
The man said that he was charged tens of thousands of yuan in service fees for buying a car, and the 4S store: He was informed before signing the contract

The man said that he was charged tens of thousands of yuan in service fees for buying a car, and the 4S store: He was informed before signing the contract

The Paper

2024-06-03 20:34Posted on the official account of Shanghai The Paper

Recently, Mr. Lu from Guangdong reported to the surging quality concept complaint platform ( that he bought a new car from Yuedi Automobile Trading Co., Ltd., Maoming City, Guangdong Province, and the salesperson said that the manufacturer would charge him 3,000 yuan for a "financial service fee" for a two-year interest-free loan provided by the manufacturer. In addition, in addition to the insurance fee and licensing fee, the store also charges an additional "service fee" of about 7,000 yuan. The two "service fees" caused the landing price of the vehicle to be tens of thousands of yuan higher than the actual price.

The man said that he was charged tens of thousands of yuan in service fees for buying a car, and the 4S store: He was informed before signing the contract

The sales staff said that the landing price of 15,000 yuan more than the manufacturer's guide price is the company's unified pricing.

On May 30, the surging news reporter called Maoming Yuedi Automobile Trading Co., Ltd. on this matter, and the staff said that consumers would be informed before charging financial service fees, and consumers could raise their disagreement before signing the contract. The matter will be reported to the company's leaders and handled through consultation with consumers.

On June 3, Mr. Lu reported to The Paper that he had reached an agreement with Yuedi Automobile Trading Co., Ltd. The 10,000 yuan vehicle deposit he paid when signing the contract was left by Yuedi Automobile Trading Co., Ltd. 1,000 yuan without refund, and the rest of the amount was returned to Mr. Lu, and the two parties terminated the contract.

Consumer Complaints:

Mr. Lu introduced that on May 8 this year, he bought a 2024 BYD Tang DM-i Glory Edition 112KM premium car, the price of the naked car was 179,800 yuan, and after negotiating a discount of 9,500 yuan with the sales staff, Mr. Lu bought the car. However, he found that the car purchase contract he signed showed that the price of the package plate was 188,300 yuan, "which means that the landing price of the car is 18,000 yuan more than the price of the naked car."

The man said that he was charged tens of thousands of yuan in service fees for buying a car, and the 4S store: He was informed before signing the contract

Car purchase contract.

Mr. Lu said that he later learned that the insurance price of this car is usually 5,000 yuan to 7,000 yuan, and the license fee is about 300 yuan, and the car is a new energy vehicle that can be exempted from purchase tax. He didn't understand what the extra 10,000 yuan consisted of, but the salesperson didn't explain the cost to him before buying the car.

Mr. Lu also said that before buying the car, the salesperson had told him to charge him a financial service fee of 3,000 yuan, and said that it was collected by the manufacturer from customers who applied for two-year interest-free loans. However, after consulting with the BYD manufacturer, Mr. Lu found that the manufacturer would not charge consumers any financial service fees, and the so-called "financial service fees" were additional fees charged to him by 4S stores in the name of the manufacturer. Therefore, he believed that Maoming Yuedi Automobile Trading Co., Ltd. had defrauded consumers, wanted to terminate the car purchase contract, and demanded that the 4S store refund his 10,000 yuan car purchase deposit.

Subsequently, Mr. Lui communicated with the store about the financial service fee. He said that during the communication, he told the 4S store that the BYD manufacturer does not charge any financial service fees. However, the staff of the 4S store changed their rhetoric, claiming that the interest-free loan requires the 4S store to discount the interest to the manufacturer, and they have no money to make, so they must charge consumers for financial services.

Mr. Lu also said that the sales staff of the 4S store said that the landing price was 15,000 yuan higher than the guide price, which was a uniform charge in the store, plus the "financial service fee" of 3,000 yuan for interest-free loans, and the landing price was 18,000 yuan higher than the naked car price. The 18,000 yuan in addition to the insurance fee and licensing fee, the other is the service fee charged by the store.

Mr. Lu questioned the fee, "but the staff said that I had signed the car purchase contract and paid the deposit, and the money could not be refunded."

Mr. Lu believes that Maoming Yuedi Automobile Trading Co., Ltd. induces consumers to sign a car purchase contract by concealing the specific cost composition of the landing price of consumers, raising the landing price and then giving consumers preferential treatment, so as to induce consumers to sign a car purchase contract, and the overcharged fees are illegal and violate Article 10 of the "Measures for the Administration of Automobile Sales": dealers shall clearly indicate the prices of automobiles, accessories and other related products sold in an appropriate form at the business premises and the charging standards for various services. No markup or additional charge is allowed on top of the list price.

Corporate Response:

On May 30, The Paper contacted Maoming Yuedi Automobile Trading Co., Ltd. on this matter, and a staff member said that local 4S stores will charge financial service fees, which are charged voluntarily by consumers, and if consumers have objections to this fee, they can raise it before signing a car purchase contract.

Regarding Mr. Lu's complaint that the details of the landing price are not transparent, the staff said that the sales staff will show the consumer the detailed price quotation of the vehicle before signing the car purchase contract, "Now that Mr. Lu asks for a refund of the deposit, we will give feedback to the company's leaders and negotiate with the consumer himself."

At present, the two sides have reached an agreement. Yuedi Automobile Trading Co., Ltd. left 1,000 yuan for the vehicle deposit of 10,000 yuan when signing the contract, and returned the rest of the amount to Mr. Lu, and the two parties terminated the contract.

Lawyer's Statement:

Zhao Liangshan, a senior partner of Shaanxi Hengda Law Firm and a well-known public interest lawyer, believes that on July 1, 2017, the Ministry of Commerce issued the "Measures for the Administration of Automobile Sales", Article 10 of which stipulates that dealers shall clearly indicate the prices and service charges for the sale of automobiles, accessories and other related products in an appropriate form in the business premises, and shall not increase the price or charge additional fees in addition to the marked price. In addition, Article 14 of the Measures stipulates that suppliers and dealers shall not limit the place of household registration of consumers, and shall not limit the suppliers and after-sales service providers of auto parts, supplies, finance, insurance, rescue and other products to consumers, except for the accessories and services used when the supplier bears the cost of the "three guarantees" service and recall of household automobile products. When selling automobiles, dealers shall not compel consumers to purchase insurance or provide them with services such as vehicle registration on their behalf. Based on the above legal provisions, it is illegal for 4S stores to charge financial service fees or bundle sales.

Zhao Liangshan emphasized that some 4S stores concealed from consumers when they had been paid for labor services from financial companies, and repeatedly charged the so-called "financial service fees", which violated consumers' right to know and the right to choose. In fact, in the loan car purchase business, the 4S store cooperates with the bank, and according to the agreement, the bank will generally give up part of the interest income, which is equivalent to the service fee in the middle, and the 4S store has already obtained the service fee, so it is inappropriate for the 4S store to charge the so-called financial service fee additionally. However, if consumers borrow from 4S stores or car companies, rather than from banks, then it is unreasonable for 4S stores to charge financial service fees, because the cost of financial services for 4S stores is almost negligible, and the interest and handling fees charged by the lender have been written in the loan contract, and 4S stores can no longer charge financial service fees in disguise.

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  • The man said that he was charged tens of thousands of yuan in service fees for buying a car, and the 4S store: He was informed before signing the contract
  • The man said that he was charged tens of thousands of yuan in service fees for buying a car, and the 4S store: He was informed before signing the contract

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