
He got out of the circle with "I Am a Special Soldier", and was Liu Huan's bodyguard, but he was the most miserable on the street starving and freezing

author:Eddie Literary Society

The TV series "I Am a Special Soldier" set off a national ratings boom in 2010, especially the role of the captain of the special brigade played by Ren Tianye, who won unanimous praise from the audience for his iron-blooded image and excellent acting skills.

But what is surprising is that before Ren Amano became a well-known actor, his life went through many ups and downs, he lived on the streets, and later became the personal bodyguard of well-known singers, and now he is a tough guy star on the screen.

He got out of the circle with "I Am a Special Soldier", and was Liu Huan's bodyguard, but he was the most miserable on the street starving and freezing

His life story is far more exciting than the role he played in the play, let's uncover the actor's unknown legend and see how he climbed from the trough of life to the peak of his career step by step.

Life's turning point often comes unexpectedly. For Ren Amano, becoming a bodyguard was an important turning point in his life. With his tall and straight figure and handsome appearance, coupled with a serious and responsible work attitude, he quickly made a name for himself in the bodyguard industry.

This job not only freed him from the embarrassment of life, but also opened a door to showbiz for him.

Among the many clients, two are particularly eye-catching, they are the famous singer Liu Huan and the popular star Ekin Cheng. Standing on the side of the stage, watching their glittering performance, Ren Amano couldn't help but feel a deep shock in his heart.

He got out of the circle with "I Am a Special Soldier", and was Liu Huan's bodyguard, but he was the most miserable on the street starving and freezing

He never imagined that one day he would be able to stand in the spotlight and be the center of attention.

The gears of fate quietly turned at this moment. One day, a friend looked at Ren Tianye's figure and appearance, and said half-jokingly: "You have such good conditions, you can be an actor!" This seemingly casual joke is like a seed that takes root in Ren Tian's ambition.

With apprehension and anticipation, Ren Amano decided to give it a try to enter the showbiz. Luckily, the opportunity soon came to him, and he got the opportunity to play a small role in the TV series "Year, Month, Day".

Although there are not many scenes, Ren Amano devotes himself to it, as if this is the most important opportunity in his life.

He got out of the circle with "I Am a Special Soldier", and was Liu Huan's bodyguard, but he was the most miserable on the street starving and freezing

Ren Amano's hard work paid off, and he soon ushered in the first major breakthrough in his acting career. He got the opportunity to play an important role in the costume martial arts drama "Snow Goddess Dragon", and played on the same stage with well-known actors such as Dong Xuan and Qiao Zhenyu.

In the play, he played a handsome and bold character Sima Changfeng, a character who made the audience remember the name Ren Tianye.

Although he did not come from a professional background, Ren Amano submitted a satisfactory answer sheet with his professionalism and in-depth understanding of the role. His professionalism and sincerity were passed on to the audience from the screen, which was impressive.

He got out of the circle with "I Am a Special Soldier", and was Liu Huan's bodyguard, but he was the most miserable on the street starving and freezing

Since then, Ren Amano's acting career has been like getting on the highway, all the way forward. He has starred in many works such as "Wolf Man", "Wang Zhaojun", "Female Special Police", "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", "Walking to Tiger Mountain Again", "Sharp Sword" and so on.

Every time he performs, he devotes himself wholeheartedly, as if making up for those lost years, these experiences not only exercise his acting skills, but also lay a solid foundation for his future popularity.

Ren Amano transformed from a bodyguard to an actor, and this seemingly accidental transformation is actually a perfect combination of opportunity and hard work. He proved with his practical actions that as long as you have a dream and persevere for it, there is no insurmountable gap.

He got out of the circle with "I Am a Special Soldier", and was Liu Huan's bodyguard, but he was the most miserable on the street starving and freezing

This special experience has turned into a valuable asset in his acting career, allowing him to better interpret various roles and win the love of the audience.

Behind Ren Amano's success, there is a bitter past that few people know. He was born in an ordinary family in Qiqihar, Heilongjiang, and has attracted much attention since he was a child because of his unique mixed-race identity.

However, this identity did not bring him a happy childhood.

He got out of the circle with "I Am a Special Soldier", and was Liu Huan's bodyguard, but he was the most miserable on the street starving and freezing

Ren Amano's father is Chinese, and his mother is from a foreign country. The cultural differences in family background and the pressure of life often make the family fall into conflicts and quarrels. The young Ren Amano often hid in the corner, listening to the fierce quarrels of his parents, and his heart was full of fear and unease.

What he longs for is a harmonious family, but he can't change the situation.

When Ren Amano was 8 years old, fate dealt him a major blow. His mother left home one day, disappeared with his sister, and never returned. This sudden change has caused Ren Amano's spirit to be greatly damaged, and he can't understand why his family left him, so he can only rely on his father for his life.

He got out of the circle with "I Am a Special Soldier", and was Liu Huan's bodyguard, but he was the most miserable on the street starving and freezing

This experience left a deep scar on his young mind and caused him to experience the hardships of life prematurely.

In order to escape reality, Ren Tianye devoted himself to football as a teenager. When he runs on the pitch, he seems to be able to forget all his worries. With outstanding talent, 16-year-old Ren Amano was favored by the football training team and left his hometown to go to Liaoning to chase his football dream alone.

This opportunity meant hope for him, and he thought that he could finally change his destiny through his own efforts.

He got out of the circle with "I Am a Special Soldier", and was Liu Huan's bodyguard, but he was the most miserable on the street starving and freezing

However, fate once again played a malicious game with him. Just when he was full of joy and thought that he could finally go on, a serious sports injury shattered his dream. The doctor's diagnosis was like a bolt from the blue, and if he continued to play, the possibility of lifelong disability was very high.

The blow was undoubtedly cruel for the young Ren Amano, whose football career was cut short and his dreams were shattered overnight.

After experiencing the blow of beautiful dreams and the blow of reality, it took Ren Amano a long time to recover from the double blow of injury and disillusionment. In order to reduce the burden on his family, he chose to give up his studies and embarked on the road of working alone.

He got out of the circle with "I Am a Special Soldier", and was Liu Huan's bodyguard, but he was the most miserable on the street starving and freezing

This decision marked the end of his childhood and heralded more challenges to come.

Ren Amano's upbringing was full of ups and downs and difficulties, and these experiences made him deeply appreciate the hardships of life. However, it is precisely these experiences that have tempered his indomitable will and indomitable spirit, which has supported him through the difficult moments of his later life and laid a solid psychological foundation for his success in the entertainment industry.

Ren Amano's story tells us that although the setbacks and blows in life are painful, as long as you don't give up hope and always believe in yourself, you will definitely be able to find a new direction in life.

He got out of the circle with "I Am a Special Soldier", and was Liu Huan's bodyguard, but he was the most miserable on the street starving and freezing

His experience has also become valuable material for him to play various roles in the future, allowing him to understand and interpret the inner world of the characters more deeply.

Leaving his hometown, Ren Amano embarked on a long road of part-time work, and his life entered the most difficult period. The first stop is bustling Guangzhou, a metropolis in the south that attracts many young people with dreams, including Ren Amano.

However, the reality quickly poured cold water on him, and he had no academic qualifications and no professional skills, so he could only start from the bottom.

He got out of the circle with "I Am a Special Soldier", and was Liu Huan's bodyguard, but he was the most miserable on the street starving and freezing

In Guangzhou, he tried almost every job imaginable: an apprentice in a barbershop, a waiter in a restaurant, a broker in a stock company, and even a race car driver. In order to make more money, he did not hesitate to take risks and get involved in the real estate industry with his friends.

However, every attempt seems to end in failure, as if fate is playing a cruel joke on him.

In the most difficult moment of his life, Ren Tianye even lived on the streets, hungry and cold. He curled up on the street corner, watching the pedestrians come and go, his heart full of confusion and fear about the future.

He got out of the circle with "I Am a Special Soldier", and was Liu Huan's bodyguard, but he was the most miserable on the street starving and freezing

However, even in the darkest moments, he did not give up hope, firmly believing that life would always give him a chance as long as he continued to work hard.

Ren Tianye came to Tianjin with a desire for life. However, it was in the northern city that he embarked on a new challenge of his own – setting up a stall. However, life is still quite difficult.

Sometimes, he can't even guarantee basic food and clothing, and it is difficult for him to pay the rent on time, so he has to get up before dawn every day to prepare the goods, and wait until late at night to collect the stall and go home.

He got out of the circle with "I Am a Special Soldier", and was Liu Huan's bodyguard, but he was the most miserable on the street starving and freezing

However, it was this experience that tempered Ren Amano's will and made him cherish every opportunity he got even more. He learned to survive adversity, to persevere and not to give up.

These seemingly ordinary days have accumulated rich life experience for his future acting career.

In the most embarrassing life, Ren Tianye got the opportunity to participate in the runway show by virtue of his tall and handsome appearance. Although the income is meager, at least they can make ends meet.

He got out of the circle with "I Am a Special Soldier", and was Liu Huan's bodyguard, but he was the most miserable on the street starving and freezing

At that moment on the catwalk, Ren Tianye suddenly felt that his life might have more possibilities, and this experience also laid the foundation for him to enter the showbiz.

This period of wandering was both a torment and an asset for Ren Amano, which made him deeply understand the difficulty of life and learn to find hope in adversity. Every failure is the nourishment for his growth, prompting him to become stronger.

These experiences provided valuable material for him to play various roles in the future.

He got out of the circle with "I Am a Special Soldier", and was Liu Huan's bodyguard, but he was the most miserable on the street starving and freezing

When he portrays those strong and unyielding characters, he always draws strength from his own experiences and makes the characters portrayed deeply in the marrow. He is able to vividly show the struggles and perseverance of the characters in difficult situations, because he has experienced such moments himself.

Ren Amano's experience tells us that life is not always easy, but as long as we keep hope and keep working hard, we will always wait for the turnaround. His story has become a source of strength for countless people, convincing people that as long as they don't give up, there is always hope.

In 2010, Ren Amano was 40 years old, and the trajectory of his life changed. The TV series "I Am Special Forces" is like a lightning bolt, instantly illuminating his acting career. In the military-themed drama, Ren Amano played a stern iron-blooded instructor and the captain of the special brigade.

He got out of the circle with "I Am a Special Soldier", and was Liu Huan's bodyguard, but he was the most miserable on the street starving and freezing

He perfectly blends his life experience and deep understanding of the character into the performance, creating a haunting image.

Ren Amano's eyes and movements are full of the perseverance and responsibility of a soldier, which makes the audience and the industry full of praise for his performance. In the end, he won the honor of Best Supporting Actor at the Huading Awards for his superb acting skills.

This award is undoubtedly a huge incentive for Ren Amano, who is a late bloomer.

He got out of the circle with "I Am a Special Soldier", and was Liu Huan's bodyguard, but he was the most miserable on the street starving and freezing

The success of "I Am Special Forces" allowed Ren Amano to open a new chapter in his acting career. After that, he starred in many works such as "Shooting the Wolf", "I Am the Sharp Blade of the Special Forces", "The Fire Phoenix of the Special Forces", "The Thunderbolt of the Special Forces", and gradually established the image of a "tough guy professional" in the hearts of the audience.

He puts his heart and soul into perfecting each role.

In addition to the special forces series, Ren Amano has performed well in many military-themed works such as "Sniper", "Fire Line Breakout", "Blue Wolf's Special Warfare Assault", and "Thunder Operation". These roles not only cemented his image in the hearts of the audience, but also made him gain a firm foothold in the entertainment industry.

He got out of the circle with "I Am a Special Soldier", and was Liu Huan's bodyguard, but he was the most miserable on the street starving and freezing

Ren Amano has transformed from a homeless man to a movie star, and he has proved with his own efforts that as long as he doesn't give up, his dreams will eventually come true. Although his success was a personal victory, its deeper meaning lies in its ability to inspire all those who have dreams.

As long as they persevere, there is no dream that cannot be realized.

Ren Amano, whose career is thriving, has also ushered in a sweet turn in his personal life. He and fellow actor Zhu Lixin became acquainted with each other because of the play and started an enviable love story.

He got out of the circle with "I Am a Special Soldier", and was Liu Huan's bodyguard, but he was the most miserable on the street starving and freezing

When he first met Zhu Lixin, Ren Tianye was attracted by her beauty, and he also had love for her in his heart. For Ren Tianye, Zhu Lixin impressed him with the quality of not being afraid of hardships and being diligent and practical.

In the days of getting along day and night, their relationship gradually deepened.

However, this relationship was not all smooth sailing, Zhu Lixin's family was wealthy, and her parents initially opposed their daughter's relationship with Ren Tianye, fearing that their daughter would suffer because of this. But Zhu Lixin firmly stood on Ren Tianye's side, and proved her cherishing of this relationship with practical actions.

He got out of the circle with "I Am a Special Soldier", and was Liu Huan's bodyguard, but he was the most miserable on the street starving and freezing

In the end, Ren Tianye's sincerity and Zhu Lixin's persistence touched the Zhu family's parents, and they became husband and wife and lived a happy family life. After getting married, Zhu Lixin chose to give up her acting career in order to fully support her husband's career and take care of the family wholeheartedly.

Ren Tianye is deeply grateful for his wife's dedication and always cherishes this hard-won feeling. Over the years, he has maintained a clean record of zero scandals in the entertainment industry, and interpreted his loyalty to his wife with practical actions.

So far, the relationship between Ren Tianye and Zhu Lixin is still very deep, and their happy life has become the envy of people in the entertainment industry. This happy marriage has not only become a strong backing for Ren Amano's career, but also the most precious harvest in his life.

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