
Celebrating more than one year: Lin Ruofu, the prime minister who "recognizes the thief as his son-in-law", is actually the smartest poor person in the whole play

author:Yang Jiaofeng attacked

In "Celebrating More Than Years 2", Lin Xiang is a very interesting person, born in poverty, and excelled in the imperial examination, so as to enter the eyes of the royal family. With his handsome appearance and profound knowledge, he was appreciated by the eldest princess Li Yunrui and "fell in love".

Although the two did not come together in the end, they also left the crystallization of love - Lin Wan'er, and with the eldest princess's strategy, plus her own efforts, she achieved the position of prime minister of Qingguo under one person.

It's a pity that with Fan Xian's entry into Beijing, Lin Xiang, who has exhausted all the organs, not only lost his beloved son, but also "recognized the thief as his son-in-law". In the second season, he tried to wrestle with Emperor Qing, and even lost the position of prime minister, and after narrowly escaping death, he sighed with emotion:

"I misjudged!"

So, what did Lin Xiang go wrong and why did he become the smartest poor person in the whole play?

Yang Jiaofeng talks about the second article in the series of articles in "Yu Qingnian": Lin Ruofu, the prime minister who "recognizes the thief as his son-in-law", is actually the smartest poor person in the whole play!

Celebrating more than one year: Lin Ruofu, the prime minister who "recognizes the thief as his son-in-law", is actually the smartest poor person in the whole play


Power is actually a terrible thing, it will distort family, friendship, and love, and even some people will not even care about morality and shame and even their lives for it.

Let's talk about Lin Xiang's love first, I haven't read the original novel, judging from the plot of the TV series, there is a high probability that he was married before he met Li Yunrui, otherwise Lin Wan'er would not have two brothers.

However, some people commented that his eldest son Lin Dabao was actually the child of Li Yunrui and Emperor Qing. From a certain point of view, this is also in line with the conclusion that there are some problems with the children born of close relatives who are married. Although it is also mentioned in the play, the eldest princess and Emperor Qing are not blood relatives, that is, they are not brothers and sisters. However, from the perspective of modern science, cousins and cousins are also consanguineous marriages, and there are still problems with the children they have.

It's just that Lin Dabao's stupidity is not born, he became stupid after getting sick when he was a child. And it doesn't look stupid, it's a lot like pretending. After all, he was born in the deceitful Qingguo, or the prime minister's Lin family, and the relationship between the country and the family is so complicated, it is better to pretend to be stupid to live a long time.

Because it wasn't said in the play, we can't speculate, and judging from Lin Xiang's words of farewell to Lin Dabao later, this is his own son.

At that time, he told Lin Dabao that people will change, no matter what others say, don't believe it. You just need to believe Wan'er and Fan Xian, if one day they don't like you so much, you just curl up to the side and live slowly:

"No one is born to be nice to you, Daddy."

Moreover, Lin Xiang's second son, Lin Hui, has nothing to do with the eldest princess Li Yunrui, after he was killed, he can know from the eldest princess's words to comfort Lin Xiang.

Celebrating more than one year: Lin Ruofu, the prime minister who "recognizes the thief as his son-in-law", is actually the smartest poor person in the whole play


Lin Ruofu and Li Yunrui's encounter and love are more like a fairy tale, which is a dream dream of many readers.

Yes, a poor scholar, who won the champion, was taken by the eldest princess who was at the beginning of love, and the two got along. Therefore, many of the scenes we see Lin Xiang appear and leave are carried out in a sedan chair. Whenever Lin Xiang encounters a problem and wants to think, he often likes to be carried in a sedan chair and circle around the city wall of the Qingguo Palace.

In fact, when I was in love with the eldest princess, I sneaked in a sedan chair and circled around the city wall.

They definitely loved each other during that time, otherwise they would not have given birth to Lin Wan'er regardless of etiquette, righteousness and shame. However, this relationship is destined to be unequal, and the eldest princess has the absolute right to speak. No matter what decision she makes, Lin Ruofu only has the right to accept it, and has no right to refute it.

Because the eldest princess Li Yunrui is very eager for power and does not want to lose it, it is doomed that she will not be able to marry Lin Ruofu. Because in the old days, once the princess and the concubine got married, they both had to stay away from politics and could not enter politics. This is also destined to be unable to achieve positive results between them, and they will only be in a state of using and being used.

The eldest princess is actually a woman who pursues perfection, in what she once said to Lin Wan'er when she got married, she wants to be the most beautiful woman in Qingguo, if she has to find a woman who can surpass her, it can only be her daughter Lin Wan'er.

This also shows that she does not allow Qingguo to have a woman who is more perfect than her except for her daughter.

It's a pity that this kind of thing still happened, because there was a Ye Qingmei who made people envious, jealous and hateful.

Celebrating more than one year: Lin Ruofu, the prime minister who "recognizes the thief as his son-in-law", is actually the smartest poor person in the whole play


The appearance of Ye Qingmei made Li Yunrui hateful, because her light was taken away from her. It also made Li Yunrui yearn for it very much, because he found that after Ye Qingmei appeared, women were no longer just men's dependents, and they could also make rules.

What's more, Ye Qingmei took away Emperor Qing's love, which was also a glory that Li Yunrui couldn't ask for, which made her very painful.

In order to achieve his goal, Li Yunrui began to combine with Lin Ruofu and helped him achieve a class leap and become the prime minister of Qingguo step by step.

At the same time, with the help of Lin Ruofu's strength, he installed his own eyes and ears in the six departments and the inspection institute, and began to show his skills in politics, trying to influence the direction of the situation.

In the end, even Lin Ruofu couldn't stand Li Yunrui anymore and didn't want to be used by her anymore, so he had an evaluation of her in the first part:

"This woman is crazy!"

In the end, it took Lin Xiang a lot of effort to break away from the control of the eldest princess Li Yunrui and become an independent force in the court. And relying on his own wisdom, he wandered among various forces until the appearance of Fan Xian.

The reason why Fan Xian appeared was because Emperor Qing was a demon here, a little self-righteous, trying to break the original balance of the court by introducing new variables. For example, after Neiku was taken over by the eldest princess, he lost money every year, and by the time he was about to hand over Fan Xian, he had already lost 20 million taels of silver. Emperor Qing knew very well what the eldest princess was thinking, either she was not born to do business, or she was emptying her inner treasury to enrich herself.

Therefore, Emperor Qing hoped that Fan Xian would weaken the power of others in order to achieve a new balance, and he would sit in the rear and become the one at the helm.

Celebrating more than one year: Lin Ruofu, the prime minister who "recognizes the thief as his son-in-law", is actually the smartest poor person in the whole play


But Fan Xian took over the inner library, and there was an additional condition, that is, he wanted to marry Lin Xiang's daughter - Lin Wan'er!

It was precisely because Fan Xian wanted to marry Lin Wan'er that it indirectly led to the death of Lin Xiang's second son Lin Heng, who had high hopes. Although there is a sense of self-inflicted blame in his death, it cannot be said that he does not have the meaning of avenging his sister. After all, Fan Xian did something out of the ordinary in order to withdraw from the marriage, which made Lin Heng understand that he was deliberately humiliating his sister.

Lin Heng's death was too big a blow to Lin Xiang, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it as "the sky has fallen".

In the eyes of Lin Xiang at that time, the Lin family was almost destroyed, and among the descendants left, Lin Wan'er was a daughter and was destined to get married, and Lin Dabao was a fool and could not be used.

Out of his understanding of Emperor Qing, once Fan Xian marries Lin Wan'er, he will not be far from stepping down. After all, in Emperor Qing's plan, Fan Xian can only be a lonely minister, and it would be too terrifying if he had a father-in-law who was the prime minister.

In this way, Lin Xiang could only pin his hopes on Fan Xian, which also made it very difficult for him to investigate the cause of Lin Hui's death. Because after Lin Xiang heard that Lin Heng died, his first reaction was that Fan Xian was avenging Teng Zijing.

In order to make sure that he would not "admit the thief as his son-in-law", Lin Xiang began to test Fan Xian many times to determine the murderer:

First of all, he asked for an interrogation of the manager, if the manager told Fan Xian the news that Lin Heng was the mastermind behind the Niulan Street assassination case, then Fan Xian's suspicion would increase greatly. If he didn't tell him, it meant that Fan Xian didn't know about it, so there was no reason to kill Lin Hui.

Fortunately, for the sake of Fan Xian's safety and self-protection, the manager gritted his teeth and insisted that he did not inform Fan Xian before giving up.

Celebrating more than one year: Lin Ruofu, the prime minister who "recognizes the thief as his son-in-law", is actually the smartest poor person in the whole play


Although he failed to make the confession of the manager, Lin Xiang did not give up his suspicion of Fan Xian, so he took action in person and used the opportunity to chat with Fan Xian.

Originally, the two of them were talking about Dabao's stupidity, Wan'er's tuberculosis, and Lin Hui's ambitions. But suddenly the topic changed, and Lin Xiang directly told Fan Xian that the mastermind of the Niulan Street assassination was actually Lin Hui.

As a result, Fan Xian's performance was very flustered and surprised, and it was not as if he knew in advance:

"How can it be the second son?"

"Xiangye wants to kill me?"

In addition to subjectively ruling out Fan Xian's suspicion, objectively, Lin Heng's wound was done by a master, and the inspection institute would not do anything about it. Judging from the wounds, it was done by the Great Grandmaster, and Wuzhu has always been an invisible person, and Lin Xiang didn't know that this person existed. He could only be sure that this wound was not Fan Xian's doing, but it could not be ruled out that there were high-ranking people around him.

Therefore, in order to determine whether there was such a great master around Fan Xian, Lin Xiang deliberately arranged for Lin Wan'er to go out with Fan Xian, and arranged for the killer to pretend to kidnap Fan Xian. didn't expect the prince to appear in a daze, and the killer tied up the wrong person by mistake, and finally it became a farce.

At the same time, it also made Lin Xiang believe that there was no such master by Fan Xian's side, thus ruling out his suspicion.

After Emperor Qing blamed Lin Heng's death on the head of Northern Qi, Lin Xiang understood that the truth was no longer important, the important thing was that Qingguo found a reason to send troops to Northern Qi.

Therefore, even if Fan Xian's suspicion is ruled out, Lin Xiang will suspect that Emperor Qing is doing all this. Because it was characterized by Emperor Qing as the work of Northern Qi, there is no possibility of overturning the case, even if Fan Xian is suspected, it will be useless.

Celebrating more than one year: Lin Ruofu, the prime minister who "recognizes the thief as his son-in-law", is actually the smartest poor person in the whole play


The matter has come to this, the decline of the Lin family is a foregone conclusion, what Lin Xiang can do is that after he falls, who can keep the Lin family, Lin Dabao and Lin Wan'er?

In this way, Fan Xian, who was given marriage by Emperor Qing, became Lin Xiang's only choice!

However, even if it was the only choice, Lin Xiang didn't want to stop there, and still had to test Fan Xian. After determining that he is a person who can be trusted, he will do his best to help him gain a firm foothold and become a new star in the court.

Fan Xian is in a high position and has many forces behind him, including Emperor Qing, Fan Jian and Chen Pingping. Moreover, he and Lin Wan'er are truly in love, and there is no exchange of interests, or other plans, such as Neku:

"If I marry her, it will be because she is willing to marry me, not to make a deal!"

In addition, Fan Xian is also very good to Lin Dabao, which is the kind of good from the heart, which makes Lin Xiang feel at ease a little. This is also the reason why he deliberately put Lin Dabao in Fan Xian's mansion before he left Kyoto. At the same time, he is also telling Lin Dabao not to trust others in this world, but Lin Wan'er and Fan Xian can believe it.

Lin Xiang is very familiar with current affairs, since the second son Lin Heng is dead, it is useless to be sad, so he can only look forward, he must plan ahead for Dabao and Wan'er.

However, the world is difficult to complete, and the consequence of Lin Xiang's choice of Fan Xian as his son-in-law is that he will also be in great trouble. This point has also been mentioned before, Emperor Qing loves to play balance, why does he always protect the second prince in the second season?

It is because once the second prince falls, one will eliminate the other, and other forces will emerge, which is something he cannot tolerate.

Celebrating more than one year: Lin Ruofu, the prime minister who "recognizes the thief as his son-in-law", is actually the smartest poor person in the whole play


Emperor Qing's ultimate goal is to gather all the power in one, and it can also be seen in the play that every time he weakens a certain force, he will also suppress the power of his opponent.

Similarly, after Fan Xian's power is too strong, his support will be appropriately weakened, and Emperor Qing will never allow Fan Xian, who controls the inner library and the inspection institute, and has a father-in-law who is the prime minister.

We hit workers, and if it doesn't go our way, we can still pat our butts, resign angrily, and walk away. But Lin Xiang can't, if he doesn't fight, he can't fight, he can't do without this era, and he can't leave Qingguo, so he can only force him to play with Emperor Qing.

After all, a prime minister who can be clean, unscathed, and retreat with his whole body will be a very terrifying existence in the eyes of Emperor Qingdi!

In the former, Lin Xiang sacrificed love for the sake of power, or in order to let the eldest princess control power. In the latter, Lin Xiang had to give up power for the sake of his family.

But as I mentioned earlier, power is such a thing as addictive, and at that moment, no one is willing to let go easily, so Lin Xiang launched an active attack on Emperor Qing. On the one hand, he also showed his attitude to Emperor Qing, and on the other hand, he also gave Emperor Qing a reason to let himself go back to his hometown.

At this point, there was Lin Xiang's "frequent faint moves" in the court, not only Emperor Qing was surprised, but even Fan Xian couldn't understand it. Because, Lin Xiang's first shot was under the banner of sharing the worries of the monarch, which was actually to attack Emperor Qing for being above the law.

At that time, Lai Yushi wanted to hand over the charges of corrupt officials directly to Emperor Qing, but was stopped by Lin Xiang for the following reasons:

"The ministers lead the six departments, and they have the responsibility to share the worries of His Majesty, if they bother Your Majesty, in the long run, I am afraid that the six departments will be slack, and the laws and regulations will not be honored!"
Celebrating more than one year: Lin Ruofu, the prime minister who "recognizes the thief as his son-in-law", is actually the smartest poor person in the whole play


The reason why Lin Xiang chose to stop Lai Yushi at this time is actually to convey a message, that is, the emperor is above the law, and in the long run, "the six ministries are slack, and the laws and regulations are not honored"!

The reason is also very simple, to take the simplest example, such as Fan Xian's fake death and bullying the king.

is the same as Fan Xian's acceptance of Dai's father-in-law's silver, and he used "deception", so how can he be convicted in the royal law?

There is no legal crime, because whether the crime is established or not, it is not what the law says, but what Emperor Qing says. As long as Emperor Qing felt that the two things Fan Xian did were not a bully, it was not a bully. Therefore, the real law of Qingguo is not written on a stone tablet, nor is it recorded in a book, but the opinion of Emperor Qing, he is the law of the king.

Therefore, when Fan Jian later questioned the prince's protégé who stood up in the court, who else could it be, Emperor Qing turned around and left, and left a sentence:

"The laws of the country are strict, I am honored."

Fan Jian didn't understand, but Chen Pingping told him that what Emperor Qing cared about was not the question of who instructed the prince's protégé, but that Lin Xiang was actually challenging the imperial power and deliberately responding to people.

Lin Xiang wanted to provoke a dispute between the princes, forcing Emperor Qing to take sides in order to determine which prince the future throne belonged to. At the same time, he will be able to deal with it before he retires and press the future of the Lin family.

Emperor Qing, who can control power, is unwilling to determine the candidate for the prince so early, after all, he is in good health, and it is not yet time to abdicate. Once the true ownership of the throne is determined, it is inevitable that the ministers will flock to the prince, which is a big challenge to the imperial power.

This is also the reason why the prince has been pretending to be stupid after speculating on the holy will!

Celebrating more than one year: Lin Ruofu, the prime minister who "recognizes the thief as his son-in-law", is actually the smartest poor person in the whole play


Of course, there is also a foreshadowing here, Chen Pingping and Fan Xian are too close, and the future is destined to be miserable!

The reason why Lin Xianghui angered Emperor Qing was because he was too oriented towards Fan Xian, and he later said to Fan Xian:

"I am in this position alone, since I can protect you, I will protect you more, give you some time to sprout and sprout, and it is time for you to protect the Lin family."

Not only said, but he also did it, and he didn't talk much about helping Fan Xian in the court, and even in the spring, he arranged for the die-hard party in advance, blocked the gun stabbed by the second prince for Fan Xian, and took the blame in public.

This move completely made Emperor Qing angry!

Yes, my son is fighting with your son-in-law, and we as elders just watch it, after all, children are making trouble, and it's not a big problem. I've been calling for a halt to their fight, but what about you, Lin Xiang, who actually elbowed your son-in-law and made my son make a fool of himself, what kind of system is this?

Moreover, Emperor Qing has always followed the principle of "governing the country based on the monarch", rather than "governing the country based on the people". Even Ye Qingmei, who has always pursued equality for all and is regarded as a celestial, Emperor Qing dares to kill, not to mention a prime minister who wants to override the emperor and teach the prince a lesson for the emperor.

At this point, Lin Xiang is not as smart as Chen Pingping, and when people told Fan Xian some information, he was playing dumb riddles in public, and he was planning behind his back, because he was afraid that he would fall into the hands of Emperor Qing. But Lin Xiang was too eager for quick success, and wanted to use his last time to quickly pave the way for his son-in-law, so that Emperor Qing was jealous.

Originally, Lin Xiang thought that he had succeeded, and finally took advantage of the Chunqiu fraud incident, and after returning to his hometown, before he left the palace, he laughed uncontrollably, and it reached the ears of Emperor Qing.

Celebrating more than one year: Lin Ruofu, the prime minister who "recognizes the thief as his son-in-law", is actually the smartest poor person in the whole play


Why was Lin Xiang still a little complacent at this time, thinking that his plan had succeeded?

In his conversation with Fan Xian:

"The emperor wants you to be a lonely minister?

Fan Xian replied, but Lin Xiang said:

"No, you don't know!"

It's very simple, the emperor asked you to be a lonely minister, and you really became a lonely minister, so it would be easy to take you out. Yes, if you are taken out on the grounds that you are disobedient and have not been a lonely minister, you better be really disobedient and really not be a lonely minister. It's like in the international community, when it says you have weapons of mass destruction and want to kill you, you'd better have them!

As a prime minister, he is a courtier, so he naturally has to be obedient and able to do things. However, if you are a person, a person who wants to live, you must have your own power.

Before Lin Xiang left, Emperor Qing asked him for a list of guests, but he didn't give it, and asked him to recommend the next prime minister, but he didn't recommend it. So much so that after he walked out of the main hall, Emperor Qing also sighed with emotion, this old fox left a pit before leaving.

What pit?

just didn't reveal which people in the court were his own people, so Emperor Qing was panicked about who would be the next prime minister. Because some people who don't seem to be Lin Xiang, or even those who are working with him in the court, may really be Lin Xiang's people.

In this way, even if the phase is changed, the power of the Lin Xiang is still there, and he can still exert his strength, and he may even return to the court.

Therefore, this is a pit, once Lin Xiang gives the list, he will inevitably be greeted with death.

However, Lin Xiang never expected that Emperor Qing was not a change of appearance at all, but a dethroned phase, and directly abolished this position that might pose a challenge to the imperial power.

Celebrating more than one year: Lin Ruofu, the prime minister who "recognizes the thief as his son-in-law", is actually the smartest poor person in the whole play

In the end, in order to save his life, Lin Xiang could only hand over the list, and by the way, he also returned an excerpt stating the dangers of the prime minister's position. As the wicked person who abolished the position of prime minister, he returned Emperor Qing to an innocent person, and at the same time wiped out all his own people.

At this point, all of Lin Xiang's forces have been uprooted, and he can no longer make any waves.

As the second prince once muttered to himself:

"How do I feel, there's something behind the scenes, I can't see through ......"

Yes, in the big chessboard of Qingguo, even if he understands that he is a chess piece, he will jump out of the fate of being cannon fodder. Therefore, Lin Xiangcleverly calculated, and in the end, he couldn't even attend his daughter's wedding, and became a real loner.