
The most impactful reversal ending in the history of Korean MV! K.Will invited Seo In-kook and Ahn Jae-hyun to shoot the MV again after 11 years

author:ETtoday Starlight Cloud

Reporter Zhang Xiaohan/Comprehensive Report

South Korean singer K.Will recently announced that he will return to the music scene after a 6-year absence, and the new song MV will invite actors Seo In-kook and Ahn Jae-hyun as the leading actors, which instantly reminds everyone of the "Please don't..." MV that "saw the ending and was extremely shocking" in 11 years, and many foreign YouTubers rushed to shoot the MV REACTION.

The most impactful reversal ending in the history of Korean MV! K.Will invited Seo In-kook and Ahn Jae-hyun to shoot the MV again after 11 years

徐仁国(左)、多顺(右二)和安宰贤(右一)11年前合拍K.Will〈Please don't...〉MV。 (图/翻摄自韩网)

K.Will announced that it is back for the first time in six years, and announced that it is aiming to release a new album in June. A source revealed, "The MV for K.Will's title song is currently being filmed, and actors Seo In-kook and Ahn Jae-hyun have made special support to play the leading roles, and they have become acquainted in 'Please don't...', and the appearance of the three of them together has recently caused heated discussions."

Interestingly, the content of the MV of "Please don't..." mentioned in the news is often said to be "the most shocking in history", "the most unexpected in history", and "the most amazing reversal", and the topic has continued to this day, and as long as Ahn Jae-hyun and Seo In-kook appear together, they will be mentioned, and this time it naturally caused heated discussions.

The most impactful reversal ending in the history of Korean MV! K.Will invited Seo In-kook and Ahn Jae-hyun to shoot the MV again after 11 years

Ahn Jae-hyun, Seo In-guk and K.Will reunited again this year. (Photo/Retrieved from Instagram)

South Korean netizens said, "Oh my God! Duoshun is also here! That's how the world view is complete", "I hope this time will be complete", "It's so curious", "It would be too interesting if it was Ahn Jae-hyun's perspective this time", "I'm looking forward to it now", "It would be funny if even Da-soon participated in the show then."

—MV影片下有〈Please don't...〉MV内容严重剧透,请斟酌观赏—

"Please don't..."〉 MV begins with Seo In-kook driving on the highway, and the illusory Da Soon sits in the passenger seat and smiles brightly, and then connects to the past memories of how they are playing, and when he wants to be angry with Da Soon, he is stopped by his friend, who is also Da Soon's boyfriend.

Interspersed with a series of Seo In-kook's highway bursts of crying and Ahn Jae-hyun and Da-soon's sweet interaction, it can be seen that Seo In-kook's expression is very disapproving every time, and it is even more shocking when he hears that Ahn Jae-hyun and Do-soon are going to get married. At the moment of the wedding, he was also standing next to him with a sad appearance, parking the car on the side of the road, reluctantly stretching out his hand to the passenger seat of the open space but not touching anyone, and finally couldn't help crying.

In the end, Seo In-guk tore the photo of him, Do-soon and Ahn Jae-hyun at the wedding from between Do-soon and Ahn Jae-hyun, and at the end of the song, he covered Ahn Jae-hyun's part with Do-soon, which made the audience understand that it turned out that he was reluctant and loved Ahn Jae-hyun.

The most impactful reversal ending in the history of Korean MV! K.Will invited Seo In-kook and Ahn Jae-hyun to shoot the MV again after 11 years
The most impactful reversal ending in the history of Korean MV! K.Will invited Seo In-kook and Ahn Jae-hyun to shoot the MV again after 11 years
The most impactful reversal ending in the history of Korean MV! K.Will invited Seo In-kook and Ahn Jae-hyun to shoot the MV again after 11 years

Seo In-kook tore up the photo and took Ahn Jae-hyun by his side, which made his true love exposed. (Photo/Retrieved from YouTube)

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