
In the coming week, there are three fundamental factors that will affect the movement of gold

author:Financial Facts

In the context of the changing global economy, the price fluctuation of gold, as a traditional safe-haven asset, has always affected the hearts of investors.

Recently, a survey on the trend of gold prices and the release of a series of economic data and market dynamics have revealed the possible future trends of the gold market.

This article will dive deeper around this information.

In the coming week, there are three fundamental factors that will affect the movement of gold

1. Market sentiment and expectations

In a recent survey, 60% of professionals believe that gold prices will rise this week, while 58% of ordinary investors share the same view. Whether this general optimism can actually translate into upward momentum for gold prices remains to be seen by the market. However, it should not be ignored that the confidence of professionals and ordinary investors in the gold market can often affect short-term market dynamics.

At the same time, market analysts have expressed different views on the future direction of gold prices. Millman, chief market analyst at Gainesville Numismatics, noted that summer is usually the off-season for gold demand, which could put some pressure on gold prices. But he also mentioned that the Fed's monetary policy expectations and the release of economic data will be key factors affecting gold prices.

In the coming week, there are three fundamental factors that will affect the movement of gold

2. Economic data and market reaction

This week, the US will release a series of important economic data, including the ISM manufacturing PMI and the employment report. The release of these data can often trigger market volatility, especially for safe-haven assets such as gold, the strength of economic data will directly affect investors' decision-making.

In addition, the meetings of the Bank of Canada and the European Central Bank are also closely watched by the market. The two central banks are widely expected to announce interest rate cuts, which will have an impact on global financial markets and then the gold market. Interest rate cuts often imply accommodative monetary policy, which may increase the appeal of gold, which is often seen as a hedge against inflation and currency depreciation.

On the other hand, PCE data released by the U.S. Department of Commerce showed that U.S. inflation remains stubborn, but the monthly growth rate of core PCE has slowed. This data has an important impact on the Fed's monetary policy decision-making, and is also directly related to the trend of gold prices. If inflation persistently high, the Fed is likely to maintain or tighten monetary policy, which will put pressure on gold prices.

In the coming week, there are three fundamental factors that will affect the movement of gold

3. The dynamic impact of gold ETFs

Changes in holdings in gold-backed ETFs (exchange-traded funds) have been the focus of market attention. Over the past year, the continued loss of gold-backed ETFs has weighed on gold prices. However, since the beginning of this year, holdings in Chinese gold-backed ETFs have started to increase, while the decline in Western gold-backed ETFs has slowed.

This change could signal that the loss of gold-backed ETFs is coming to an end, and may even begin to re-emerge as a support factor for gold prices in the second half of the year.

In particular, holdings of gold-backed ETFs in the Chinese market hit a record high in April, which undoubtedly brought new impetus to the global gold market. As China's economy continues to grow and investors' awareness of gold's safe-haven properties deepens, the market influence of China's gold-backed ETFs will further increase.

In summary, the trend of gold prices is affected by a variety of factors, including market sentiment, economic data, monetary policy, and changes in holdings of gold-backed ETFs. Under the combined effect of these factors, there is still some uncertainty about the future trend of gold prices. However, judging by the expectations of professionals and ordinary investors, the market still holds some confidence in the rise in gold prices. Investors should pay close attention to market dynamics and the release of economic data to make informed investment decisions.

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