizens: comparable to learning from the West......
"Iron Bus" is out of the circle! The cost is nearly 10,000 yuan, netizens: comparable to learning from the West......

Source: Screenshot of online video

The length and distance are a bit 'prohibitive' at first glance

"Iron Bus" is out of the circle! The cost is nearly 10,000 yuan, netizens: comparable to learning from the West......
"Iron Bus" is out of the circle! The cost is nearly 10,000 yuan, netizens: comparable to learning from the West......

Tourist: Can this bus get to Lhasa? Driver: "Iron Blade" (ironclad) can arrive!

"Iron Bus" is out of the circle! The cost is nearly 10,000 yuan, netizens: comparable to learning from the West......

On May 30, the operating unit of the car, Jining Chixun Automobile Service Co., Ltd., was contacted. According to the company's manager Du, this is a tourist bus, the ticket price is eight or nine thousand yuan per person, almost all inclusive (including food and accommodation), along the way while walking and playing, basically will browse all the attractions on the 318 National Highway, it takes nearly a month to go back and forth.

Don't look at the "iron bus", it looks tired and panicked, but it's not like you want to sit on the bus, you have to book the ticket in advance

"Iron Bus" is out of the circle! The cost is nearly 10,000 yuan, netizens: comparable to learning from the West......

"We used airline seats, which can accommodate more than 30 passengers in one car, and now there are many similar tourism projects across the country." Manager Du said that most of the people who signed up for these bus tours were locals in Jining City.

"Iron Bus" is out of the circle! The cost is nearly 10,000 yuan, netizens: comparable to learning from the West......

Many netizens said that they "have already experienced it"

"Iron Bus" is out of the circle! The cost is nearly 10,000 yuan, netizens: comparable to learning from the West......
"Iron Bus" is out of the circle! The cost is nearly 10,000 yuan, netizens: comparable to learning from the West......

"That's far enough."

"Iron Bus" is out of the circle! The cost is nearly 10,000 yuan, netizens: comparable to learning from the West......

"318 Sichuan-Tibet Line" as China's "Western Tour" self-driving tour boutique tourist route, the scenery along the way is also longed for by many people

"Iron Bus" is out of the circle! The cost is nearly 10,000 yuan, netizens: comparable to learning from the West......

Search discovery

Many places in Shandong Province have opened direct tourist buses to Lhasa

"Iron Bus" is out of the circle! The cost is nearly 10,000 yuan, netizens: comparable to learning from the West......

This kind of long-distance tourist bus is not the first time that it has caused netizens to discuss, and the "Dalian-Novosibirsk" bus has also caused heated discussions

"Iron Bus" is out of the circle! The cost is nearly 10,000 yuan, netizens: comparable to learning from the West......

According to media reports, on May 18, 2018, on the same day, the "Sino-Russian International Road Transport Trial Run and China TIR Transport Launching Ceremony (Dalian-Novosibirsk)" was held at the Dalian Port International Cruise Center. The Dalian-Novosibirsk route is 5,500 kilometers long and is expected to last 9 days, including 6 days abroad.

The line runs through 20 Chinese and Russian cities such as Dalian, Shenyang, Irkutsk, and Novosibirsk, and is the route with the longest mileage, the most cities, and the most distinctive scenery of China's international road transport lines at that time.

On September 21, 2023, in a media interview, the company to which the bus belonged responded that the line had been suspended and had not received any news of its reopening.

As a unique way to travel, you can not only enjoy the scenery along the way, but also meet the individual needs of passengers

Would you like to try this kind of "iron bus" tour?

"Iron Bus" is out of the circle! The cost is nearly 10,000 yuan, netizens: comparable to learning from the West......

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"Iron Bus" is out of the circle! The cost is nearly 10,000 yuan, netizens: comparable to learning from the West......

Source: Qilu Evening News, poster news, netizen comments, etc. Responsible editor: Sirui Proofreader: Shen Xiaodiu, Lin Guiren Final Review: Yangqing

"Iron Bus" is out of the circle! The cost is nearly 10,000 yuan, netizens: comparable to learning from the West......
