
Dong Yuhui brought the goods quickly, selling 100 million in 4 hours

Dong Yuhui brought the goods quickly, selling 100 million in 4 hours

E-commerce newspaper Pro

2024-06-03 09:05Published on the official account of Guangdong E-commerce News

Dong Yuhui brought the goods quickly, selling 100 million in 4 hours

Dong Yuhui brings "Shenzhen specialty"

"Every step counts on the road that has been walked steadily", this is a portrayal of the development of Shenzhen and a portrayal of Dong Yuhui's life.

With the eager waiting of his mother-in-law, Dong Yuhui recently arrived in Shenzhen, the city of science and technology, and launched the live broadcast of "Walking with Hui in Shenzhen Nanshan".

Under the theme of "Science and Technology Imagination, Foreseeing the Future", Dong Yuhui led the team to bring goods to Nanshan Technology and related brands at the Sea World Culture and Art Center.

During the live broadcast, he couldn't help but praise the speed of Shenzhen: "The live broadcast room was still being built in the middle of the night last night, and it became a very beautiful exhibition hall early in the morning. "When I came here, I felt that everything was fast, and the moment I got out of the airport, I felt that the average speed was faster, and it was really more efficient."

Dong Yuhui brought the goods quickly, selling 100 million in 4 hours

Source: Walk with Hui public account

The products brought in this time include DJI drones, SKG massagers, Skyworth TVs, FIYTA watches, Xiaomi air conditioners and other "Shenzhen specialties". With humor and simple language, Dong Yuhui exerted his "knowledge magic" to light up the charm of goods and promote sales all the way up.

According to the data, in the nearly 4-hour live broadcast, the number of viewers of the Shenzhen Nanshan special session with Hui reached 22.63 million, with a total of 238 million likes, sales exceeding 100 million, and a total transaction volume of nearly 600,000, becoming the double champion of the Douyin hour list and the total list of goods.

Dong Yuhui brought the goods quickly, selling 100 million in 4 hours

Source: Douyin APP

After the live broadcast, Dong Yuhui confessed to Shenzhen on the Douyin platform: History not only has grand narrative chapters, but also the joys, sorrows and sorrows of ordinary individuals, so scientific and technological innovation and fireworks are fascinating.

In addition to the rich knowledge and strong humanistic feelings, Dong Yuhui has attracted countless fans who love knowledge to pour into the live broadcast room to buy "Shenzhen specialties", just as this "city of science and technology" with its high-spirited spirit of innovation has attracted countless talented young people to work hard and become "the brightest star in the night sky".

Dong Yuhui brought the goods quickly, selling 100 million in 4 hours

Source: Douyin APP

Dong Yuhui brought the goods quickly, selling 100 million in 4 hours

Dong Yuhui flew solo, and achievements & turmoil coexisted

After experiencing the turmoil of "small composition", Dongfang Selection reached a consensus on the company's development direction, Dong Yuhui's personal wishes and fans' expectations, and launched an independent platform "Live Room with Hui".

With Dong Yuhui's strong IP influence, he walked with Hui along the familiar track of bringing goods and gradually built barriers. From the perspective of categories, the platform follows the route from small to large, from agricultural products, books and magazines, and gradually expands to home appliance digital.

In the premiere of "2024 from the Heart", he walked with Hui to bring fresh food, grain and oil seasoning, books and magazines and other categories. According to Gray Dolphin data, the sales of the live broadcast debut with Hui reached 160 million, and the number of likes exceeded 1.1 billion, ranking first on the overall list of Douyin.

In the book session, we will further stimulate our potential with Hui. China's top literary journal "People's Literature" appeared in the live broadcast room in February this year, with a turnover of 94,000 sets, a total of 1.129 million copies, sales of 20.42 million yuan, and sales of 22.69 million yuan.

Dong Yuhui brought the goods quickly, selling 100 million in 4 hours

Walk with Hui to bring goods to "People's Literature" Source: Douyin APP

In the first special live broadcast of small household appliances, the sales of Hui peers were nearly 50 million yuan, and the sales of only one single product of the floor scrubber were close to 25 million, and all the spot of the manufacturer was sold out.

Subsequently, Huawei's mobile phones, laptops, TVs, tablets and other high-end products appeared in the live broadcast room, and Dong Yuhui's strength in bringing goods did not disappoint the brand. According to Gray Dolphin data, the GMV of this live broadcast exceeded 100 million yuan. Among them, the Huawei Mate60Pro, which is priced at 6999 yuan, was sold out.

Dong Yuhui brought the goods quickly, selling 100 million in 4 hours

Walk with Hui to bring goods to Huawei Source: Douyin APP

With the soaring sales all the way, with Hui with sufficient preparations to lay out cultural tourism projects. In March this year, Dong Yuhui's team launched the first outdoor cultural tourism live broadcast "Walking with Hui in Hubei", which attracted hundreds of millions of views and attention, and sold nearly 135 million yuan of agricultural products.

According to Hubei Cultural Tourism, the cumulative number of viewers of "Walking with Hui in Hubei" in five days was 100 million, with an average daily value of 25 million to 50 million, a total of 135 million goods, and an account of 342,000 followers.

Strike while the iron is hot, walk with Hui and start the Henan trip, and the first scene with goods is selected to open in Luoyang Yingtianmen. Only 2 hours after the broadcast, the number of online people in the live broadcast room exceeded 100,000, and 100 million likes were received.

According to the three-eye investigation, the number of viewers in the live broadcast room was 28.8719 million, the sales volume exceeded 1 million, the sales volume was between 50 million yuan and 75 million yuan, and the actual sales were nearly 200 million yuan.

Dong Yuhui brought the goods quickly, selling 100 million in 4 hours

Walking with Hui in Henan Source: Douyin APP

In addition, with Hui peers began to get involved in brand promotion. In the live broadcast of Henan Trip, Dong Yuhui appeared in the live broadcast room in a Jihu car. The car seat belts and rear seats are marked with the eye-catching "ARCFOX Automobile" logo.

In this regard, Dong Yuhui said that in the next three months, Jihu Automobile will provide car security and travel services for the column of "Walking with Hui to Read Mountains and Rivers". Previously, the driving experience of the M9 car was also promoted in the live broadcast room with Hui, but the link with the goods has not yet been hung.

Dong Yuhui brought the goods quickly, selling 100 million in 4 hours

Jihu appeared in the live broadcast room with Hui Source: Douyin APP

It is worth mentioning that although Hui has separated from the Oriental Selection and began to develop independently, achievements and turmoil coexist.

First of all, Dong Yuhui, the soul of the team, began to face the harsh scrutiny of the Internet. After being officially promoted to the cultural assistant to the chairman of New Oriental Education and Technology Group, the vice president of New Oriental Cultural Tourism Group, and the establishment of an independent studio, Dong Yuhui's identity has changed from a worker to a senior executive.

In the past, he was the representative of the struggle narrative at the bottom, and was loved and expected by fans, but now he has become a professional manager, taking the risks and pressures of market competition.

Dong Yuhui brought the goods quickly, selling 100 million in 4 hours

Dong Yuhui's appointment notice Source: Douyin APP

During the live broadcast of Lantern Festival night this year, a women's underwear product was put on the shelves with Hui, and fans asked Dong Yuhui to explain the underwear many times, but Dong Yuhui was difficult to speak, and refused three times in a row, "I can't say it, I won't, don't be embarrassed".

Netizens began to question Dong Yuhui's "not talking about underwear" as "discriminating against women". He replied helplessly: "Don't get me wrong, I'm just shy...... The following (comment) began to say that I discriminate against women, and I don't talk about men's underwear, so I can't discriminate against myself first, and I'm embarrassed to say what it has to do with discrimination? ”。 Subsequently, he emptied all tweets on Weibo and "broke off" from Weibo.

Dong Yuhui brought the goods quickly, selling 100 million in 4 hours

Dong Yuhui empties Weibo Source: Weibo @Dong Yuhui

In addition, during the live broadcast of the trip to Hubei, Dong Yuhui fell into the controversy of "playing a big name" - a large number of security guards surrounded him during the outdoor live broadcast, which caused dissatisfaction among netizens.

In response, Hubei Cultural Tourism responded that this was for safety reasons. Dong Yuhui did not "prove himself", but concentrated on the live broadcast, and emphasized that this cooperation did not charge any publicity fees, just to lead the audience to experience the most real beauty of Hubei.

The two conflicts can be said to be a new test given to Dong Yuhui by the market and public opinion, and he chose to "retreat as advance" on the cusp of the storm. With the continuous rise of GMV with Hui, Dong Yuhui's every action will be amplified by public opinion, and the market also needs him to become "stable" and "controllable".

Dong Yuhui brought the goods quickly, selling 100 million in 4 hours

Hubei Cultural Tourism responds to Dong Yuhui's "playing a big name" Source: Hubei Cultural Tourism Official Account

Secondly, sales operations, supply chain and product development are the current shortcomings of Hui's peers. It is understood that the selection of products has been affecting the long-term development of Hui peers. Different from Dongfang's selection and sales of self-operated goods, Hehui has chosen the "shopping guide" model to sell a large number of affordable products on Douyin pallets.

This means that the platform has neither strong supply chain capabilities to ensure product quality, nor bargaining power to reduce commodity prices and attract new customers.

In addition, the team management loopholes affect the image perception of walking with Hui. In January of this year, Walking with Hui was exposed to the anchor's copywriting plagiarism. Blogger @杨藩語艺术 said that Dong Dong, the anchor who traveled with Hui, plagiarized his own video copy on a large scale when explaining Michelangelo's content, and the content overlapped by 90%, and did not state the source of citation.

On the same day, #董宇辉新账号直播间被指大规模抄袭#登上了热搜榜. Subsequently, Dong Dong apologized in a low-key manner in the blogger's comment area.

Dong Yuhui brought the goods quickly, selling 100 million in 4 hours

Walking with Hui was exposed to plagiarism Source: Weibo @杨樊 talks about art

Dong Yuhui brought the goods quickly, selling 100 million in 4 hours

The abacus of Dongfang selection is not satisfactory

As an old club with Hui, Dongfang Selection is actively "de-dong", but at the same time, it is reluctant to give up Dong Yuhui's IP influence.

In October last year, Oriental Selection began to enter the cultural tourism track. During this period, Dongfang selected the cultural tourism Douyin accounts in many places to use Dong Yuhui's small compositions, and brought Dong Yuhui's related topics.

For example, during the 21-day itinerary of "Yu You Walking", with the traffic of "Walking with Hui", the total exposure of 60 live broadcasts exceeded 350 million.

Obviously, Dongfang Selection is trying to make the cultural tourism business a new growth curve for the company. However, the success of the tour depends on whether the tourism product routes, experiences, services and other aspects are perfect enough to attract tourists to pay for high-premium products.

Dong Yuhui brought the goods quickly, selling 100 million in 4 hours

New Oriental Cultural Tourism Product Showcase Source: Douyin APP

In addition, Oriental Selection has increased its real-time retail business. In April this year, Oriental Selection officially launched the "Hour Delivery" service. At present, Dongfang Selection Hourda has opened an account on Douyin, covering products such as grilled sausages, white shrimp and sea buckthorn juice, pure milk and other self-operated brands, and Dada Express undertakes delivery.

According to Cicada Mother, the first live broadcast of "Oriental Selection Hours" sold 750-1,000 pieces, with sales of 50,000-75,000 yuan. Among the goods sold, Dongfang selected South American white shrimp as the product with the highest sales, selling 100-250 pieces, with sales of 10,000-25,000 yuan.

Dong Yuhui brought the goods quickly, selling 100 million in 4 hours

Source: Douyin APP

However, Dongfang Select's self-operated products have repeatedly appeared on the anti-counterfeiting list. In January this year, the anti-counterfeiter Wang Hai released a video saying. The drugs sennoside A and sennoside B were detected in the juice of Tianqi prune sold by Dongfang Selection, which is one of the most common laxatives in clinical practice. Subsequently, I searched for "prune juice" in the Oriental Selection window, and I couldn't find this product.

In February this year, Wang Hai once again cracked down on the organic selenium-rich corn selected and sold by Dongfang. He said that after third-party testing, it was confirmed that the selenium-rich content of the corn was less than the standard and did not meet the food safety standards.

Dong Yuhui brought the goods quickly, selling 100 million in 4 hours

Source: Weibo @王海 Evaluation

In addition, there are also management loopholes in Dongfang Selection. In May this year, Douyin netizen "Wanyou Youth Liu Ergou" accused Dongfang Selection of plagiarizing his copywriting with his real name. He compared the similarities between the two copywriters in detail, pointing out that Dongfang Selection not only completely copied the beginning of the copy, but also did not even change the order of the text. This revelation quickly caused an uproar on the Internet, and people questioned and condemned Dongfang Selection's behavior.

It can be seen that whether it is a product explosion or copywriting plagiarism, when Dongfang Selection faced a controversy, it only took down the video or apologized to solve the problem, and then similar problems appeared.

Dong Yuhui brought the goods quickly, selling 100 million in 4 hours
Dong Yuhui brought the goods quickly, selling 100 million in 4 hours

Dongfang Selection was exposed to plagiarism Source: Douyin netizens

Walking with Hui inherited Dong Yuhui's style of bringing goods, insisting on using humanistic values to attract the audience to buy goods, but ignoring issues such as product cost performance and team management.

Dongfang Selection strives to become a new type of live broadcast e-commerce company of "cultural tourism + agricultural products", but it cannot completely give up Dong Yuhui's IP influence, and the construction of the supply chain system is not in place.

In Yu Minhong's vision, Dongfang Selection and Hui should become two parallel development economies under the governance structure of listed companies. At the same time, Dong Yuhui led his peers with Hui to exert IP influence and take the route of Internet celebrity economy. Oriental Selection builds a supply chain and focuses on its own brands.

The ideal is very plump, and the reality is very skinny. As it turned out, neither path was easy to walk, and you could only cross the river by feeling the stones. The road is long, and New Oriental will still seek up and down.

Author | E-commerce Jun

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  • Dong Yuhui brought the goods quickly, selling 100 million in 4 hours
  • Dong Yuhui brought the goods quickly, selling 100 million in 4 hours
  • Dong Yuhui brought the goods quickly, selling 100 million in 4 hours
  • Dong Yuhui brought the goods quickly, selling 100 million in 4 hours
  • Dong Yuhui brought the goods quickly, selling 100 million in 4 hours
  • Dong Yuhui brought the goods quickly, selling 100 million in 4 hours
  • Dong Yuhui brought the goods quickly, selling 100 million in 4 hours
  • Dong Yuhui brought the goods quickly, selling 100 million in 4 hours
  • Dong Yuhui brought the goods quickly, selling 100 million in 4 hours
  • Dong Yuhui brought the goods quickly, selling 100 million in 4 hours
  • Dong Yuhui brought the goods quickly, selling 100 million in 4 hours
  • Dong Yuhui brought the goods quickly, selling 100 million in 4 hours
  • Dong Yuhui brought the goods quickly, selling 100 million in 4 hours
  • Dong Yuhui brought the goods quickly, selling 100 million in 4 hours
  • Dong Yuhui brought the goods quickly, selling 100 million in 4 hours
  • Dong Yuhui brought the goods quickly, selling 100 million in 4 hours
  • Dong Yuhui brought the goods quickly, selling 100 million in 4 hours
  • Dong Yuhui brought the goods quickly, selling 100 million in 4 hours
  • Dong Yuhui brought the goods quickly, selling 100 million in 4 hours

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