
There are miraculous points on his hands that restore his eyesight and defecate! Something for everyone, don't be too sorry!

author:Health Road Plue

As I grew older, many of my friends suffered from presbyopia. At present, staring at the mobile phone screen and reading WeChat for a long time often makes us feel tired in our eyes.

At this point, it may be a good idea to try acupressure, which is effective in relieving eye fatigue and is extremely effective.

There are miraculous points on his hands that restore his eyesight and defecate! Something for everyone, don't be too sorry!

3 acupuncture points and functions for eye protection

On our thumbs, there are three important acupuncture points hidden: Mingyan Acupoint, Fengyan Acupoint, and Dakong Bone Acupoint.

1. Bright eye acupoints

The Mingyan point is located on the thumb, and the radial side of the horizontal stripe of the first knuckle of the back of the thumb is the Mingyan point, which is the point where the hand is placed flat on the table and the first knuckle of the thumb is flushed.

Dispelling wind and brightening the eyes: Stimulating this acupuncture point can effectively dispel wind evil, regulate blood circulation in the eyes, and relieve symptoms such as eye fatigue, dryness, and soreness.

Regulates the nervous system: Mingyan acupoints are closely related to the nervous system. By stimulating the Ming eye acupoints, the function of the nervous system can be regulated, further relieving symptoms such as dizziness, headache, and insomnia.

Promote metabolism: Stimulating the Ming Eye acupoints also helps to promote metabolism in the body, improve the circulatory system, increase the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the body, and thus improve the function of the immune system and the body's ability to heal itself.

2. Phoenix eye acupoint

The phoenix eye point is located on the radial edge of the thumb of the hand, the striated head of the interphalangeal joint, and the red and white flesh.

Treatment of eye diseases: Fengyan acupoint has a therapeutic effect on all eye diseases, such as acute conjunctivitis, corneal cloud, night blindness in children, etc.

Alleviate digestive symptoms: For digestive symptoms such as abdominal fullness, vomiting, and hiccups, Fengyan acupoint also has a certain relieving effect.

Treatment of finger pain: If the finger is painful or unable to flex or extend, stimulating the phoenix eye point may help relieve symptoms.

There are miraculous points on his hands that restore his eyesight and defecate! Something for everyone, don't be too sorry!

3. Hollow bone hole

The Great Cavity is located on the back of the thumb, at the midpoint of the interphalangeal joint.

Eye-clearing: By stimulating this acupuncture point, it can improve symptoms such as eye swelling and pain, blurred vision, etc., and play a role in brightening the eyes.

Xuantong Lung Qi: Stimulation of this acupuncture point can promote lung qi, relieve symptoms such as asthma and cough, and help improve respiratory function.

Relax the muscles and activate the meridians: Since the Dakong bone acupoint is located at the finger joints, stimulating the acupuncture points can also relax the muscles and activate the meridians, which is helpful for improving the symptoms of stiffness and pain in the finger joints.

Treatment of gastroenteritis and other diseases: In addition to the above effects, the Dakong bone point can also be used to treat acute gastroenteritis, vomiting and diarrhea and other diseases.

Through massage or acupuncture, this acupuncture point can relieve symptoms such as abdominal pain and diarrhea.

There are miraculous points on his hands that restore his eyesight and defecate! Something for everyone, don't be too sorry!

How do you stimulate these acupuncture points?

The method is actually quite simple. All we need to do is use the thumb and forefinger of the other hand to gently pinch the thumb where the three acupuncture points are located, and then use the fingernails of the thumb to aim at them separately and press moderately. Please note that the force does not need to be excessive, as long as you feel a slight pain.

For those who often experience eye strain, it is recommended to apply two daily pressures on these points.

Alternatively, you can use the thumb of your other hand to rub back and forth at the thumb joints for 5 minutes.

This massage method is simple and convenient, and can be done at any time, whether it is between work or waiting time.

It is worth mentioning that these three acupuncture points can also effectively inhibit the development of senile cataracts.

As we age, cataracts become a health concern for many older people. Massaging these acupuncture points can help relieve the symptoms of cataracts and keep the eyes clear and bright.

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