
Guo Jiawei, who was born in the 00s, suddenly "ran" before the defense......

author:Youth Shanghai
Guo Jiawei, who was born in the 00s, suddenly "ran" before the defense......


Guo Jiawei, a fourth-year student at Luoyang Institute of Technology

Successfully donated 252 ml

Hematopoietic stem cell suspension

It was used to treat a person who was far away in Guangdong

A 10-year-old child with a blood disorder

Guo Jiawei, who was born in the 00s, suddenly "ran" before the defense......
Guo Jiawei, who was born in the 00s, suddenly "ran" before the defense......

Starting at 8 o'clock in the morning, it took 4 hours and 35 minutes for Guo Jiawei to complete hematopoietic stem cell donation, and he also became the 1380th case in Henan Province, the 57th case of hematopoietic stem cell donor in Luoyang City, and the second "post-00" donor in Luoyang City

Before graduation, concentrate on completing two things: defending and saving people

On the eve of graduating from university, Guo Jiawei received a life-saving phone call from the Red Cross Society of Luoyang City, and a 10-year-old child with blood diseases was successfully matched with him. ”

Guo Jiawei, who was born in the 00s, suddenly "ran" before the defense......

Guo Jiawei joined the China Bone Marrow Bank

Excited and delighted

Guo Jiawei also has some worries because graduation is approaching

There are a lot of things that need to be dealt with

In particular, the graduation thesis requires a lot of effort

Take a leave of absence during the critical period before the dissertation defense

It will inevitably cause certain impact and inconvenience, but he still resolutely chooses to save people!

Guo Jiawei, who was born in the 00s, suddenly "ran" before the defense......

In the five days leading up to the dissertation defense

The two points and one line between the school and the hospital are the true portrayal of Jiawei, "starting from the 16th, the mobilization agent was injected, one injection in the morning, one injection in the afternoon, the injection was given at about eight o'clock in the morning, and then I went back to the school at seven or eight o'clock in the evening to get the injection, because I had to prepare for the graduation defense, so I have been running on both sides of the school and the hospital", but Jiawei did not complain and has always been very active in cooperating with the work of the hospital

Guo Jiawei, who was born in the 00s, suddenly "ran" before the defense......

Guo Jiawei completed hematopoietic stem cell donation

Hard work pays off

At noon on May 20, Jiawei successfully completed hematopoietic stem cell donation

On the morning of May 21

Jiawei also successfully passed the graduation thesis defense, "Study hard and be a useful person to society!" This is what Jiawei's parents often say to Jiawei, and in the last college years, Jiawei finally lived up to his parents' expectations and passed the double "defense" of learning and saving people with excellent grades

Guo Jiawei, who was born in the 00s, suddenly "ran" before the defense......

Guo Jiawei's letter to the rescued children

Guo Jiawei, who was born in the 00s, suddenly "ran" before the defense......

A thank-you letter written by the mother of the rescued child

Deeply affected by the environment, and also affecting the environment

Since childhood, his parents have taught Jiawei to "be a useful person to society!" ”

Therefore, the seeds of public welfare have already germinated in Jiawei's heart, "the support of my family is my greatest motivation", and my family has always supported Jiawei to do public welfare

Knowing that Jiawei's blood cell matching was successful, my mother and sister made a special trip from Inner Mongolia to Henan to cheer for Jiawei

Guo Jiawei, who was born in the 00s, suddenly "ran" before the defense......

Guo Jiawei's mother (fourth from left) and sister (third from left) made a special trip to Luoyang to visit

In the past four years, Jiawei has donated a total of 1600ml of blood, participated in many volunteer activities, and was awarded the title of "Outstanding Volunteer of Luoyang Institute of Technology".

Guo Jiawei, who was born in the 00s, suddenly "ran" before the defense......

Guo Jiawei's blood donation record during college

Not only that, Jiawei's behavior also infected the entire dormitory, set sail with love, and let the public welfare warm the world

Guo Jiawei, who was born in the 00s, suddenly "ran" before the defense......

Guo Jiawei and his college roommate donate blood together

Guo Jiawei, who was born in the 00s, suddenly "ran" before the defense......

Guo Jiawei's college roommate came to visit the hospital

Great love is selfless and moisturizing things silently, and Guo Jiawei, a student of the "post-00s" generation, interprets the truth, goodness and beauty of human nature with practical actions, and also shows us the high sense of social responsibility of the new youth in the new era

Guo Jiawei, good job! Thank you!

Guo Jiawei, who was born in the 00s, suddenly "ran" before the defense......

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Guo Jiawei, who was born in the 00s, suddenly "ran" before the defense......

Source: School Communist Youth League, Elephant News, Luoyang Institute of Technology, Henan Communist Youth League Responsible Editor: Sirui Proofreader: Shen Xiaodiu, Lin Guiren Final Review: Yangqing

Guo Jiawei, who was born in the 00s, suddenly "ran" before the defense......
