
Recently, there is a big "strange phenomenon", children drag their parents to buy cigarettes

Recently, there is a big "strange phenomenon", children drag their parents to buy cigarettes

Beijing Daily client

2024-05-31 09:39Published on the official account of Beijing Daily client in Beijing

Recently, there is a big "strange phenomenon", children drag their parents to buy cigarettes

Recently, many children have suddenly become obsessed with cigarette cards. The gameplay of this game is similar to taking pictures of foreign paintings, but the props used are cigarette cases. Tear off the lid of the hard box of cigarettes, fold it into a rectangular thick card, and the front is the cigarette brand at the top of the lid, this is the cigarette card, and its "rarity" is determined by the price of the cigarette.

Cigarette packs, which were not meant to be touched by children, suddenly became popular after evolving into toys. For children, collecting rare cigarette cards and winning cigarette cards through games can not only give them a full sense of achievement, but also hide them in their pockets and not be easily discovered by teachers and parents. Some children don't think about losing a cigarette card, and they do everything they can to get a cigarette card.

On May 29, the reporter visited a number of cigarette shops in the city, and many operators reported that a strange phenomenon suddenly appeared in the past month and a half - children forced their parents to buy cigarettes in the store. "At first, I muttered in my heart that it was the children who asked parents to pay for cigarettes, and this was not considered selling cigarettes to minors. There have been a lot of cases like this lately. An operator said.

"There is a six or seven-year-old child, and when he enters the door, he asks his father to buy 'Da Chongjiu', 100 yuan a box, not to mention the parents, I am shocked!" In a cigarette shop in Chongwenmen, the operator told reporters that children not only dragged their parents to buy cigarettes, but also had to buy particularly good and expensive cigarettes.

One parent said that his child had recently become obsessed with cigarette card games, which made him particularly anxious. The child also showed off to him with a bunch of cigarette cards, "There are many brands that I don't even know, but the child is like a treasure, and he knows how much cigarettes he knows more than English words." I don't smoke, where did I find these cigarette cards, and where did my child learn about the specific price of so many cigarettes? ”

Mr. Cao, who works at a unit near Linheli Primary School in Tongzhou District, has several boxes of cigarettes on his desk without lids. Mr. Cao said that he didn't dare to go downstairs to smoke when the students got out of school, and as soon as the cigarette came out, he was surrounded by children. "All of them came to ask for cigarette packs, and this situation has lasted for nearly a month and a half, and there are dozens of cigarette boxes or lids that the children have asked to take. There are also children who have made an appointment with me for cigarette packs, and they always ask me if I have finished smoking. ”

Mr. Cao also reported that the situation has changed again in the past two days - some children have started to hand him cigarettes. "Such a young child is holding a large handful of cigarettes in his hand, and he looks like an old 'society' when he hands me cigarettes for cigarette boxes, and if this continues, it will obviously increase the risk of minors smoking, and this matter has to be managed!"

Searching for "cigarette card" on major online shopping platforms, the reporter found that the sales were quite hot, involving no less than 100 cigarette brands at home and abroad. Some businesses have advertised slogans such as "Your child will never have to dig through the trash can again", and some have already sold more than 100,000 orders. It has been reported that rummaging through trash cans is one of the ways for children to collect cigarette cards, and in the process of folding cigarette cards, fingers are easy to be cut by the torn section of the cigarette box, and the risk of wound infection and even infectious diseases will increase.

Recently, there is a big "strange phenomenon", children drag their parents to buy cigarettes

On online shopping platforms, cigarette card sales are booming, and the sales target is directly aimed at children.

Looking back, the phenomenon of cigarette packs as toys is not actually the "patent" of this generation of children. In the childhood of the "post-70s", there was a game of "wrestling triangle" by folding the soft pack cigarette box into a triangle. In the childhood of the "post-80s", collecting cigarette labels to find game manufacturers in exchange for game cards for Xiaobawang game consoles has also become a "generation legend". Why has this phenomenon continued from generation to generation?

Zong Chunshan, honorary chairman of the Beijing Juvenile Legal and Psychological Counseling Center, believes that unlike the cigarette box-related games played by previous generations of children, cigarette box toys now have a deeper concept of economic value for children. When school is more intense and there is less to play, children are eager to create their own games and socialize through games, which is a normal phenomenon in their growing up.

From a psychological point of view, cigarette box games are uncertain and competitive, and these elements are very attractive, and children are easy to like this kind of game, which is a reasonable reason for this incident. But what adults should think about is that from the perspective of family education, parents certainly don't want their children to be exposed to tobacco products, so they need to be properly guided through better alternatives. Alternatives should also have multiple elements such as competitiveness and uncertainty to meet the psychological needs of children as they grow up.

Zong Chunshan said that schools and relevant departments should pay more attention to this issue. The campus is one of the main places for children to interact and communicate, and how to create conditions for children to participate more in competitive games and provide a better social environment requires the joint efforts of relevant departments.

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  • Recently, there is a big "strange phenomenon", children drag their parents to buy cigarettes
  • Recently, there is a big "strange phenomenon", children drag their parents to buy cigarettes

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