
The ears of wheat are fragrant, and a bumper harvest is in sight

author:Loneliness has something to say

#头条创作挑战赛#自小满节气到来以后, the grains of summer-ripening crops, mainly wheat, gradually began to plump. Although it is said that the solar term has not yet arrived, the wheat field is already filled with a faint fragrance of wheat.

The blazing sun sprinkled on the wheat field without hesitation, and the golden ears of wheat seemed to be bathed in the embrace of the warm sun, silently accumulating and precipitating, and the surroundings were quiet and harmonious.

I saw the ears of wheat hanging low, as if paying tribute to the earth with a low-key, grateful gesture. Whenever the breeze blows through the wheat field, the waves are picturesque, which makes people intoxicated and can't help but imagine the joy of a good harvest......

The ears of wheat are fragrant, and a bumper harvest is in sight

When I recall the process of wheat ripening, it looks like this: after being moistened by the spring rains, the tender green wheat seedlings begin to sprout. As time goes on, these sprouts grow vigorously and gradually turn from tender green to dark green.

The days went by like this, and the wheat was growing little by little. In the blink of an eye, spring went to summer and came again. Prompted by the sun and rain, they fade from their greenness to golden yellow, and finally usher in the harvest season. As far as the eye can see, the whole field has turned into a golden field.

This scene can't help but remind me of the sentence written by the Tang Dynasty poet Bai Juyi in his work "Guanjiamai": "When the south wind rises at night, the wheat is covered with yellow." "Yes, with the southerly wind blowing in the night, the wheat covering the ridges of the fields has turned yellow and ripe.

The ears of wheat are fragrant, and a bumper harvest is in sight

I still remember when I was a child, every time at this time, although there were still a few days before the wheat harvest, the people in the village would enter the busy farming period in advance, ready to "fight" at any time.

It is no wonder that in that era when agricultural mechanization was not yet developed, almost all the work during the wheat harvest was dominated by people. For example, every process such as grinding sickles, grinding yards, wheat cutting, wheat bundling, wheat transportation, threshing, drying, and warehousing all need to be done manually, and the degree of fatigue can be imagined.

Fortunately, with the development of technology, most of the work during the wheat harvest can now be replaced by machines. This not only greatly improves efficiency, but also reduces a lot of burden.

The ears of wheat are fragrant, and a bumper harvest is in sight

I seemed to see it: under the scorching sun, the harvester was working non-stop, and the roar was incessant. The wheat fell under its influence, and a scene of a good harvest was instantly unfolded. Men and women, young and old, all have happy smiles on their faces, because it is a fruitful reward for their hard work.

What a ripe season it has been, and what a fulfilling time. People are getting their tools ready, getting in shape, and rolling up their sleeves for the busiest and most productive day of the year.

The essay is written on the occasion of the new season of wheat ripening in 2024! In this article, I would like to record what I have seen and heard and what I have felt during this period! At this moment, in the face of this situation, it can be said that the ears of wheat are fragrant, and the harvest is in sight......

The ears of wheat are fragrant, and a bumper harvest is in sight

(The picture comes from the Internet)

About the Author:

Lonely, an older leftover man who loves writing, hopes to be able to achieve something through writing, and to be able to make more like-minded friends!